View Full Version : New 250R, got a tranny question.

Jim mac
10-15-2009, 10:39 PM
I just picked this up this morning. Being on base and all, we didnt want to get anyone in trouble riding it. So basically I bought it after starting it, but not riding it.
The thing goes right into first gear. BUT when I pull in the clutch and shift it to second. it makes a clunking sound. Got the 3rd its fine. Now if I just put it in 1st and shift without the clutch into 2nd 3rd its fine, no clunks or anything.
I looked in the oil fill and didnt see oil visible. So I used 10-40 and put a quart in it. I noticed the clutch doesnt want to completely release when I pull it. In 1st gear I get a bit of creep.
Does this sound like a mis adjusted clutch? Thanks.
This is on a 84 250R.

Jim mac
10-15-2009, 10:40 PM
accidently put a pic of the 110 on it.

10-15-2009, 11:40 PM
you didn't just dump regular motor oil in there did you? That's a wet clutch system.

Jim mac
10-16-2009, 12:09 AM
yes regular oil. I did a search here, some say reg. 10 40 is fine, others say dont. I can dump it and try something else. Jim

10-16-2009, 12:28 AM
well clunking in the tranny is never good and wont be fixed with oil.youll need to open her up to see whats what

10-16-2009, 12:32 AM
Something tells me your clutch isnt disenguaging. Which will DEFINATLEY cause a clunking noise trying to shift into gear, usually from nuetral to first though. Adjust your clutch so its disenguaging, then ride it. If its slipping you need new clutch disks/plates and check the pressure plate while you're in there. This would be the first ting i check. I had this problem on my T3 and new clutch disks and cable fixed my problem. Mine was a bit worse though, unless i reved it then kicked it into 1st it would kill the engine. Im betting the same is wrong with yours.

Jim mac
10-16-2009, 12:58 AM
I went and checked the oil level. With it in neutral, you start it, pull the clutch lever and drop it into 1st and it dies unless you rev the motor. Then it wanted to creep without the brakes on. I adjusted the cable so now it will idle with the bike in gear with the clutch lever pulled. Its too late to run up and down the alley, but in the morning im going to give it a try. Like I was saying, when I first brought it home, going from 1st to 2nd without the clutch I didnt have any noise what so ever. I was kind of lugging the motor too, and stalling it out. jim

10-16-2009, 03:48 AM
It could be a badly grooved clutch basket not releasing the plates properly but I wouldn't think this would cause a clunking sound. whatever the problem is you won't know till you open it up and have a look. If shifting without using the clutch works ok then the gearbox should be ok. I'd start by taking off the clutch cover and go from there.

10-16-2009, 07:02 AM
i use light weight gear oil for my 86 250r

Jim mac
10-16-2009, 10:08 AM
any suggestions for what gear oil to use? thanks. jim

Jim mac
10-16-2009, 10:47 AM
it may be a bent 2nd gear shift fork, if you shift from 1st to 3rd theres no issues. I had one like this before. If I get the title this morning Im not going to worry about it. Jim

10-20-2009, 06:14 PM
My 82' 250R has allways been that way. The bike moves a little while clutch is pulled in. I changed plates. I think on mine someone threw the chain into the crankcase and they had to jb weld it so no oil would leak. I changed the clutch fork and adjusted the cable. I changed the bearing on the clutch rod. I never split the case YET! You think it could be 2nd gear shift fork??

10-20-2009, 06:17 PM
Everthing on the clutch basket looked fine! I don't get it YET.

A Couple of years ago I took it to Ocotillo w/ no clutch(That was fun).

10-20-2009, 07:13 PM
Well I have had around 4-5 air foolers and 2 of them had this issue. It turned out to be the shifter fork. Both had issues in 2nd gear. It seems to be a typical problem for the 83-84 models, as I have heard many with the same problems. You can either tear down the bottom end or find a "known good one" if that is possible. The price these motors are going, you might be better off finding a good runner and swapping it out. Good luck bra...