View Full Version : 83 185s timing????

11-20-2009, 06:30 PM
Hey guys got my trike running the other day and it would only idle. would idle for a while then die. Start back up then idle for a while again and die. So I thought I would clean the carb. cleaned carb reinstalled today and pulled it over. Starts right away idles for a while then sputers back through carb and dies. Starts right back up sometimes will sputer right away and die other time will idle for 30 sec to 1 min then sputer and die???? Not sure where to go. Has new stator coil new gas no air restriction new plug and carb is spotless??? Any help would be great. Thanks

11-20-2009, 06:58 PM
Do you have the air/(fuel) screw adjusted correctly? Its on the bottom, motor side of carb. Make sure that is to factory specs. Also, is the jet needle (for slide) set in the right position? The clip should be in the middle setting from the factory. Do a search for a manual on here if needed. Good luck, and hope ya get her goin.

Russell 350X
11-20-2009, 10:37 PM
I think the air/fuel screw is 1 1/8 turns out on these. The choke isn't sticking is it?

11-21-2009, 04:32 AM
I set the air fuel mixture to 2 turns. Thought thats what the manual said so can you double check on the 1 1/8 turns and the choke is not sticking.I will have to check on the clip in the am and I will post back. Thanks

11-21-2009, 12:42 PM
Try 1 turn out.

Clip, second groove from top.

11-21-2009, 05:52 PM
Moved it to 1 turn and checked clip. 2nd one from top but I did notice the threads on top of cap that the throttle cable goes through were almost fully extended. screwed back in half way now does not seem to sputter but will only idle for a while then die. Give it gas and it dies. have any of you guys tried those new carbs of ebay???? Thinking about picking one up because no matter which way I seem to adjust does not seem to improve much or at all.