View Full Version : ATC spotted in horror flick

11-02-2009, 07:45 PM
My halloween was pretty lame, I just watched some cheesy old 80's movies. Anyway, I was watching "Ghoulies" and near the beginning a couple drunk dudes ride up on a ATC185. They looked like great fodder for the CPSC.

I watched that movie a few times over the past couple decades and can't believe I never noticed it.

11-03-2009, 07:44 PM
Aw crap, it was a 185. I was gonna ask if the movie was rated "X".

11-05-2009, 02:36 PM
You know...I watched an episode of the Dukes of Hazzard last night... Twin Trouble So Rosco and Enus had wrecked their patrol cars again and Boss Hogg was fed up with the repair costs...So he takes away their patrol cars and puts them on 2 stroke 3 wheelers because they are cheap and easy to repair.. Pics from Tilley's Dukes of Hazzard page...Whish says they are likely Kawi's but I think they're more likely 250R's..

11-05-2009, 02:38 PM
^ yep them's 250Rs. look at the tank and rear fender shapes. def a 250r.

11-05-2009, 03:31 PM
There is a thread out there that has every single possible movie ever made with any kind of 3 wheeler in it.

But i have to admit, it is kind of fun to try to remember movies that had good ol' trikes in em'

11-05-2009, 03:37 PM
There is a thread out there that has every single possible movie ever made with any kind of 3 wheeler in it.


11-05-2009, 09:16 PM

Thanks for the link Mike! I need to go rent some movies for the weekend anyways. :lol:

11-06-2009, 01:56 PM
There is a thread out there that has every single possible movie ever made with any kind of 3 wheeler in it.

But i have to admit, it is kind of fun to try to remember movies that had good ol' trikes in em'

You mean, "every single possible movie ever made with any kind of 3 wheeler in it" except for Ghoulies :) I'll update it with some screen shots.

Here you go, found it on Youtube. Starts at 2:28. And if you want some comic relief, check out the world's biggest douchebag at 4:45 :) That dude is awesome.