View Full Version : atc 70 flipped front fender Q

10-28-2009, 06:16 PM
What is generally the problem on an ATC 70 when somebody has to flip the front fender backwards so that it doesnt rub on the motor?

10-28-2009, 06:18 PM
bent forks or frame , very common

10-28-2009, 06:20 PM
found a sweet 85, looks money, but fender is flipped. I asked why and they said because it rubs. which i had assumed from seeing a backwards fender. they tried giving me lame reasons. i told them something is up with it. maybe i outta pass on it

10-28-2009, 06:38 PM
forks and ttiple tree on the 70's are stronger than the frame itself. Odds are the frame is bent about mid gas tank. Can be straightened ...... not that big of a deal if the price is right......... rarely do you see bent forks on a 70...... good luck..

10-28-2009, 10:21 PM
if the front tire is original, it may just be swelled up. Had that problem on my 110

10-29-2009, 01:39 AM
here is the trike in question. they are camera phone pics. whats this worth with that front wheel issue? they said it runs great.




10-29-2009, 02:09 AM
Overall the bike looks pretty clean, how much are they asking for it? you could always flip the fender back and saw it right above the spot where it rubs, ive seen it done on a few 70s before and if done right looks really good.

10-29-2009, 02:13 AM
funny i was thinking of doing just that if i do pick it up. just flip it back and notch it out. looks goofy backwards.

I offered $200, they said $250. So somewhere in there...

10-29-2009, 02:19 AM
sounds like a good deal to me, If it runs as good as it looks i say snag it.

heres some pics with custom fenders lol



10-29-2009, 07:25 AM
I would just fix the frame before cutting up nice fenders or putting them on backwards. Its a pretty easy fix and works great, as I have done it to 3 of my 70's.

How to straighten an ATC 70 frame:

Well first remove the carb and air box from the trike.
You can remove the front end too if you choose but I did not, oh and remove the tank too.
Then get a block of wood (pretty thick) and place it where the air box was on the frame.
Then take a bottle jack and place it on the wood (the base) and jack it out to meet the neck area of the frame.
Then you start jacking the bottle jack out alittle at a time.
I took a rubber mallet and hit the top part of the frame to help it out. Keep jacking it as much as possible until you see the frame is straight.
**Reminder that the wood is going to compress some so you will need to keep extending it out alot.


AS you see on this front fender, it used to rub pretty bad but doesnt anymore



10-29-2009, 10:33 AM
Well Scott's idea does solve the problem a bit better..... lol

10-29-2009, 11:28 AM
man, just when i was sold on cutting the fender, somebody has to post up the right way haha. well...seems to not be too big a deal then. i havent seen the trike in person yet. so maybe ill swing out there today. ill have to hide this little guy from the old lady if i buy it. she will kill me for bringing another toy home. I just bought another streetbike last week and im always complaining i dont have any money haha.

10-29-2009, 11:48 AM
There are a lot of 70s out there with bent frames - seems like more often than not. The general problem is kids have a tendency to run into things (trees, porches, whatever) and the frame gets bent.

Scott, I like your fix. Thanks for sharing; I think I will try that with mine (hers).

10-29-2009, 04:33 PM
the fix is the right way to go , I have done it 3 times now, and one was on a 73 atc 70. Fix it, it will handle better.

Texas 200x
10-29-2009, 07:55 PM
Hey I hate too say it but it really doesn't look bad like that and 99% of people will never know its on backwards. If it runs and drives good and you really want if go for it. If it pulls and and drives like crap point out the "bent frame" and go for cheaper. It looks like its in great shape!

10-29-2009, 09:09 PM
fix it right... don't cut the fender. If you plan on ridin it, the mud and water will open a can off whooparss on your motor, trust me I ride the 70's very very hard and above their design......... do the bottlejack frame fix, I have some cut fender 70's and they just never are right. If it is a pitbike only..........leave the fender...... tellin ya though...... the mud will mess your stuff up if ya' cut it!!!

10-29-2009, 09:24 PM
^I agree.

Nice pic of the bottle jack fix too.

11-03-2009, 08:56 PM
BOO! I was very dissapointed tonight. I went out to grand island where this guy lived with $ in my pocket and dreams of bringing this little 70 home. I get there and its in the garage so i peek it over before knocking on the door. It looks better in the pics I would say but still not bad., Good dent on the other side of the tank from the forks though. Anyways, knock on the door, guy comes out. said hes owned it 15 years. Im thinking sweeeeet! So he pulls it and it starts on 1 pull. this is great right. Well I hop on it and go to take it for a ride. The thing starts making horrible grumbling and "not good" noises. Sounds like the motor or tranny was about to grenade! My g/f from my truck heard this thing. I could barely enjoy the ride I was taking because it sounded like crap. It sputtered and overall I was not happy. Worst thing is I talked to the guy on the phone today and repeatedly asked him if the bike ran good and rode good. he said " hey im not asking alot of money for this thing" I said yes I know that but I just wana know if it runs/drives like it should.. He then asks me if i was a collector. Im like well not really I just want to know if its got any problems. He said well it might need a little work but its really nice and runs great. Im thinking ok ill go there i bet this thing is sweet. well. after i rode it i had not so happy thought about it anymore. I have enough projects with my house and in the garage that I didnt want another one. When I pulled back up to him on it he says "Yea I dont know what that noise is I think it needs a chain" ughhh....well I said, I wont waste any more time Im going to pass on it. I walk away and while im down his driveway he says "How about $200? Cause we agreed on $250 before I showed up. So I go back. look it over again. cant see a thing with it all encased like that and I wasnt too happy he decided NOT to tell me it made horrible scary noises before I showed up when i repeatedly asked him if it was all good. So i said ya know what I am just guna pass on it and I left. Not happy the whole ride home. I would have lowballed more but I was just pissed pretty much that I got my hopes up and was duped like that. /RANT

11-03-2009, 09:20 PM
Sorry to hear bra! But there are tons out there, just be patient and they will come to ya.

11-03-2009, 10:06 PM
Damn that really sucks man, i wouldve been pretty pissed. Just be patient and keep an eye out.

11-03-2009, 11:58 PM
thanks guys i will find a nice one im sure. I have to manage my money a little more now since im laid off for the winter and i only went to get it because it was priced right for what i was told was a trail ready machine. had is needed some work i still would have bought it. but this mysterious and very loud gear grinding noise sounded internal and i dont have time or money to be buying a project right now. I have enough of them already. He could have saved me a trip had he not witheld that info until i found out myself. This was the first trike i ever went to look at that I didnt buy. I never thought it was possible until today.

01-12-2012, 07:34 PM
question on the bottle jack frame fix. when fixing the frame should it be compleatly straight or a little curve to it also if there a way to support it so it wont bent again even if you are riding it hard?

Jon Boy
01-12-2012, 08:50 PM
the frame should be straight, no slight bend at all. more support? make a front motor mount and/or add some gussets. make a few test pieces with scrap cardboard, transfer the templets to metal. cut/trim/bend and get to welding. :lol:

11-14-2012, 12:20 AM
Hey lookie here another great piece of information from this site. That search button really works wonders. Looks like a great tip that I will be using on my sons newly acquired 85 atc 70. I have always wondered about those scrapped up front fenders. I knew it had to be something common.