View Full Version : how do you guys do it?!?!?!?!?!?!?

11-01-2009, 10:30 AM
i just need to know...how do you guys AFFORD everything you do with your bikes?

looking at all these build threads and trying to plan out what i want to do with mine....HOLY SPENDING!!

i cant even afford new headlight bulbs for my z :( and i work 2 jobs lol..its the bills that get me i guess

11-01-2009, 10:39 AM
I try to buy cheap atvs local and part them online to fund my addiction

11-01-2009, 10:55 AM
i tried doing that...none of my stuff is selling on ebay lol

11-01-2009, 11:02 AM
I think what makes it easy on the wallet is it takes so freakin long to gather some of these parts for our beloved trikes,, that its spread out over a number of months,, or sometimes years on some of these rebuilds. So you really dont notice the stack of receipts that pile up.

I know I've spent 3 grand easily just on that one tri z rebuild. I couldn't afford to just go out and buy a $3,000 machine.. so buying a basketcase and rebuilding is really the easiest way. ;)

Ya just gotta have alot of patients! lol!!!

11-01-2009, 11:11 AM
haha patience is one thing i know i dont have :-\ i guess i kinda just want it to happen overnight lol....im about 1900 into my tri-z and its far from what you other guys have

11-01-2009, 11:23 AM
You have to be resourceful.

Trade services and parts with people..
I assemebeld a TRX 250 LSR chassis for a guy, he gave me his old works shocks, frame, plastics, pro peg nerfs and a few pipes for my work.
I sold all that stuff,and made over 1500 bucks..

Buy cheap ,sell dear...
I have driven over 8 hours just to pick up one to sell to make a profit, which the profit goes back to my builds.
Keep a few hundred bucks back in savings, for when you find a deal, go buy it, clean it up, re-sell it, part it out, whatever it takes to make a profit.
I have had bikes for 10 minutes, then re sold them for profit.
When I built my Z, most of it was cleaning work from multiple parts tri-Z's I got for 50 bucks here, 100 bucks there, pulled the parts I needed, sold the rest,and made money.
I have bought and parted many machines, and kept parts, and still made money.
Hell one time, I bought a pallet with 3 atc 110's on it for 8$ off ebay,and only drove 15 miles for them..parted those out for over 500$
It takes a lot of work, and running around, but it keeps you busy, where you aint blowin money on video games, cell phones, and Mcdonalds..

I have owned over 30- 40 machines, which all got re-sold or parted in the last 5 years alone.

Most people will go look at a pile of 3 bikes for 50 bucks, that they consider "worthless" and walk away.
I come on that same deal and say, hell there is my 50 bucks back in the forks off that one, that bottm end is worth 150$, those pegs will bring 30 bucks..Etc..

11-01-2009, 11:38 AM
I am lucky enough to have multiple incomes, one of which is a really good job. I am also drug dealer. Just kidding. If you work hard life will give back what you put in.

mike from long island
11-01-2009, 11:40 AM
Brown bag your lunch.Thats $50-75 a week saved right there... I have done the same thing as Mosh.I wish I had taken a picture of every bike I bought and resold.I went to buy an 85 250r one time.Before i got home my buddy who took a ride with me offered me $200 more then I just paid!!! So that got some on the way home from picking it up!! I have bought quit a few quads locally that did not run.And parted those out.right now peoples wallets are tight.My ebay sales arent doing what they use too.I use to list 100 plus items on ebay.Lately I dont sell much on ebay.Thier fees have gone up a lot.I do have a bit on ebay.I am just trying to clean out the barn. my project budjet is 3/4 less now.2 kids,self employed, bills etc has taken its toll on the toy fund.But I can always wheel and deal.My wife wasnt too happy on the last $500 purchase.for one small part too.But I sold some of my hard to find parts to give her the cash back..... Nowadays,I sell parts to buy parts. Actually the last batch of parts I sold,I took the money to buy new tires for my work truck...Thats makes all the payments so.gotta keep that monster going....

You just gotta budget for everything...I cant tell you the last time I bought a CD!!!!!!!!! And I dont have an Ipod,or computer crap music. There are ways to really invest your money better.Like trike parts!!!!!!! They will never get outdated!!:lol:

11-01-2009, 12:37 PM
i guess i do just gotta have patience...ive relisted parts on ebay 5 or 6 times hoping they will sell...going over ebay i could easily make an extra 5-600 but thats if all my parts sold..the economy is killing things so it is more of a trade world right now but most of the stuff i have i dont think is really worthy of trading for parts lol

88 Turbo Coupe
11-01-2009, 12:47 PM
3 jobs, 7 days a week, for life

88 Turbo Coupe
11-01-2009, 12:48 PM
Plus overtime

11-01-2009, 12:50 PM
a lot of these extremely nice builds have taken 1-2 years to complete.

11-01-2009, 12:52 PM
haha turbo thats the way its looking....my paychecks go right to bills at this point lol

11-01-2009, 01:24 PM
In 08, I dropped about 6K in parts and shop materials.

This year, I've spent less than 500$ :(

Having a good paying job or being resourceful are just a couple of ways to have a nice build...........

11-01-2009, 01:25 PM
Sell drugs, prosititution, rob banks, be a hitman, you name it we've done it! Joking, im as broke as anyone else. It just takes time to save up for what you want.

11-01-2009, 01:26 PM
i started gathering parts for a 74 ATC 70 around 1994. i am still gathering parts. someday i will have everything i need and will just have to put it together. i am not going to add up all the money i spent on it. most of the people that have nice stuff are mid 20s and older. how old are you? 10 years ago i didn't have a pot to piss in and now i am doing OK but i still can't just go buy a 3 wheeler. i buy and sell Oldsmobile stuff on the side and that pays my ATV hobby. also work on ATVs on the side that also pays for the hobby. if you know how to do some work on ATVs then charge $25 per hour starting out and people will beat down your door to have you work on there bikes.

11-01-2009, 01:43 PM
I save about 100 bucks a month and it goes into a special trike fund, and I usually wind up spending all of my Tax Returns on trikes and or trike stuff. I have LOTS of NOS parts stashed away for the day I have a garage to display my bikes and tinker with them. For now most of it is in storage, Its been many years in the making but in the end I hope its worth it. I dont plan on selling anything anytime soon. Persistence and Luck has ALOT to do with it.
If you want something bad enough, you can do it too. I luv my trikes, and wouldnt want it any other way. HH

11-01-2009, 01:47 PM
im 22...but between me and my wife we have 4 kids...so thats what takes up most of the money..hoppefully with taxes ill be able to get my powdercoating system i want...then i could mae some spare cash doing that

11-01-2009, 01:55 PM
I've got two jobs, well their both hobbies that pay well. I DON'T HAVE KIDS!!!! Thats a big exp. Most of my freinds have went the way of stock quads and sold off the GOOD toys when they had kids. I search Craigslist in the tri-state area, even further if it's a good deal, to get a bike. X-mas and the first few mths of the year you can really make out on CL. People need $$ when the X-mas bills come in and bikes go cheap. I buy alot of 200X's for around $150 to 250 running or not. I take what I need and wait till I can sell two parts bikes at the same time. And I'll sell the the package deal on CL. hell with Ebay. I also look for any 200sx that are cheap and nice, I'll tweek them and unload them to my freinds for their kids, their the best 1st quad for kids.
But I have spent over $7000 on a 250R in the past 10 months and the bill is still growing.
85 200x (woods bike)
85 200x (bored,ported,jetted,full DG exh, AND 4/S)
86 250R (89 motor,too much to list, COST ONE GIRLFREIND)
85 500 Flat-Tracker ( soon to be restored to GLORY)
86 200sx (it's my dogs...HONEST)

11-01-2009, 01:59 PM
Piece by piece... Thats how mine get built... That and I like to buy easy flippers to help fund the projects. Buy ones that you can flip for a few quick bucks to help finance your addictions...

11-01-2009, 02:59 PM
Like everyone says buy, take the best parts for your bike and sell for some profit. Kinda like getting paid for your parts granted the original investment of an entire bike is more than lets say, straight pegs. But when you sell the bike for 200 more than you paid for it, your pegs were free. Also do side work. Put an affordable amount of your pay check into an account, or a fixer upper, or something. Whatever it takes. Trading is big now and it seems here in utah no one wants trikes and they trade them for way less than they are worth. Do everything you can with your abilities as well. I can paint anything, strip off paint and other coatings, rebuild motors both 2 and 4 stroke, it all saves me money. I have collected almost every 84-85 tecate in 4 states over 2 years and I finally (with 7 bikes and over 2 grand) have enough parts for one bad trailprotrailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro bike. Now I need to buy gaskets ,seals, bearings, get porting, better ignition, I want a big bore kit, powder coating and I have days maybe weeks of polishing to to. Its a big project but I look at it this way. I'm pretty sure that I can make a sweet tecate for less than lets say a sweet kxf450r. You could dump (with purchase price) $20,000 into one of those easy.
Well good luck.

11-01-2009, 03:09 PM
i figured that as well...ive bought 2 parts zs and a parts 200x.....knowing that i could make a profit off the parts....its just the parts arent seling at all...all ive sold is one airbox and a headlight shroud from my parts z lol

11-01-2009, 03:23 PM
Heck, I'm married to my job. I'm on the computer there now. I'm on ebay and craigslist and other spots all times of the day and night as my job has me on swingshift every week. I get lots of over time at time and a half, double time and double time and a half on holidays. I'm not married anymore and I don't have kids. I pick up bits when I can find them. Sometimes on ebay, sometimes by word of mouth from people and sometimes here off the forums. My projects help keep me busy sometimes as I can go home and wrench all hours of the day as it's hard to go home sometimes and fall asleep right away. It has gotten carried away though. Ive got machines and parts all over the place. My living room, In my next door neighbors garage, even at a friends house in another state! Friends can help with projects and I wouldn't have a couple of the trikes I do have without friends or they wouldn't be put together to the point without their help. Some trikes I have been picking up bits and pieces for years and sometimes a build will stop while looking for 1 piece. It can be nerve wracking sometimes. But whatever you do, try and have fun.

11-01-2009, 04:03 PM
well....check the classified section...i just listed all the parts that i can remember off the top of my head....make me an offer or prossible trade for aftermarket tri-z parts

11-01-2009, 04:57 PM
lol me personally. i work as a lead motorcycle technition as a local dealer and also own my own shop that i do side jobs all the time. i make great money and dont drink nor smoke or anything to waste my money so i throw it all into my toys sorta a investment for my future and my family future

big schott
11-02-2009, 12:23 AM
im 22...but between me and my wife we have 4 kids...so thats what takes up most of the money..hoppefully with taxes ill be able to get my powdercoating system i want...then i could mae some spare cash doing that

Think of it this way... When those kids leave the house you will be in your 40's.. My kids won't leave the nest till I'm in my 50's. You will have alot of years to enjoy projects in the future and.... you may have a chance to get the kids into a GREAT family sport when you still can do things without hurting your back. LOL

I Owned Two businesses But just sold one. I am enjoying a little time off untill I buy something else (I am only working 3 days a week now) but then I will go back to 7 days a week.

11-02-2009, 10:36 AM
like most of the guys that have responded, my toys are all very long works in progress. I just changed careers and am now working 2 jobs that are not paying all that well, but give me a ton of time to sit on the computer. (not alot to do in a radio studio) So I do alot of searching on Ebay and Craigslist. As I spend time with my trikes I compile lists of all the parts I need. And when I find a deal on one particular part I will spend maybe $20 here and there to slowly gather up the things I need. Remember there are a ton of things you can do that cost very little or nothing at all. cleaning and polishing is one of the most time consuming things to do, but it is the only way to make something look nice again. Or some sand paper and a can of spray paint is a cheap way to make things look new.

Sorry if the above doest make any sense I just got done working 12 hours and drove home for an hour 3 wheelers are the only things keeping me stimulated enough to not pass out.

11-02-2009, 12:29 PM
I'm fairly frugal in other aspects of my life. I don't buy cd's, or dvd's, don't have a mp3 player, no cell phone, no Xbox 360, don't eat fast food much or buy stuff I don't really need...been driving the same truck for 10 years. That adds up to several hundred a month that I'm just not spending......so to spend it on an old 3 wheeler or dirtbike is justifyable.

Besides, I've got less in my ATC than many of my friends spent on their brand new dirtbikes/quads.

11-02-2009, 12:41 PM
It takes lots of time to get what you want.
When I was 22 I only had a beat up 200S.
A couple years later I was able to affort a Big Red. Rode it for 10 years and bought a 350X.
I'm 38 now and finally was able to buy a 250R this year.
I know it sucks to think that your dream machines might be several years away, but my reality is I spent a lot of years wishing and saving.
It sounds like you are doing the right things (ie. powdercoating to earn extra cash). Stick with it and keep upgrading over time.
The good news is you are way ahead of many others already.

11-02-2009, 12:56 PM
Oh yeah, and like Keister said....time helps! I remember lusting after a 85/86 ATC250R back in 1996. I wanted one pretty bad around 2006, but it took until 2008 before I finally made it happen.

I've also been lusting for my first ever brand new 2 stroke dirtbike since about 2004 (when the rumors hit that 2 strokes would be banned). I might make that happen in 2010 (or 2011, or......)

Bryan Raffa
11-02-2009, 09:09 PM
spread it out over the years.. and have multiple projects,,, just finnished this that I started in 07....it was a box of parts saterday.. till I said ok lets do this... pulled it out tonight ..fired on the second kick..Sweet! Quiet!

I got a 490 to put together, and a powroll stroker x to finnish... it does feel good to finnish one!:p

11-02-2009, 11:58 PM
spread it out over the years.. and have multiple projects,,, just finnished this that I started in 07....it was a box of parts saterday.. till I said ok lets do this... pulled it out tonight ..fired on the second kick..Sweet! Quiet!

I got a 490 to put together, and a powroll stroker x to finnish... it does feel good to finnish one!:p

the thing with me is i dont have the money for extra projects lol and i dont wanna lose out on riding time....i have big plans for both my 200x and tri-z i just dont have the funds lol...or the patience to have my bike taken apart in the garage being lonely

11-03-2009, 12:05 AM
sometimes you can't do it. At one point i had 2 nice 86 R's, a nice 350X 2 250sx's a tri zinger and an 84 tecate, as well as an f 150 to get them out there and a nice utility trailer.All were sold but the tecate. even that is being neglected and some parts sold off it to free up some cash. Gotta do what you gotta do. When times are better and work is good I hope to get my dream trike. 86 or 87 tecate.

11-03-2009, 12:07 AM
i usually gather parts for a long time before i even start on a project,,, sometimes months and sometimes years,, i never pass up a good deal if i can help it,,, you never know when you might be able to help someone else out with parts ,,, i built this trike in 5 months for my daughter,,, i started with a bare frame and worked out of my parts bins for most of it,,, like raff says!!! it sure feels good to finish one,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


11-03-2009, 12:13 AM
Sometimes you just have to ride one not so cherry so you can work on the other one. It's a little easier to only have one apart at a time unless you are trying to deal with some kind of crazy parts. Also it helps to know what you can and can't get and be able to live with aftermarket parts as opposed to all factory original which is getting super hard to get unless you have mega deep pockets. The guys that have my respect are the guys that only do factory parts. Try finding original honda fenders anymore for a 250r or 350x or ABS plastic fenders for a Tiger! They are out there, but you gotta have mega big bucks. And it's not just the money for the bikes and parts, it's the patience to make the connections to find the parts you need. I've gotten parts from foriegn countries before! So, It's really a labor of love and a certain amount of dedication. You have to make contacts and friends. Don't worry that you have to have the shiniest or fastest on the block, that will come in time. The main thing now is to mainly learn how to wrench your trike and keep what you have going and to save some dough and if you are still into it, then go from there. You either spend up front for a nice trike or you start with a beater and maybe have way more tied up in it than you would by buying a super clean trike in the first place. How you do it is up to you, but most of all try and have fun. And don't make your trike so nice that you won't want to ride it.

The Goat
11-03-2009, 12:17 AM
start building a bike that you really really want...and buy a crappy crappy beater for the meantime.

I've bought bikes just so I would have something to ride for a weekend and then turned around and sold them for the same price after the riding was done.

I shudder to think what the bill for my 350x is up to these days...But I know when I get it, it'll be mine and unlike others. That's more important than anything to me...originality.

2 years of parts gathering....finally coming to a close. Prolly add in another year for assembly. lol

Just bought a nice old quad that's taking up some of the cash flow right now.

Name Brand
11-03-2009, 01:03 PM
I didn't build my SX overnight; it's come together over several years.

Budget, budget, budget. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Something you don't absolutely need is a luxury.

Late 2006, I got hurt. I was not working (no insurance), had about 10 grand in medical bills to pay, a broken leg and a broken collarbone. I had 97 cents in my bank account for a few weeks! I cut expenses, made minimum bill payments (I usually pay my bills in full), created payment plans for the medical bills, and got a $11/hr job installing furniture as soon as I could hide my limp. I couldn't afford physical therapy; being paid to move furniture was a good deal for me. I had all the debts paid off in about ten months. I managed to not have to borrow any money and despite many late payments I made sure nothing went to collections.

I've always kept my expenses low. I have not earned an especially high wage for most of my life. I'm 27, single with no kids. No cable, gym memberships or CD/DVD collections. I've cut down on the fast food lunches and nights out at the bar. My newest vehicle is a '98 and my careful driving has gotten me a very low insurance rate. Fifteen inches of bling is plenty for me. I've gotten into a trade/skill that is really starting to earn me some higher wages. It takes time to do that. I am to the point now that I have no problem paying for rent, phone, insurance. I can also afford to buy parts and tools when needed. I still make sure to keep a chunk in savings; who knows when you'll get a broken leg and collarbone!

I can now afford to build my second SX practically overnight.

11-03-2009, 02:23 PM
soon ill have disability from the army:w00t:
and im a snowmobile mechanic so i get major tips from city riders and i get the summer off to race. its the perfect setup!

C Kerley
11-03-2009, 05:28 PM
I work days, 8-4, M-F. For all my fun stuff I work nights and weekends. I just bought a 350X, and when I bought it I accepted it cost me "X" amount of extra shifts. I have alot of toys and they are a badge representing my efforts, as opposed to sitting at home watching TV or blowing it on expensive weekends.

I wanted a sportbike this summer. I worked my tail off, I did not run my air conditioner or dryer, I rode my 60 mpg dual purpose KLR every day (rain or shine), and did very simple weekends out. Minus the funds I just spent on the 350X, I'll still have a $7000 motorcycle paid for in less than 12 months. Don't get me wrong, I don't have it easy, alot of those shifts are gettting off at 3am and back to work at 8am, and I usually do a few 18 hour days a month. And the truth is, my conscience tells me I'm wrong for financing it to start with!

11-03-2009, 05:38 PM
I dont have a job or no money income at all, but lucky for me, my dad loves three wheelers, but he only wants big reds. ill soon have 4. I want a 350X so bad

01-10-2010, 10:55 AM
mud bug steal your dads foot guards and sell them to me ill give you 200 bucks lol he will never notice

01-10-2010, 02:39 PM
Buy one part at a time and soon enough you have a collection of parts, like the other guys said, buy ,sell, save and work hard. If you want it bad enough you will succeed.

01-10-2010, 03:01 PM
It's all about PRIORITIES, not to mention, dont set your goals so high you cant reach them. One thing at a time! If your patient, things will come to you, if you end going to things, they will cost you!

01-10-2010, 10:40 PM
My dad says "Work all day steal all night and still can't make a honest living"

01-10-2010, 11:02 PM
The barter system works well for me.

01-11-2010, 02:08 AM
Im 24 and it took me about a year to get my ATC450R to where it is now. Its just about being patient and find the deals you can when you need them. Im still not "done" with it, have inverts on the way and talking to jason now about triples and such, also need to get my air box worked(on the 4th design). I am a single college student with one job. Over winter and summer break I work construction (my major is construction science) and I do as many side jobs as I can. I was blessed to grow up around all this and have all the tools I could ever need thanks to my dad, or access to them. I have lots of friends that "owe" me favors for work that I have done for them.
Moral of the story just go slow and get things where and when you can, make friends and call in favors.

01-11-2010, 09:53 PM
. I have lots of friends that "owe" me favors for work that I have done for them.
Moral of the story just go slow and get things where and when you can, make friends and call in favors.

freinds that owe you favors help alot with the parts and rebuilding process not just for trikes for anything. i love it lol but who i got my z was just by saving i had my heart set on one and work hard to get it some off my money was left over from working at the fair rest was odd jobs and selling things i had no need for.just put some money aside monthly and before you know it youll be at your goal.also doesnt hurt that i have no bills to pay other then phone(50 bucks) and that dad is willing to help fix trikes even though its stupid ( i know he is just jeolus of me living HIS childhood :lol:

01-12-2010, 12:05 AM
One part at a time!

01-13-2010, 03:47 PM
i just take my time and gather parts as i can i bough a Kawasaki 110 and a Yamaha 125 for $125 bucks and slowly i will fix all there little problems but 2 make them ride able will definitely take more time and patients than money

01-13-2010, 05:01 PM
buy good deals, sell them, trade, flip stuff repeat. start a trike fund and put some cash in it each paycheck.

i aford my things basicly cuz i dont spend alot on other items, such as cable, cell phone that jaz....but when i build a bike i blow tons of cash cuz i want it done right to keep it.

basicly i think most of us are using classifieds to sell off our parts we dont need to buy other stuff.