View Full Version : Oil leak?

10-08-2009, 02:33 PM
Went for a small ride out today on the Tri Z. I went up and down a bumpy lane, after being parked up for 5 mins there was two small(ish) patches of oil underneath. The smaller patch was underneath what looked like an overflow pipe towards the rear. The larger patch was more underneath the gear oil sump plug, but it is not this what is leaking. Anyhow, I rode it back home down the nice, smooth, flat road and it didn't seem to drip any oil after I parked it up. I have noticed however, that the chain always seems to have oil on it, even though I've never oiled it!

So, my question. Is there some kind of overflow pipe that oils the chain? Or does it sound like a seal of some kind has gone? It looks like the oil is possibly appearing from or around the front sprocket.

What do you guys think?

Regards, Blakes

10-08-2009, 02:36 PM
:cry: i would have a close look at the engine case around the sprocket yu may have thrown a chain and put a hole in the caseing

10-08-2009, 02:49 PM
Hmmmm! Gonna have to give it a de-gunking! What do you mean by 'thrown a chain'? I thought it odd that it didn't drip and oil when I got it back home, only after going down that bumpy lane. But I guess that may figure if there is a hole!


10-08-2009, 03:07 PM
Hmmmm! Gonna have to give it a de-gunking! What do you mean by 'thrown a chain'? I thought it odd that it didn't drip and oil when I got it back home, only after going down that bumpy lane. But I guess that may figure if there is a hole!


Throwing the chain is refering to the chain coming off when your riding it, and breaking a hole in the engine case. Usually it will be a noticable leak and hole, but it may just be a crack. Degrease that part and check it over real good. Also not sure about the Z but my T3 has a vent tube for the transmission which if overfilled will leak the excess out. Ive got a scare a couple of times from this before. I recommend power washing the engine and sitting a piece of carboard under it overnight and see if you see anything leaking then.

10-08-2009, 03:29 PM
Ah ok cool. Well I've definately not thrown the chain. Hopefully a Z owner will come along and clarify whether or not there is an overflow pipe or something like that. The chain/sprocket seems a good place to dump excess oil!

Maybe it's just wishfull thinking!

pipeline triker
10-08-2009, 07:20 PM
my 200x would leak a tiny bit of oil when hot, it was the seal behide the sprocket, also made my chain oily. I would see if that seal is easy to change and change it.

10-09-2009, 05:14 AM
Thanks. Yeah a few people have said it's probably the seal behind the sprocket. Does anyone here know how difficult it is to change? I've been pointed in the direction of a good manual, but does anyone here have any first-hand experience in changing said seal?

Thanks, Blakes

pipeline triker
10-09-2009, 08:36 AM
On my 86 200x the manuals all show the cases split to replace the seal. I did it in the trike. I took my sprocket cover and sprocket off, and cleaned it all off and got the #'s off the seal and called a local bearing and seal store before I took it out. He had the seal for $3.00. he gave me advice on how to get the old one out that really helped. You push an awl through the seal to make a small hole do not use a drill, you then thread a small screw into the hole, then grab the screw with a vise grips and the old seal slide's right out. It was so easy I could not beleive it. I hope the Tri-Z is as easy for you to do as mine was. You will need a deep well socket the size of the outside of the seal to get in place.