View Full Version : question about ytm200 choke (missing spring & cable, runs like crap when warm?)

01-06-2010, 10:37 PM
I have a ytm200 that I just got done working on. I went through the WHOLE carb and cleaned it all out completely, cleaned all the jets, etc.

The choke cable (well, a small peice of it) is there, but it is not even connected to the plunger inside. The metal plunger is down in the choke area like it is supposed to be, but there is no spring there, which there is supposed to be (which holds the plunger down in there).

The peice that screws into the choke (the thing that holds everything in place, which the choke cable also goes through) is there. Basically everything but the spring that holds the plunger down is there.

When I checked, the plunger looked like it was way down in there.

However, when I start the machine, it starts right up (sometimes in 1 pull), idles just fine, seems to run pretty good when revved up, but after a couple of minutes when it warms up, it starts running like crap at ALL RPM ranges, and does not idle anymore at ALL. Also, the float level seems to be just fine, so that is not the issue at all.

It kind of sputters and backfires slightly no matter what rpm range or throttle position you are in, and it smokes a bit as well (and it has brand new rings so I doubt that it is that).

I have a feeling the choke is on half or full choke. Perhaps the air pressure (or suction) when the machine is running, is pushing that little plunger up, cuasing it to choke itself, since there is no spring to hold it down?

Does this seem logical at all?

lastly, do you think that I could just plug off the little hole on the inside of the carb intake area that is the passage to where the choke plunger sits? Wouldn't this make it as if the choke was always completely off?

I don't understand how the choke even WORKS on this carb... it seems odd that pulling the plunger up/out (what happens when you put the choke on) actually "chokes" the machine.

Anyone care to enlighten me a bit???

01-06-2010, 10:46 PM
sounds like it is stuck on choke to me. if it is a 200k (1983) carb i can post pics of what it should look like.or just sell ya the carb..

01-07-2010, 12:18 AM
I sent you a PM.

01-07-2010, 06:12 PM
863408634186342 here are your pics i cant fig out how to pm em to you

Rural Newfie By
01-08-2010, 11:25 AM
My 200E just has a bolt screwed into the hole where the choke goes, it's starts fine for me. The guy who used to own it said it was like that when he got it 15 years ago, and never had a problem starting it. He thought that's how it was supposed to be actually, lol.