View Full Version : zinger carb filling up airbox with gas?

11-13-2009, 02:19 PM
I have a zinger that i rebuilt and put it all together but the carb fills the airbox withgas and it would not run right ran like it was flooding out. so i looked at the carb and decided that it was the needle valve not seating due to corrosion. So i went and bought a new chinese carb off of ebay installed it and it seemed to run better but still not the way it should. so i got frustrated and gave up for the day. The next day i went out and found gas all over the floor and the airbox full again. is there something else that could cause this like the petcock or something. im starting to get real frustrated. any suggestions would be helpful thanks

11-13-2009, 03:48 PM
IDC for any those knockoffs, all I needed was one bad one to make me hate them, let alone that not ONE person at Trikefest had the style jets that were in that carb (which told me enough to get rid of it...).

Most of my petcocks rarely get shut off, the needle and seat do there job.

IDNK if those floats are adjustable, but I'd assume they are allowing the gas level to flow and fill the bowl up very high.......

Send a PM BRYANRAFFA for some zinger help, maybe even a carb with a rebuild kit in it for you??.................

11-14-2009, 04:07 PM
yea i think im gonna see if i cant get my money back for that thing. thanks for the info.

Bryan Raffa
11-15-2009, 08:28 PM
them zinger carbs are junk.. buy new.. or go Big..