View Full Version : 70 rear sprocket

01-03-2010, 10:12 PM
Went to put a chain on the little 70 today and noticed the rear sprocket was loose. Not like side to side, towards the hub. But when you twist it on the axle (ike the chain would when it along it. I'm prettty sure it should not move at all. What would cause this, I didn't go any futher? These don't have bolts like te bigger trikes, so maybe worn bushings or what? Also since I've owned it, about a a month and a half now, it doesn't like to take gas. If you stay on it, or pump pretty fast no prob. But if you let off enough to shif gears or coast, it will sputter unless you choke it to build revs, then turn the choke off and it will pick back up. Cleaned cab thoroughly, new plug, clean air filter and re-oiled. Will start and run with choke on when dead cold, then when it gets real hot, only start with choke off and a little throttle. BUt if you start it cold, rev with choke on then slow turn it off, it will take gas but then in the upper revs start to stutter and the revs back down. Same with choke on, but ofourse won't go to as a high a rev as it should. Also after riding it for a bit, letting it sit then coming back to it, it will become hard to start or not start at all. Pull the plug, black as hell, new plug and it will fire right up. But all prementioned symptoms still exist. Removing air box covers, only makes it worse. Did clean tank when carb was cleaned. Gas came from a just filled plastic can. All symptoms better or go away aftert you get it hot. Also I might mention, one day i switched the plug boot ends on it and my 185s (because I thought this was my not running factor in my 185), it did run better and took gas faster then before, Don't know if that was a helper, or it jut got a hair up it's a** to run better. Also plug boot on it now is NGK, Not HONDA, the one I switched was HONDA.

01-04-2010, 09:54 PM
Sounds to me to be a points and or timing issue due to it heals when warm???? I would throw another set of points in it, inline fuel filter and another carb cleaning as well. How clean is your tank??? You may want to clean tank and petcock to make sure flow is good??? Good luck Oh ya the spocket is held by 4 cush rubbers that are prolly just shot........Dratv has em' or ebay.......they just insert over the sprocket hub......

01-04-2010, 10:26 PM
So honda doesn't have those bushings? I can get em at a discount from my dealership, bout 20% off. I got new points, but thought I had em right when it ran. I didn't really time em right,just got it to run, got to get it to work so I can use our little door buzzer machine to time em. Also it needs a timing chain, so not really worried about ridng it too much till I get that replaced. Whats the best way to install filters on both lines, just splice em in? I plan on cleaning the tank again and carb when install the cam chain. With it being cold outside (like 4 degrees), i got to get everything together before I start on it, because I have no room. Might just do it at work one Sunday, while service is closed.

01-05-2010, 12:01 AM
Ya yor dealer may have them.... here they are....http://www.dratv.com/rearsprocdam.html Get a 3 way fuel petcock and use 1 filter as well...works good....Have you adjusted your timing chain externally with adjusting nut.....?????

01-05-2010, 07:58 PM
Am I correct i thinking 70's don't have a manual ajuster for timing chain. I always thought, they like all laydown engines were auto adjusting. There's a petcock on it now (3-way) But it as the 2 hoses coming out, one for reserve and one for on, can you convert this to a sigle hose, what about the carb.