View Full Version : 250SX Shock????

10-10-2009, 11:50 AM
At first glance the 250SX and 250ES shock look identical. It wasen't until I cleaned it up, and painted I noticed the top and bottom on the ES shock is smaller than the SX shock. So in other words, the shock can slide side to side on the bolts. Anyone ever run in to this before? Can I just put washers on both sides, or should I scrap the ES shock, and just use my SX shock, which is not in the best condition?

pipeline triker
10-10-2009, 12:21 PM
You can probaly use it if you make bushings or somthing for spacers. Washers tend to cut in to shafts. If you deceide to get a new shock pm me, as I have a good one that is in very nice shape out of an 84 SX.

10-10-2009, 12:29 PM
I can swap the sleeves out, just won't be all the way in the housing. Maybe just a typo, but whats an 84SX? 85-87 as far as I know.

10-10-2009, 02:45 PM
Decided to just clean and paint the one I got. Oh well.

10-10-2009, 02:51 PM
If your really a big SX fan, save up and get a works shock for the rear. I don't think it was that horrible, maybe about 4-500$. I'd just shim it and be done with it. The SX isn't a huge jumper so washers would be just fine.

If your NOT that big of a fan, just wait for a good used blue one (86/87)

There was no 84 SX, I'm not sure if some of the manufacturing dates came in as 10/84 or otherwise but there was no 84 model or PT is just going on what he was told when he got it...............