View Full Version : update on my buddy/ and the crashed 200x..

12-23-2009, 12:19 AM
update on my buddy that crashed saturday, he is doing good, afraid of trikes right now but he is ok, he is swearin a brace for his should/arm and he said he is startin to feel better, and he thinks he is going to ride his sled this weekend!!

anyways, my wife bought the 200x off him, she paid all of what he wanted for it, and to sweeten the deal im helping him out since he sold it to her for $200 so im helping him with some day to day stuff he cant do right now, fix a truck he bought for his mom, fix some stuff on his truck, and tuning up his sled for him.

i cant reember if i posted the pictures on here or not, but here they car.


12-23-2009, 01:34 AM
cool,sounds like he's not to badly banged up.got some work to do to the x

12-23-2009, 01:41 AM
You're a good friend for helping, glad he's doing better.

12-23-2009, 01:49 AM
like i said he tore the muscle that runs from neck to shoulder, doc said its not to bad but ripped none the less, said he should start to feel better in a week or so, and just take it easy.

yup, rear fenders are trashed, front is cracked in two spots, seat is trashed, but foam is ok so were just gonna re cover it, and the exhaust broke, so were gonna probably pick up a used dg system

12-23-2009, 04:43 AM
Glad you were able to pick it up and for a good price too. Too bad your buddy is afraid of them now, I have heard that same story too many times. To me the fact I may crash and hurt myself is part of the thrill of hopping on. If I wanted pure safety I would stay in a car or buy an old Pilot or Odyssey (sp?) Crashing is part of riding usually you get lucky sometimes you dont, but whatever doesnt kill you just makes you sore and may cost a few bucks.

12-23-2009, 09:12 AM
I crashed my 200x at the dunes 2 months ago and just now have all the feeling back in my fingers from a pinched nerve. For a while I had numb fingers in both hands and a dislocated rib that caused the pinched nerve problem. I won't sell my trike and am planning to ride as soon as the snow hits tomorrow. BTW, I'm 57 years old. Some call me stupid, but when I get too old to have fun, just bury me, cause I died. I ride a KLX400 converted to a supermoto to work. However, I did stop climbing trees unless I have a real good reason. Your friend sounds a little young to give up on having fun on a trike.

Side Wayz
12-23-2009, 01:52 PM
Its not the trike that he should be scared of, it could of happened on anything, but atleast some 1 has it that will take care of it. Tell him we r all rooting for him to a speedy recovery.

12-23-2009, 02:17 PM
I mean if the brakes were bad like he said in on of the other thread that's what I would be afraid of....bad brakes, and riding too far out of your level. I don't know. That's just me, I don't usually ride stuff until I get it dialed in, or I ride it slow.

But I hope he's feeling better and has fun on his sled this winter.

12-24-2009, 01:11 AM
brakes wouldnt have helped him in this situation.. i did it two weeks ago and im sure any onee lse on here that rides on ice and rides aggressive has done it..... sideways.. than BAM!!!! grabs traction and throws you off.....
i did it twice 2 weeks ago.. god right back on both times.. second one got me good though, ice scrapped up my lower back. i crashed my old built 250x at a moto cross track last spring.. landed funny off a jump, foot slipped off peg and landed on the nerf bar, and shifted my weight and over i went... hard dirt at 30 mph? sucks!!! quad rolled over on me, pull a muscle in both legs, and my right arm, ripped skin off my left arm, riped my pants, ... helmet never touched the ground!!

12-24-2009, 10:12 AM
I do enjoy riding them and am probably the slowest of all of you. If I get injured, I put a bunch of people out of work and can't fix people. For me it is riding within your limits. Glad u got the bike. I wish my wife rode, u are lucky

12-24-2009, 01:28 PM
I do enjoy riding them and am probably the slowest of all of you. If I get injured, I put a bunch of people out of work and can't fix people. For me it is riding within your limits. Glad u got the bike. I wish my wife rode, u are lucky

thanks!! my wife loves atv's!! i been trying to get her on a dirt bike for a while now but she wont, unless its a pw50 or apit bike style dirt bike hahaha!!

i post a vid on here a few weeks ago of my wife tearing it up in a field on my 200x..

12-24-2009, 02:49 PM
I ride like an animal, lol.... Hence the reason I gave up on 2 strokes but that may come back someday. I'm Farkin tired of not making it up some monster hills the pingers do............

But, I also respect people that ride within there limitations. And sometimes, just watching the other guys do the "insane stuff" makes for a great day at the pit anyhow.

Honestly though, I feel safer on a trike than on a dirtbike or a quad. It's just something I must have "in" me that doesn't go away :D

Hope your bud heals up well, the older we get, the worse it is to feel "good" again!

12-25-2009, 01:21 AM
he had a check up today with the doctor... he will be out of work for 6 weeks!! no good!

12-25-2009, 11:16 AM
There's a great line from a Dirty Harry movie " A man has got to know his limitations."
When you have to go to work the next day, you'd best be careful enough to not take chances that can hurt you bad enough to keep you from making a living. For that reason I don't do big jumps and I don't do the sideway slides at much over walking speeds. I went down in trails where the sand went from dry to wet in the shade and suddenly had traction on the front tire, it stuck and tossed me. It was my first time out on the 200X, and I found that it didn't turn as well as my 200s in the same conditions.
If there weren't any risk riding these, we probably wouldn't be riding these.