View Full Version : Sloppy head-set...

11-23-2009, 05:52 PM
On my 1986 ATC125M, if I hold the front brake and push the trike back/forward, the head-set shakes bad...very sloppy with what feels like about 1/4"play.

I'm assuming the bearings in the head-set are shot, but I'm not really to sure how this would have happened as the rest of the trike is in very good shape.

Could this have been caused by a bad/violent roll-over or impact that would have damaged the bearings?

How hard is this to fix, and do I have to get new bearings or there some adjustment that can be done to tighten it up?

I checked and the large bolt on the head-set is 100% tight, so it is not that easy ;)

Thanks kindly,

11-23-2009, 06:05 PM
Could be that the adjusting nut just loosened up... look at #5 in the drawing


11-23-2009, 06:06 PM
Could be that the adjusting nut just loosened up...

+1 I'd check that first

11-23-2009, 06:21 PM

I will check when I get home tonight and take a photo of the actual trike.

From what I can remember, #9 should be the bolt, and i'm not sure what #5 even is?

My bearing's terminology is not good, and I'm not sure what a "race" is and how I would go about adjusting it.

As for the big bolt on the top (#9 i think) it nice and tight.

Keep the advice coming!

11-23-2009, 07:45 PM
The bearring race is just the area that the bearring makes contact and rolls against. In this situation, the race IS the top and bottom of the downtube neck. Theye is no actual adjustment you can do to the bearring race itself. But I would also try what is mentioned above to start off with.

11-23-2009, 09:54 PM
#5 is the part that you use to tighten the steering up. In your case this is what you need to screw down to take the play out of it. Then the nut on top tightens against it.

11-24-2009, 04:41 PM
Cool, thanks guys! Now I understand. I will adjust it when I get home.
Take care,

11-24-2009, 05:56 PM
I think people are mistaken. Number 5 does not have threads. It sits inside number 9. Number 9 is the one you tighten for bearing preload.

What I suggest you do i drop the forks. Check the balls and races for excessive wear. If worn too bad (rare), then replace. If they look fine (more likely), clean them in with some gas or solvent, re-grease, and re-assemble. When tightening number 9, tighten till you can feel drag when turning with the wheel in the air, but no movement in any directing besides around.

Good luck with the trike,