View Full Version : Sell my 350x for TPC or....

01-15-2010, 02:42 PM
Should I hold onto it? I have been in the works of getting money/parts together to build a TPC 450r and really want to do it. I love my 350x more then any other trike I've ridden/owned but when I take it to the MX track I just feel bad cause it is in such nice condition I'd hate to mess it up. So that's what lead me to the idea of building a TPC 450r, a new trike where I can easily find parts (imagine being able to go to the dealer to get fenders!) and that is really built for doing what I like to do and I won't feel bad.

With that said the 450r will be quite an expensive project, I could sell my 350x and that would help fund it but I'd be trikeless until I finish the 450r which could take months.....I am contemplating just taking my time with the 450r build and keeping my 350x for trail riding/weekend cruises....

What would you guys do?

Sell the 350x and be trikeless for a bit but finish the 450r faster?


Keep the 350x and take my time building the 450r so I have both?


This is the 350x in question:


johnny's X
01-15-2010, 02:53 PM
Keep the 350x

Billy Golightly
01-15-2010, 03:03 PM
Are you totally against having a 2 stroke? An 85-86 250R with about $600 worth of suspension work will more than likely keep you satisfied for a loooooooong time. Your talking a total investment around $2k, maybe a few hundred bucks more. You guys have some really clean already nice 250Rs out there for cheap (Like 12-$1500) that you could just do some suspension mods on and then be set.

01-15-2010, 03:05 PM
i would make the 350 more MX friendly. a month or so ago i saw a nice MX 350 on ebay being parted out. get a wide axle, better shocks, swingarm...18's and buy some junkish fenders and go play.

01-15-2010, 03:16 PM
Yea I am also considering just buying crappy rear fenders and rebuilding and building up the suspension.

01-15-2010, 03:20 PM
if you do sell that 350x,someone will be lucky to get it.your trike's are premo.your new build would be awsome.

01-15-2010, 03:20 PM
Well your 350x is super nice condition and looks great. However, it isnt all OEM or NOS, so with that said, I think you could find you another 350x in the future similar to that one. I am a person that enjoys riding my trikes, therefore, I dont like having super nice or OEM ones. There are plenty that love to collect, which is great, but I want to ride the mess out of them and build them back up. The TPC along with other 450's build are totally rad and deserve respect for the quality work. I personally would get one if you can afford it and enjoy it to its fullest potential. I, eventually plan on having a KTM trike in the near future set up like the 450r. I think if you want soimething that can really handle the updated MX tracks, an update machine needs to be made hehehe. Good luck on your choice and keep it rubber side down!

Billy, I have to agree that I love my 2 smokers and plan on keeping them forever, but the changing of times, it seems that they are fading more and more out for racing.

01-15-2010, 03:35 PM
I agree with Billy. Unless you're just dead set against a 2-stroke, keep the 350x and get a 250R to go along with it (trust me it's a nice combo to have :D ). Look at the OTC results. It would seem the pingers are more than competitive against the 450's.

No matter what you get, I think I'd try to hang onto that 350x if you can. As much as I get irritated with mine anytime I have to work on it, I really enjoy riding it. It's like a 3 wheeled cadillac to me.

01-15-2010, 03:44 PM
I don't like 2-smokes so much (no offense to anyone) but I just really prefer the way 4-strokes ride. I've always ridden 4-strokes and they are what I know. I am really in a tight spot right now, I found a TRX450r motor and frame in CA for the price of just the motor so the frame is basically free so I am really really tempted but then again I am looking at about 6k to finish the TPC.....We'll see I just wanted your guys opinions, has anyone ridden a TPC 450r here? I've been talking with Bill a lot and he is a super cool guy and I am just trying to get all the information I can so I can plan ahead for this. I don't want to rush into anything.

01-15-2010, 03:47 PM
If your serious about the mx scene sell the 350x to fund a more capable machine. Whether it be a tricked out R. Or a TPC 450. They are both great choices. Its really a choice of 2 or 4 stroke for that matter.

Tecate 50
01-15-2010, 04:05 PM
I guess it all depends on how much you are looking to retrieve financially from the 350x. I wouldnt get into a hurry and get low balled on the price if you do indeed decide to sell it. If the money isn't right, I wouldnt sell it! If it was me and this only my opinion, I would keep it and build the 450 as the money comes along. The warm weather is coming around the corner, and you will be kicking yourself with nothing to ride in the down time. How ever it works out for you, good luck with the build.

01-15-2010, 04:15 PM
I guess it all depends on how much you are looking to retrieve financially from the 350x. I wouldnt get into a hurry and get low balled on the price if you do indeed decide to sell it. If the money isn't right, I wouldnt sell it! If it was me and this only my opinion, I would keep it and build the 450 as the money comes along. The warm weather is coming around the corner, and you will be kicking yourself with nothing to ride in the down time. How ever it works out for you, good luck with the build.

Well it's always pretty warm here, it's like 60 degrees right now haha

01-15-2010, 04:30 PM
I vote for keep the 350X and slowly build what you want. 350Xs don't grow on trees, and regardless of what trike you get - you will always want a 350X for trails. just my 2 cents, but I have been thru this dilemma myself before. You already have the 350X and I can assume it is bought and paid for. If you sell it - you will kick yourself later for doing so!

01-15-2010, 04:55 PM
i think you should keep it

01-15-2010, 05:31 PM
I say pimp out the 350x.

450r suspension and linkage (revalved rear)
Wide axle
Sprock big bore kit (they just did a ride report and it seems KNARLY!)

01-15-2010, 06:04 PM
It's a tough situation, and one to think through......

You love your X but it's gonna require 1000$ in suspension improvements to get it landing well. And that left frame rail will have to be repaired, reinforced and or wrapped with more metal. That in itself is quite a bit of work and you have to know a great Mig or better yet, a Tig welder....... I can do my best on it, but shipping isn't cheap unless you shrinkwrap it and

The TPC trike won't be a cheap and easy endeavor, but worth it in the end. What does the basic model cost? another few grand on top of the used quad that you buy I imagine....?? Which is Not cheap by any means but well worth the price if your into going that fast and jumping that high and far. I give Bill and TPC allot of credit on that conversion but I also severely respect all the stuff Jason Hall comes up with. We have NO shortage of talent on the 2 boards!! I lopve the guys that get iot done while talking about it, without just the talk!

You may take one lap on that track and never even want a 350X/250R again......... Or just keep the X for mild putting around and small jumps. I'm sure that you iknow it just isn't made for a real track when trying to place well in that race........

All of our financial situations are different, if you can keep the X and slowly build yourself a TPC then I'd go for that deal myself!

Let us know what you do, you have a nice X, I hate to see you sell it for a mere 2000$...........

Take it easy bro, DC.

01-15-2010, 07:41 PM
I say keep the 350x and build your 450r slowly.

01-15-2010, 07:58 PM
I don't know the TPC is a nice bike . It's sitting next to me now and if I had the $$ I'd like one!!!!! TRUELY A NICE RIDE AND PUT TOGETHER WELL!!! I'd still race my R though

01-15-2010, 10:23 PM
The thing is I don't race I just casually ride so I am really trying to figure out if I should drop the $$$$ on the TPC or just wait a while. I don't know if its a good idea to spend so much in these times....thanks for all your input! I think for now I am going to send my rear shock out to get re-valved and all that. It is just fine for trails but you see where it lacks when it is on the MX track.

01-15-2010, 11:22 PM
Im with kintore on this.I would like to get ahold of a TPC trike someday but i want to get my 350 done up first. I vote keep it.

01-15-2010, 11:50 PM
I currently have an 86r, 85 350x and my atc450r. I have not ridden the TPC, but im sure that my 450 is somewhat like it, I used the crf motor and it sucks to trail ride due to the high gearing of the transmission. The TPC uses the TRX which im sure would do much better, but I really doubt that it is a better all around trails bike than the 350x.
My suggestion is to keep the 350x, the price will probably only go up as time goes on, and take your time building the TPC. I wish I would have taken more time on my 450, right now im going back and finishing up all the small stuff that kinda short cutted on when I built it. (air box and inverts mostly)

Louis Mielke
01-16-2010, 12:26 AM
I'd be curious to know how soon you could actually have a TPC. Only one has been built so far, and we haven't really heard of anyone else stepping up to the plate with the cash in hand to have No.2. I won't cut Bill because I understand what he's trying to do but in all seriousness, if you sell the 350x, so you can order a "TPC", how long will you be without a ride? Would you seriously want to be TPC No.2? No matter how well it's constructed I'd have a hard time owning the first production model of any vehicle.

I also give a word of advise/wisdom to everyone. Don't be ewwed and awwed by something because it has the latest gear, and it's shiny new. I've seen a dozen trx quads that had every aftermarket part imagineable strapped to them but they rode like a brick because the combination of parts used didn't allow them to handle correctly at all.

And I'm gonna play devils advocate. Leviblue. How much motocross racing have you done and how many times have you personally been in the presence of someone who rides really hard? What bike do you ride, and being honest with yourself how do you rate yourself as a rider?

You seem awfully excited by Jensen and the TPC. I give made props to Jensen because even without meeting him I can tell he's skilled but you seem a little excited by the whole thing. I'm just trying to get some perspective. If you're a veteren triker then forgive me, I mean no harm. Just trying to find out what your idea of a "madman" is. If it's because he wrecked and got right back on the horse then I know a lot of madmen. I race with them everytime I go up to ohio.

01-16-2010, 12:39 AM
My vote is keep the X and build yourself a 450R... Why SETTLE for ONE thrike, when you yourself have the plan to have TWO trikes????

01-16-2010, 01:13 AM
louis I'm 39 yo and pushed MY 250R OFF THE SHOWROOM FLOOR IN 86. Raced in the 80's when the racing was good. I have alot of respect for Eric, his 1st time on a bike that he's never ridden and he's haning with the quads cllearing the dbs and trip. Yes I'm impressed. I'm told your on hell of a rider too so if I talked nice about you would you say the same thing??? As for Bill he's on hell of a builder and that I respect to. As a person he's not that that bad. If more people showed up in the past 2 days I'd be talking about them too. If this is a problem please PM me and we'll discuss this futher. I RIDE TO RIDE and RACE FOR FUN. I would suggest to you to "test out" the TPC and make your own mind. I'm not part of the "CLUB" so I guess my bike isn't needed on sat....it's ashame because most of the people I've meet this week in Ohio have been great. If this is what it's gonna be like way come out??

Louis Mielke
01-16-2010, 01:33 AM
Easy brother. Like I said I mean no disrespect or harm. Just getting perspective. Nor did I mean to come off as condescending. I sadly don't know you from adam so I have nothing to base my perspective on. That is merely why I asked.

I've had some close up time with the TPC, and no I haven't ridden it but I've gotten plenty an eyefull and talked with Bill, and others who have rode it. I've actually talked with Bill through PM heavily and I think he'd tell you himself I have a respectful outlook but I also have my own ideas. Like I said I totally understand what Bill is trying to do and I wish him all the success in the world.

As far as talking nice about Eric, myself or anyone else. I never meant to detract from his ability or cut him down nor did I mean to insult you for singing his praises. To put it bluntly I was trying to find out if you ride and have a right to be excited or if you're just some 16yr old kid who rides his 185s, found three wheeler world and proclaimed himself a racer.

I'm very happy to learn that you're not!

I'm also unsure of what you're talking about as far as "a part of the club". If you mean the OTC then you're mistaken if you think we have some secret click. Sadly there are a few among the community that would have people believe the OTC to be elitist and clicky. We'll I'm here to tell you that is the wrong impression of the OTC and whoever gave you that impression has a chip on their shoulder.

If you show up and race with the OTC then you are "a part of the club" it's that simple. I think quite a few people here can chime in and will attest to the fact that we include everyone in the pits and on the track. As far as the few people who feel they "arn't in" the so called "click" they have decided to exclude themselves from the so called "click". There are no members of the OTC who would exclude anyone, on the contrary there have been some great efforts to include the ones that have decided to exclude themselves.

And once again I follow up by saying, please don't misunderstand my post, Your bike IS certainly needed on Saturday. Welcome! as far "If this is what it's gonna be like..." It isn't like you're obviously feeling, and I'm sorry if I've left you with a negative impression. That certainly wasn't my intention!

Welcome to the OTC! Stick around, get out on the track, and you'll be the one we're singing about in the next thread! Wish I could be there, I'll be out for the Feb. indoors.

01-16-2010, 01:52 AM
come on dude!! Get rid of that sweet 85!! You just got it not that long ago! no way you get rid of it.

Louis Mielke
01-16-2010, 01:52 AM
I do stand by my post reguarding the topic of the thread.

Do you want to go bikeless while you wait an uncertain amount of time or do you want to have a bike to ride?

01-16-2010, 02:25 AM
If you watched the videos, the tpc is behind a tecate or a 250r most of the time. A atc250r with a new frame and suspension to match it would be just as fun to ride if not more. Another thing I say keep the the 350x, but, I would get a 250r any day for mx.

01-16-2010, 09:33 AM
I would save for the TPC, then sell the 350x last. That way if you decide not to get the TPC you still have the X or you may decide you want both. The worst thing you can do is sell the X and not end up with the TPC and be totally SOL.

Have you been on a 450R in quad form so get a feel for the motor? The 450R motor is not just a more powerful version of the 350x motor it revs quicker and has a different power delivery, in a way it feels more 2-stroke like (not completely though).

I have ridden Bills TPC and it is a nice trike, a very nice trike, a very, very nice trike.... Oh, let me get back on track... I am a 4 stroke guy and I liked it! Trail riding it is nice but a bit overkill unless you ride aggressive (I don't), I think it would fit in more in the MX style riding, I did take it on one of Bills small practice courses and it handled great. I loved the suspension and brakes on the TPC but I need to get on it again this spring so I can give it a better test now that I am riding my 350x more aggressively.

Riding a 450R beforehand is a must though, just to get a feel for the motor.

01-16-2010, 10:49 AM
There has been alot of things come out,and have been deemed the best new thing on the market. The 400ex was supposed to be all that..It wasn't. The Raptor 660 was also a big let down. Then the Raptor 700. Once again,not all that impressive.Look at the Canondales,and the Gas Gas machines..They never took off.
While they were all good machines pushing the envelope of latest design and technology, they still really didnt compare to a YFZ 450,or a TRX 250r.
Moral of the story is, just becuase it seems like the best thing, it may not be the best thing for you. I would have one heck of a time shelling out big bucks on something I never rode or tested for myself.
I would keep what you know, for now, until there is evidence that the TPC will be made in multiple quantities.
And Also you should ride one first. I have rode the TPC. I have rode Jason Halls Aluminum 450. I have rode ATC Tim's 450. They are 3 totally different animals.

If I did buy any one of those, I would still keep my R. My R is my favorite Trike, and my Favorite of all my ATV's. I ride it everywhere. Straight from the trails right up to the starting line with no changes.
For the money it takes to purchase one of these, a guy could easily go get 2-250R's and still have money left over for massive upgrades. Word on the street around here is quite a few racers are looking to get back on the TRX 250R.
But I am oldschool biased too.
Give me 2 strokes, Atari's, 80's hair metal, Carbs, and rear wheel drive cars, and 8 tracks forever! I want public smoking in hospitals, airplanes, and resturants. And the Mullet should be the national haircut:lol:
And I still like being able to fast forward a VHS tape past the FBI warning when I watch a movie.:rolleyes:

01-16-2010, 11:30 AM
let me know what you decide to keep the X. i have a red rear fender that i don't use. it has been zip-tied repaired on the right side and is perfect for your riding. i will send it to you, only if you keep the X.

01-16-2010, 06:07 PM
let me know what you decide to keep the X. i have a red rear fender that i don't use. it has been zip-tied repaired on the right side and is perfect for your riding. i will send it to you, only if you keep the X.

Seriously!? I would pay for shipping it! I have decided to keep the X no matter if I get a 450R or not, right now I am leaning to just keeping the X and doing the 450r project later on.

01-17-2010, 10:53 AM
If I did buy any one of those, I would still keep my R. My R is my favorite Trike, and my Favorite of all my ATV's. I ride it everywhere. Straight from the trails right up to the starting line with no changes.
For the money it takes to purchase one of these, a guy could easily go get 2-250R's and still have money left over for massive upgrades. Word on the street around here is quite a few racers are looking to get back on the TRX 250R.
But I am oldschool biased too.
Give me 2 strokes, Atari's, 80's hair metal, Carbs, and rear wheel drive cars, and 8 tracks forever! I want public smoking in hospitals, airplanes, and resturants. And the Mullet should be the national haircut:lol:
And I still like being able to fast forward a VHS tape past the FBI warning when I watch a movie.:rolleyes:

You sir, have made me cry. That was Beautiful. I will vote for you in the upcoming election. :lol:

01-22-2010, 07:36 PM
Should I hold onto it? I have been in the works of getting money/parts together to build a TPC 450r and really want to do it. I love my 350x more then any other trike I've ridden/owned but when I take it to the MX track I just feel bad cause it is in such nice condition I'd hate to mess it up. So that's what lead me to the idea of building a TPC 450r, a new trike where I can easily find parts (imagine being able to go to the dealer to get fenders!) and that is really built for doing what I like to do and I won't feel bad.

With that said the 450r will be quite an expensive project, I could sell my 350x and that would help fund it but I'd be trikeless until I finish the 450r which could take months.....I am contemplating just taking my time with the 450r build and keeping my 350x for trail riding/weekend cruises....

What would you guys do?

Sell the 350x and be trikeless for a bit but finish the 450r faster?


Keep the 350x and take my time building the 450r so I have both?

i had a 350X for years and there wasn't much i couldn't do on one.(if you have not seen my you tube video here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sczmc8CSEuc ) in 1999 i wanted to do something new with the sport. i was getting tired of trashing my 350X and having to reframe it all the time. i also wanted to race MX and at that time i knew of nowhere i could do it on a 3 wheeler. i decided to go to a 4 wheeler and race MX. after i discovered modern suspension with the 4 wheeler i had zero desire to do the stuff i did on the 350X because i discovered that it was tearing me apart as well. so, i decided to sell the 350X because it was not going to keep up with what i could do with modern suspension that the 4 wheeler had. if the TPC 450 and the OTC MX races were around in 1999 i can say without a doubt that i would never have went to 4 wheelers. the suspension on that thing is as modern as you can get in geometry and you can call Axis, PEP, Lonestar, Walsh,.... and get anything you want to make the suspension even better. when is the last time you looked through dirtwheels and seen aftermarket parts for a 3 wheeler? well now you can, and in every issue that comes out.

as far as quality goes, i will tell you something that i did not even tell Bill at the first race. up until this past race i have never raced a bike that someone else worked on. i have always worked on my own bikes. i really don't trust anyone to work on the bike that i am going to ride with the level of riding i do. when they showed up it was the first time i ever seen the bike other than a picture. i looked it over like my life depended on it. i would bet that i looked it over more than even bill knows. i will tell you it is very well built. i trusted it fully with no hesitation. yes i know, everyone will say jensen has to say that because he has got a free ride this year on it. all i can say to that is, if it was not true i would have never raced it.

for if you should sell the 350X to build one, i will let you decide that one. for me, the only reason i would want to keep it is to put it in the corner and look at it and say " look at this nice 85 350X" after riding the TPC450 i would never want to go back to a 350X. i believe in the long run it would be much cheeper to go with the TPC. like you said, (imagine being able to go to the dealer to get fenders!) my wife may kill me but the 400EX may go for sale to build a TPC next year.

01-22-2010, 07:44 PM
^^^Wow man. I always have liked the idea of the TPC's, but now you really got me thinking about that. I don't race, except for recreational drags, but that thing sounds amazing.^^^

01-22-2010, 08:33 PM
hey Eric ...there has always been a smoke screen around the trike since it was built...... are you racing the second tpc? or is it the original one? the original is so far and away from what people think they are going to build as far as costs go. maybe now with you as a spokesman some of the grey areas will clear up... the whole cost thing associated with the tpc has been completely a joke.. bill tells people they can get into a tpc for as low as $6000 and in the same sentence compares it to his . ok i will buy it for $6000 . the fact that he advertizes to everyone that he beats all he races against with a stock 450 ,,,, pretty lame its not stock, its a hybrid of parts from honda not a stock motor.
anyway maybe you can shed some light on the subject unless your on a short leash,,,,, people should be aware that they are not going to have anything close to the first one for a mere $6000 and i don't see getting one built for that,,, unless you have a $2000 trx450r laying around. but then again your starting with a $2k beater too.............

01-22-2010, 09:44 PM
right now i am racing Bills bike till he gets mine done. the first race it had the stock suspension on it. i can say that for general riding and even some jumping, the stock suspension will be fine for many people. but if you are going to ride at a higher level or race i would want a little longer swingarm. his engine has a CRF head on it but that will give you no more power than the TRX head. the porting is differant but it will not give you any noticeable power increase. he has the HRC cam also but we are going to go to the TRX stock cam. (wow, when i was racing a 4 wheeler i would never have told anyone about what my setup was, lol). for pricing i don't know. i figure that you would want to start with the stock setup and then modify it how you want. if you want it with all the aftermarket stuff then the $2000 beater will not be that big of deal. the frame will be reworked and the suspension will all be new and the front suspension from the 4 wheeler won,t be used at all (you could sell the front suspension to a 4 wheeler guy). that leaves the engine used the back finders used and some hardware. i can't say much more than that because i just don't know that much yet. i will answer anything i can but i only have one race under my belt and only met Bill in person last week.