View Full Version : John Deer 600 AMT

10-19-2009, 06:44 PM
My uncle shows up the other day with one of these on his trailer.


he didnt know what he should do with it. He was conisdering scrapping the darn thing.

So in about an hour I get it running for him but will only run on Ether for a couple seconds. Its got a fuel pump on it like that which I have seen on Golf Carts. Like a square diahphram pump. So I test it and no gas coming from the pump when I crank it over. So he buys a new one and gas comes out now but still only runs the thing for a couple seconds upon start up with ether.

He just called me, I havent veriftied anything yet since its left my driveway. Im going to go check it out for myself but the fact that its not running but for a couple seconds still sound like a CARB issue?

Im hoping by chance somebody here owns or has owned one of these things.

10-19-2009, 06:59 PM
carb is probably plugged. Time to disassemble and blow it all out and clean it with some dragonfire:) Niiice trike to ;)

10-19-2009, 07:50 PM
my 225dx did that and it turned out the rings were frozen in there grooves not allowing it to build proper compression. hopefully it is just a carb issue though. its like a precurser to the gators they have now.:D

10-19-2009, 08:15 PM
I'd clean the carb.

Trizilla just got one of those.


10-19-2009, 10:09 PM
I will clean the carb for him and hopefully that works. I had a snowblower that only ran on ether. took carb apart and float was stuck to the bottom of the bowl. hopefully its just something like that.

10-19-2009, 11:23 PM
JohnDeere bought out Commuter industries. Commuter used to make the Sasquatch and the Granger. They actually made a model they called the 5x4. If it still has the Kawasaki heavy industries 340, just clean the carb. They will run forever.

10-20-2009, 08:02 PM
got it running today. one of the jets was clogged shut. i cleaned it out with a pin. Took it for a cruise all over. forwards and reverse worked. ran and idled really good.

10-20-2009, 08:51 PM
cut the second axle out of the back and lose the bed, throw some hole shots on that mother and air it out............................................... .................................................. ..........................just kidding

10-20-2009, 09:00 PM
Great, you saved it from the scrap yard.

Is it yours now?

10-20-2009, 09:12 PM
got it running today. one of the jets was clogged shut. i cleaned it out with a pin. Took it for a cruise all over. forwards and reverse worked. ran and idled really good.

SWEET! GJ man!!! so is he keeping it, or do you get it?

10-21-2009, 12:10 AM
Hes hanging on to it. I definately could have had it when he brought it over the other day. he was pretty much just guna scrap it. Thought he could get 50 bucks at the yard for it or maybe sell it for a hundred or 2 to one of the guys at the scrap yard. I told him id give him a hundo for it and he said if it wasnt worth him fixing i could have it. But it WAS worth him fixing and i had to be honest with him and tell him that. He doesnt know much about stuff like that. hes a scrapper and looks at everything as what its worth as scrap. I could tell he really wanted to get it running if it was possible and use it at his house to haul firewood so like a good nephew I helped him out. Truthfully if I took it off his hands I would have just sold it anyways, so maybe better he and his kids get to use it now than for me to just make a buck on it. Was a cool ride though. I was real happy to find the mystery jet that was clogged up and take it for a spin. all the backwoods neighbors came over when they saw us out on it. was a real conversation piece.