View Full Version : Why do you like 3 wheelers they ask me.

12-04-2009, 02:23 PM
I was posed this question on another forum that I belong to and thought that some of you would enjoy the way that I answered it. Beware it is a long answer. I'm laid off and got a lot of time to sit behind the computer :postwhore

The question:

but those things still scare me. I would rather ride a quad. Why do you chose a trike over a quad. Sell me on why you've made that choice?

and my answer:

I have quads also but I have grown to enjoy my trikes more. In real gnarly, rutted, hilly trails I prefer my quads, but I am growing more and more comfortable the more I ride my trikes.

The history of my addiction to trikes

Back in '06 while reading a dirtwheels magazine I read a small article about a 3 wheeler event called trikefest that takes place in Southern In. It was a gathering of 3wheeler owners. At the time I had a Honda atc200m and my friend also had a 3 wheeler. I mentioned the gathering to him and we went down to trikefest. We had the time of our lives and decided that we were gonna attend this event every year. That is where my addiction started. At the time my 3 wheeler was more of a novelty ride for me and I felt more comfy on a quad. The following year I stepped up and purchased a Big Red to sport at the next trikefest. I still wasn't the most at home riding on 3 wheels yet, but it was growing on me. Then a while later I bought an '85 atc350x. That trike was nicknamed "King of the Hill" by Honda back in the day, and rightfully so. I quickly learned that the plush ride of the 350x, and the monstrous power it had were a lot more inviting to ride than any of my quads.

I must be honest here also... I enjoyed the attention that I got when I was riding somewhere and people would stop and chat about my wheeler. People think that we are crazy outlaws for riding those "illegal death machines".

Illegal Death Machines

Trikes aren't any more dangerous than a 4 wheeler. It does take a little more skill to do so, but you can maneuver better and go a lot more places on a 3 wheeler once you have mastered it. The problem where they were labled as being dangerous is when, and I must emphasize this point. Inexperienced riders rode beyond their abilities and hurt themselves. Of course people weren't going to admit their own short comings or idiotic mistakes so the trikes got the blame. Lawyers and greed with frivolous lawsuits also fueled the fire that was the demise of the 3wheeler.

I don't believe that the Motorcycle companies that produced these machines were affected terribly and maybe they even benefited. After all, they had a new machine with 4 wheels that they could charge more for and everybody jumped on the bandwagon to get one. Some people even converted their 3 wheelers into 4 wheelers with Kit's that were available through different companies like one called "Astro".

After all that the 3 wheeler was all but forgotten. Many lay out behind barns or in them rotting into the ground. Many are beat to death by people who bought them for some cheap thrills. Why not, nobody wants those death machines anyways? You can sometimes even have people give them to you they are so unwanted or so far gone. But some and very few were well preserved and respected and cherished by their owners. I know of one that was just found recently still in the crate from 1986 never even assembled. These little gems are the most cherished and coveted by the few people that Love these poor forgotten machines.

Those of us that still enjoy the 3 wheeler, search high and low. Out behind barns, at garage sales and auctions. Hoping that we find one of the survivors. Either to restore or to enjoy and share. We join groups and clubs of owners to help find more of the survivors out there. We help each other locate parts and share information to keep them running.I really enjoy the feeling of riding my trike. I really enjoy the looks that I get when I show up somewhere with it. But.... most of all what I enjoy about riding trikes is the people that I have met and the true Friends that I have made enjoying these wicked machines.


sorry for the long rambling post. I'm laid off lol

12-04-2009, 02:41 PM
Very well written and I agree 100%

12-04-2009, 02:44 PM
I get that question all the time. I personally feel way more comfortable on a atc than a quad.

12-04-2009, 02:51 PM
i like the lightness feeling of the front end when turning, i feel more comfortable seeing where the front end goes like on a dirtbike rather when blind like a quad with fenders.

i think quads are fun also but i'd rather have a 3wheeler.

12-04-2009, 02:53 PM
Just the other day I was riding one om my atc's down my street. I live on a dead end and everyone know's me. A women visiting one of my neighbors ran up to me and stopped me. My 3 year old daughter was in front of me on my lap. She loves going for rides. Slow of course. The women starts on me about riding these 3 wheelers and proceeds to tell me that she lost her 10yr old son on one and to please reconsider. I really was able to simpathize with her. I mean, I could not imagine loosing a child... However, like guns, people kill people not trikes, cars, guns or whatever. I have been rding trikes for about 6 years now. I had one when I was 13 and my parents took it away from me because it rolled over on me. What they didn't know is that I was in a wheelie wehn it happened. I have owned quads, dirtbikes and am now into Harleys. Got my first trike again 6 years ago after I bought my Polaris sportsman 500. I know have 3 trikes and no Quads... I just prefer the ride of a good old Honda three wheeler any day over any quad :)

12-04-2009, 02:54 PM
i liek the fact i have to ride my atc and not haev the atv ride me. i feel liek i'm steering a cown downt he road on a atv where my ATC is exciting and fun.

12-04-2009, 03:05 PM
One main reason I prefer my 350x over a quad......being in a full powerslide on a trail, hitting the throttle and wheely-ing while powersliding.

12-04-2009, 03:46 PM
Nice! The truth will set you free!

I get that question all the time. I personally feel way more comfortable on a atc than a quad.

100% agree. My wife has a 87 250 2stroker polaris and I am not going to lie, that trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotr ailpro is fast and scares the hell out of me. It weighs 400 or dam near and is a rolling death machine. I watched my wife roll that thing & to this date I still get a upset feeling in my gut :( when I think about it. I have watched all my family roll their trikes and all got right back on and took off. None of them get hurt like they do on the 4 wheeled weight killers. Atleast with a trike you have a chance to jump.

I to admit to like watching peoples reactions when you ride by. I remeber one time on a trail there was a bunch of quad riders on utility quads saddling up for their ride and as my wife and I pass they all stop what they are doing and stare and give me the head nod. There is just something about trikes that gets my blood pumping. I get asked why I like them so much. I have no real idea why, I just know I think about riding/working on trikes all the time and throughout the day atleast 10 times..lol I just can't explain it.

12-04-2009, 05:05 PM
you guys are killing me. i want to get on a 3 wheeler so bad i can tast it. i am so looking forward to the OTC races, and the TPC 450.

12-04-2009, 05:46 PM
Nice post Rich, well said.

12-04-2009, 07:36 PM
very well written, I've got 2, 3 wheelers, and feel 100% safe driving them, when were out on a trip, people tell me to try there new quads, i get on start them, up, after figuring out why there's no pull start and that there's a button somewhere that starts them, drive around, get off and hand them there keys, and ask them how they can drive something that feels like its gonna tip over on the smallest slope. But nobody every wants to try my 200S, they all just shake there head, i love it, just dont like the feel of a quad.

12-04-2009, 07:58 PM
Amen brother!!

12-04-2009, 08:03 PM
It's my way of sticking it to the man.

12-04-2009, 08:23 PM
^ :lol: now that is funny!

12-04-2009, 10:53 PM
shens Like it is always said...."If they were outlawed....then only outlaws will ride em'..... I agree with the front wheel theory... I know where my trike is going..... jjust put that 1 wheel there!!! So so so much more nimble.....had to laugh at a buddy on a butt force, I mean a brute force Kawi last week. We were riding a steep hill and he couldnt' make the bottom turnshens the big red could....lol lol lol. I think the trikes actually warn you when enough is enough and like you all say......280lbs is a lot better than 780lbs on ya.......

12-04-2009, 11:41 PM
'''cheers to the trikes!!!!''

people on a diff forum, and in every day life ask me the same thing all the time... i guess its why i like old cars, i like what started it all, i dont like electric start i dont like keys ( one more thing to loose!!)

i will own quads also but a select few, trx 250r lt250r banshee or blaster, kick start FTW!!! only advantage to a quad is ' sanctioned' trails atv parks dont alow 3 wheelers so its nice to have something to ride there.

sinc ei got my 200x, my wife has gotten a tri moto, my buddy rick got a 200x and stock about 800 into in to get it riding and safe, another buddy has a 185s and a 200e and another buddy had a 200e, and another has a 350x and his brother has 2 air cooled 250r's,

AHHH the looks we will get rolling 5-6 deep down the frozen rivers on trikes!!

12-05-2009, 12:04 AM
Because mullets just don't look right on 4 wheels.

12-05-2009, 01:41 AM
i was raised on them,i know how to ride them,and they are much more fun than quads.

12-05-2009, 02:27 AM
the reason i ride them is simply 4 wheelers=mechanical bull 3wheeler= live bull :TrikesOwn

12-05-2009, 12:15 PM
Great posts guys. People ask me the same questions. I've only been riding at a true ATV park once, and got a lot of attention. I've got mixed feelings about that...when the DNR officer came over to look at my SX and reminisce about when he had a trike- that was cool. Having a half dozen quad riders stop what they're doing to watch me negotiate a difficult climb- not so much. I'm not a particularly skilled rider, and I'm not confident that I can avoid proving them right about what they're thinking...that I'm riding a death machine!

Having said all that, after a few rollovers in the first year, I now know my limitations and try to ride accordingly. I know that's a bit more conservative than you young guys, but at 42 I break more easily than you.

Mostly I got into three wheelers because I could get them so much cheaper and have as much fun! I have less in 8 trikes than most people have in one modern utility quad. That frees me up to have rides for friends and family, and NO monthly payment! I've also ridden a couple of those big monsters, and man, are they heavy! Someone said it's like driving a cow, and I agree.

12-05-2009, 02:49 PM
this is great !!! I started riding dirtbikes when i was 9 all the way up until about 21 , then i got my first trike and have had a sick fascination with them ever since . I ve had lots of different quads and dirtbikes while owning a trike and they all ended up getting traded or sold to buy other trikes , I now have a garage full of trikes and will keep adding on as long as i can . I made a rule for my self that i could trade or sell any of my toys at anytime all my toys but i will never sell any of my trikes , i will be burried with them .

I do also like the fact everybody else hates them long live the outlaws !!!trailpro trailpro trailpro

12-05-2009, 03:32 PM
when i was litle my dad would give me (and our dog ) rides on his 85 250sx. i realy liked it. when i got a litle older i got a minibike and a 110. so i was rasied on them and i dont have near enough money for a 4 wheeler and see no reason to get one. theyre slow, heavy, and ugly in my opinion.

12-05-2009, 04:25 PM
Before I found 3ww I didn't even know about all the trikes they made. All you see up here is 185's and 200's with no suspension. Started looking at the old ATC pics, 200X, 350X, Tri-Z, Tecate, I was in awww. Bought a 200X, and I love the thing. Already looking for a donor to restore mine. And looking at modern 4 wheelers, they have become the SUV of ATVs. Automatic, push button, ABS, one of them listed an "emergency shifter" in the tool kit, in case, god forbid, you might have to shift while riding. But I guess in a culture where people crash into stuff because their voice automated navigation system told them to turn, and they turn without looking you can't expect too many people to have a love for these "death machines", but I am glad I bought one. They are so fun. I really don't understand how a machine that weighs 280 lbs can be considered by some people to be a "death machine". And somehow they never banned giant road trikes, Goldwing trikes have to weight over 1000lbs, and I'm sure if you swerve it would flip too, and you sure couldn't just lean to balance it out. This is my first ATV I have owned, driven (for more than like 2 min), or done anything with, and its so great. I'm gonna go ride it right now and whip some snownuts. Thanks 3ww

12-05-2009, 11:13 PM
Quads can't swim, "there I said it"

12-06-2009, 01:17 AM
they are fun to ride... but the two wheel drive can be a pain when trying to ride uphill through alders.
haha................ but yes, the light weight thing is nice.

12-06-2009, 02:01 AM
last summer i was enjoying the day at a riding location with a big group of friends. I brought my 400ex and 200es. There was a friend without a ride there, so I just let him ride the quad all day and I rode the big red.

About the middle of the day I came across this muddy trench that had 4 or 5 4x4 utility quads trying to drive back and forth through it. They all had Mudlites or similar large aggressive tires, and there was one that was lifted and snorkeled. It was muddy and deep, but the main problem was the 2 deep ruts on each side from quads spinning their way through. The quads were bottoming out the whole way, and constantly pushing and pulling their way through.

I decided to give it a try with the 200es and my 25" turf tamers. All I did was guide my front wheel straight into their left rut, and my rear tires were over the center and the right side rut. (The trike was sitting cock-eyed in the trench, and this kept it from bottoming out because my left rear tire was on the center hump between the quad ruts). After that I just had to put it in low 2nd or 3rd and hold it at half throttle until I was at the other side. The ruts kept the trike going straight, even though the trike was sitting cockeyed in them.

It was so much fun the first time, I went back through probably 8 or 10 times more and it never once struggled, and I didn't have to muscle my way through at all. By now the ruts were getting deep enough that only 1 or 2 of the quads cold make it through. The others were being winched, pulled, or the rider had to get off and muscle their way through. By the end we had a crowd of dirtbikers and other guys watching, and I was getting a lot of thumbs up. The quad guys didn't think it was so funny. They wouldn't make eye contact with me and one even tried to roost me with mud once or twice, and in a non-friendly manner. I was obviously already soaked head to toe in muck, and by this time it was impossible for me and others to hold back the laughter.

(sorry for the long post, but THAT is why I like 3 wheelers. Giving the 4-10 thousand dollar quads a run for their money with a trike I bought for 50 and fixed up)