View Full Version : Has anyone heard of...

08-11-2003, 11:15 AM
Vesrah gaskets, I bought some gaskets for a top-end rebuild for one of my R's (86atc) and they sent me the ones for 86-87 trx I know they will work because they were the same in 86-87, what I would like to know is will the compresion be any different, The head gasket they sent is metal and looks thicker than the gaskets i've used in the past, its also a three piece head gasket thin piece on top and bottom with thicker piece in middle. Any help would be appreciated.

*edited by Wickedfinger*

08-11-2003, 12:27 PM
i dont think youll have any problems w/ the head gasket, i have the same sandwich gasket on my z but as far as compression difference, proly nil.

08-11-2003, 12:31 PM
i had some vesrah gaskets in my 200x and within a year or so the head gasket blew out. i dont like them, but maybe youll have better luck with them

08-11-2003, 01:16 PM
Im sure someone can confirm this, but I think the original 86 ATC250R head gasket is a thinner and single layer gasket. If that is the case, using the 3 layer TRX gasket will lower compression. If I remember right, it was the ATC gasket (or am i thinking CR?) that guys were using on the TRX's as a cheap way to raise compression.

Billy Golightly
08-11-2003, 01:22 PM
I can't confirm this either, but the way I remember things are:

TRX has the lowest compression head gasket (Thickest)
ATC has a higher compression head gasket (Thinner)
CR has the highest compressioned head gasket (Thinnest)

08-11-2003, 01:30 PM
Thats what I thought :( Just was hoping I was wrong, do you think the lower compression will hurt my performance enough to notice.

08-11-2003, 03:12 PM
yes lowering yr compression, you should feel the difference.. you dont need to step up to a cr gasket, but you can split that gasket you have to increase the compression..

08-11-2003, 03:29 PM
I HAVE HEARD OF PEOPLE DRILLING OUT THE RIVITS ON THAT SANDWICH GASKET ,,,and only using the top piece ,,, which would be almost the same as a cr head gasket, i see no problem with that if you want to raise your compression,, other wise get the right gasket,,,,

08-11-2003, 04:21 PM
Yes I've heard of this also but I would hate to try it and it not work out rite and have to do it over again.. Ohh What-to-do what-to-do :( I hate crap like this. Thanks for the help guys.

08-11-2003, 06:24 PM
SOunds like a 3 - piece CR gasket. Once upon a time, I measured both and as I recall, the metal gasket minus the two thin pieces are about the same thickness as the stock gasket. I know of several people who have drilled the rivets out and used one thin section of a CR gasket, but Id check both the head and deck for flatness before I did that.

08-11-2003, 07:37 PM
i tryed to do that and it kept leaking radiator fluid cuz i guess the heads just not that flat. so i had to put the other two pieces back on

08-13-2003, 01:20 AM
The CR gasket is the high compression trick that R users have been using for years to up their compression. It actually first appeared in a Honda service bulletin in 1986 as a fix to engine pinging issue reported to Honda by owners using lowered octane gas. I have that one as well as alot of the others in my 250R dealer service manual. Pretty interesting stuff.

08-13-2003, 01:53 AM
some companies make a thinner gasket to raise comp. but i wouldn't go thinner than the cr. ive had a vesrah set, and it seems to be as good as oem, only a bit cheaper in price

200x Basket
08-13-2003, 07:10 AM
i always use the 89 cr250 head gasket. be sure to lap the head on some 600 grit wet paper first and you will have no problems. this is a easy boost in performance 8)