View Full Version : some kinda 125 i picked up!

12-23-2009, 10:33 AM
picked this up for a member here. won't say who. i will let them come foward if they want. wish i could keep it.

12-23-2009, 10:51 AM
couple more pics! dual rad, t-3 front end, not sure on year

12-23-2009, 11:25 AM
For orange county guy? Nice Tiger!


12-23-2009, 11:38 AM
I love these Tigers. I would think this would be even more rare than a 200 or 250 Tiger. Is it a late model (1986) 125 Tiger? The tank looks to be a late model tank. A serious find right there.

12-23-2009, 12:08 PM
awesome! a dual radiator 125. thats coool. HH

12-23-2009, 01:50 PM
Great find, good of you to help another member too.

12-23-2009, 05:54 PM
someone just stumbled onto some gold. was this sitting in a field????

12-23-2009, 06:53 PM
picked this up for a member here. won't say who. i will let them come foward if they want. wish i could keep it.

why cant you keep it?

Billy Golightly
12-23-2009, 07:22 PM
Sweet looking tiger 125! Haven't seen one built quite like that before, very similar to the style of the 86 Tiger 250 with the shroud design it seems.

Whats up with the padlock on the beer cooler? :lol:

12-23-2009, 07:55 PM
why cant you keep it?

well, i could have if i wanted too,i suppose, i would have like to after i seen it, but i made a deal with someone and i don't back out. the tiger is currently on its way to its new home!

12-23-2009, 10:39 PM
that's a very rear 3-wheeler you got there. tigers only were produces for a short time in short numbers for racing mainly. it's probebly worth a ton and if you refresh it to run right and good, it'll probelby worth a ton more.

12-24-2009, 12:09 PM
WOW, love to have a Tiger 125. That is a rare one there. I hope the "new owner" posts up some more pics when He/She gets it, or at least send me some pics.

Bryan Raffa
12-24-2009, 12:18 PM
Nice 125! So who's kissin santa for this one??? All OEM... and amerathon's.... SWEET!

12-27-2009, 01:00 PM
There must be a rash of brazen beer thefts in your neck of the woods. I see you have a padlock on your cooler!

12-27-2009, 07:57 PM
Its great to see this trike is still alive BRAVO!

12-29-2009, 09:06 AM
is that a 86 tiger 125? the last generation style?!