View Full Version : Connecting rod play

11-12-2009, 01:21 AM
I've got two 125M engines completely apart. The idea was to use parts from one to fix the other. Unfortunately, this was not to be. Both transmissions had broken shift forks, and one of them completely torpedoed. Oh well. So I bought a complete transmission from a reputable seller on Ebay. The last few days I've been cleaning out the case halves (wishing for a parts washer), and i noticed what seemed like a lot of play in the big end of the rod at the crankshaft. One actually rocks back and forth visibly, so that one is out! The second has about .020 side play. My Clymer manual says that this play should range between .004 and .014. Well, .020 is way above that, and I'm trying to decide if I should scrap the whole pile of junk, or take a chance, but it together and run it. Sometimes the book is too conservative. Does anyone have any opinions? If I have to buy a crank/rod set, I will have spent too much.

11-12-2009, 01:37 AM
if they say max is .014. a human hair is .003 so 6 more from .014 is .020 thats not much at all. PUT IT TOGETHER. ITS A HONDA. KEEP OIL IN IT AND IT WILL RUN FOREVER! gaurentee it will run fine

11-12-2009, 02:29 AM
side to side isnt so bad, as long as there isnt any up/down play whatsoever. .020 sise to side isnt hardly anything, i'd put her back together.

11-12-2009, 02:30 AM
come on chat man

11-12-2009, 09:03 PM
Just got home from work. I appreciate the response. It was exactly what I was thinking, and what I hoped to hear. The manuals often parrot the mfg specs, not the real world tolerances.

I'm going back out to do some more work on it tonight. Getting everything clean is super tedious. The cases are full of metal chunks! I figure it's going to be a week or two before I get it totally back together.

11-12-2009, 09:36 PM
Just got home from work. I appreciate the response. It was exactly what I was thinking, and what I hoped to hear. The manuals often parrot the mfg specs, not the real world tolerances.

I'm going back out to do some more work on it tonight. Getting everything clean is super tedious. The cases are full of metal chunks! I figure it's going to be a week or two before I get it totally back together.

Take your time.. it will run fine!

11-12-2009, 09:41 PM
i really suggest a parts cleaner, you can sit there all day cleaning out the cases and they will still be dirty in the nooks and crannys, i bought one for my 200es rebuild and its payed for itself, best of luck with your rebuild cheers

11-12-2009, 10:11 PM
I know, but we're financially strapped right now, so it will need to wait until spring. Until then I'll keep scrubbing and then make sure to change the oil a couple times right away to get out any contaminants that I didn't catch. Unless you guys think I'm going to totally ruin the engine unless I get the cases completely clean....?