View Full Version : Valve adjust problem?

01-04-2010, 07:24 PM
I dropped my 3 trikes off at the local ATV repair shop for a valve adjusts. 1981 ATC200, 1984 ATC125M, and 1986 ATC125M. Each machine is a different animals.

I have the OEM workshop manual for all 3 machines. I went to give it to the guy for valve clearance spec and such and he told me "bah, I don't need that. We set them all to 0.002"

This guy really knows his stuff, and I trust him, but after I left his shop, I looked at the FSM(because he did not want it), the 1981 ATC200 was indeed 0.002 but both the 84 and 84 ATC125's have a spec of 0.003"

To make matters worse, I called my Honda dealer, and they said "we set them all to 0.003"

So what is correct. Should I have him set the valves at 0.003 for the 125's and 0.002 for the 200 as per Honda spec, or should I go 0.002 on all the machines or 0.003? Does it really make any difference? Can I damage anything by setting the 125's at 0.002?

Thanks all!

01-04-2010, 07:38 PM
We always set em to factory specs. But some dealerships are different than others. But if I came across a dealership that said just set em to 3, i'd be getting Honda in on it. If you call us and ask, we always grab the factory service manual and check. But most of us know em by heart anyway. But we always double check ourselves.

01-04-2010, 07:56 PM
Thanks for the reply 3wheeledjunkie,
So pretty much, he should set them to factory spec, meaning the 125's to 0.003 and the 200 to 0.002. I just don't want to step on this guys toes.

He wants to set them all at 0.002 (what is correct for the 200) and I'm kinda afraid to tell him that it should be set at 0.003 for the 125's. Its one of those guys who knows it all, and if I confront him on it he might get angry (think biker guy) He scoffed at the idea of me leaving the Factory Service Manuals for him.

Would it be bad to set the valves on the 125's at 0.002? This is tighter than factory 0.003. Are tight valves not happy valves ;-)


01-04-2010, 08:01 PM
really tight valves are not happy, You should be fine, i just did my 110's today to .002, As they where was less than .0010 and ran just fine Its not a 14k screamer, Its a Good ol reliable ATC...haha

01-04-2010, 11:22 PM
Do valves get tighter or looser over time with normal use?

01-04-2010, 11:23 PM
i prefer 0.003 myself on everything. seems to run smoother and quietier than the tighter clearances.

01-05-2010, 02:44 PM
Do valves get tighter or looser over time with normal use?

Anyone? Just curious as after I called the mechanic to tell him to set the 125's to 0.003 he set the valves at .002 already and he says it just fine. Will the valves get looser over time to 0.003 as I run the motor?
I'm honestly really choked, as mr.know-it-all would not even let me leave my FSM for him to look at. Feel as if I wasted my time/money.

01-05-2010, 03:09 PM
they should have been set to spec. just wondering, can you go looser with them, like instead of .003, go .004 ? someone told me you could get more power that way. :wondering

01-05-2010, 07:51 PM
Looser, valvs will not tighten up. Even Honda themselves usually give a + or - .001. So being exact is not always necessary. Even our Honda reps say: "A little tight? They'll be allright!",so no biggy. But if they are too tight (like setting .006 spec valves to .003) they can screw up heads. I've seen it happen on many CRF250R's. Guys will bring em in saying they will only start by bumping or roling, valves are too tight. Plus if they roll start it enough they'll cost themselves a $300 head. And when I run into mechanics that think they know more than me (and sometimes they do) and they won't consder my opinion or what I have to say. I never go back to them. Because when I, as a mechanic, don't listen to what the customer has to say is the only time I have a hard time figuring out what the problem is, or where to start looking.

01-06-2010, 12:06 AM
First off, great post 3wheeledjunkie! Thanks!

Looser, valves will not tighten up. Even Honda themselves usually give a + or - .001. So being exact is not always necessary. Even our Honda reps say: "A little tight? They'll be allright!",so no biggy.
Good to know!

But if they are too tight (like setting .006 spec valves to .003) they can screw up heads.
Also good to know. So in my case, where the 0.003 spec valves are set to 0.002, are nothing to loose sleep over. I'll get them re-adjusted to 0.003 in the spring/summer, but at least I can drive it for a few months at 0.002

And when I run into mechanics that think they know more than me (and sometimes they do) and they won't consder my opinion or what I have to say. I never go back to them.
Amen, at least I learned something...not to go back ;-)

01-06-2010, 08:25 PM
To tell you the truth, we rarely see any Atc's at the shop. But we had a 85 Big Red a old guy had owned since new. It had sat for4 years since he'd last started it. We expected a carb cleaning alongw with other items. But we pushed it into the shop and to our suprise, it cranked over? No charging the battery or fogging the cylinder. So we drained the carb and tank (didnot clean carb though), primed the carb with some gas, and voila, it started and ran. So we went about other buisness, brakes, oil etc. Came to the valve adjustment and they were to spec, no kidding! And according to the guy who owned it, he had never had messed with them, infact this was only the 3rd time it had been back to the same place he bought it from (our shop) to have it worked on. The other two times were for tires! So it just goes to show ya that these machines are built to last and will be around long after me and you are gone.
P.S- Happy wheelin!