View Full Version : 7 year old on a 81 250r?

10-08-2009, 01:46 AM

10-08-2009, 05:37 AM
awesome thats the way to teach em! i was on a rm500 at 13... show them power at a young age and they will respect it

10-08-2009, 09:04 AM

There's a pic in the latest Australian ATV Action of my 8 month old (she was 5 months old at the time of the pic) sitting on my 300R. You gotta start their Fooler addiction young!

10-08-2009, 09:33 AM
lol thats like me when i was younger about that age on my brothers 350x!

10-08-2009, 10:16 AM
cool vid,now hell want to keep it

10-08-2009, 10:53 AM
I am going to go against the majority on this one. That kid is way to young to be riding an r. Now say a 185, sounds good. But a 2 stroker espically an r is just to much machine for such a small kid. Of corse he did seem to handle pretty well..lol I will admit I was impressed when he did not smash his face into any tree's but looks like he will turn out to be a atc junkie as well.

10-08-2009, 11:06 AM
That parent must not love his kid very much! Honestly, he is way too young to be on a 250R. Starting kids out young is great, but put them on the proper sized and powered machine. Wait till that kid figures out how much fun it is to get on the pipe. Just gonna end up being another so called ATC related injury or death.

10-08-2009, 11:27 AM
This is the kind of irresponsible parenting that got our trikes taken off the market. That machine is WAY too big and way to powerful for a small child. Sure, he can technically work the thing but, if anything at all unexpected happened, he would not have strength to control it. A machine that size coming down on a 7 year old would result in tremendous injuries. Really it's just a completely DUMB move on the part of the father and there's no way it can be justified. If your child can not touch the ground flat footed when sitting on the seat, the machine is simply too big.

Am I the only one that saw the witch hunt hatchet jobs 20/20 and 60 minutes produced in the 80's? Little kids on adult sized trikes were the number one weapon they used against us.

10-08-2009, 11:33 AM
That looks identical to the footage that 60 minutes used in their "The World's Most Dangerous Vehicle" segment that brainwashed millions of Americans.

Yeah - that is very irresponsible letting a 7 year old on that machine. Pure stupidity.

10-08-2009, 11:34 AM
I hope the powers that be don't see this footage and ban the sale of new 3w'ers! Oh, wait. NM.

10-08-2009, 11:38 AM
This is the kind of irresponsible parenting that got our trikes taken off the market. That machine is WAY too big and way to powerful for a small child. Sure, he can technically work the thing but, if anything at all unexpected happened, he would not have strength to control it. A machine that size coming down on a 7 year old would result in tremendous injuries. Really it's just a completely DUMB move on the part of the father and there's no way it can be justified. If your child can not touch the ground flat footed when sitting on the seat, the machine is simply too big.

Am I the only one that saw the witch hunt hatchet jobs 20/20 and 60 minutes produced in the 80's? Little kids on adult sized trikes were the number one weapon they used against us.


He's way too small to be riding a 250r

10-08-2009, 11:38 AM
Here's an idea - instead of talking about the guy behind his back - why not tell him how you feel in the comment box under his video? You've taken the time to write about him here, where the guy probably can't see it ... why not take a minute to tell HIM how bad of a person he is? You might actually get through to him!

10-08-2009, 11:45 AM
I liken the situation to, say, Ryan Sheckler -

That's a video of him, at age 8, shredding hard on a skateboard. His parents started him riding boards @ 3. He is about 19 or 20 now, a pro boarder and a millionaire.

So who know? Maybe the kid in the 250R video could be the next John Natalie or something.

10-08-2009, 11:47 AM
That looks identical to the footage that 60 minutes used in their "The World's Most Dangerous Vehicle" segment that brainwashed millions of Americans.

Yeah - that is very irresponsible letting a 7 year old on that machine. Pure stupidity.

Is there a version of this online?

10-08-2009, 11:51 AM
Is there a version of this online?

No - there is not

10-08-2009, 11:54 AM
The 60 minutes footage can be bought for 60 bucks - it will come on a DVD. They'll have you sign a couple forms saying you won't redistribute the footage though.

10-08-2009, 01:49 PM
People like this were high up on the list too. :lol:

Haha, had to post it Dammit, don't be too upset. :beer

Very funny. :lol:

HOWEVER, there's a huge difference between an adult acting like an idiot and an adult allowing a child to do something extremely unsafe.

I tried to leave a comment on youtube but youtube is being ghey at the moment.

10-08-2009, 02:08 PM
Very funny. :lol:

HOWEVER, there's a huge difference between an adult acting like an idiot and an adult allowing a child to do something extremely unsafe.

I tried to leave a comment on youtube but youtube is being ghey at the moment.

Phew! I saw you replied and was like 'Uh oh -- here we go?' - glad you 'got' the funny.

As for the original video - I dunno really - 250R is fast for sure, but who knows how much riding that kid has done. He was wearing a helmet at least. Maybe the father had the thumb throttle 'fixed' so the kid couldn't rip it too hard. LOL

I dunno.

10-08-2009, 03:01 PM
This is the kind of irresponsible parenting that got our trikes taken off the market. That machine is WAY too big and way to powerful for a small child. Sure, he can technically work the thing but, if anything at all unexpected happened, he would not have strength to control it. A machine that size coming down on a 7 year old would result in tremendous injuries. Really it's just a completely DUMB move on the part of the father and there's no way it can be justified. If your child can not touch the ground flat footed when sitting on the seat, the machine is simply too big.

Am I the only one that saw the witch hunt hatchet jobs 20/20 and 60 minutes produced in the 80's? Little kids on adult sized trikes were the number one weapon they used against us.

I agree, way too much machine for this kid. He was VERY close to "getting on the pipe" and what we he have done when the power hit? Snap the throttle even further open and barreled into a tree? The kid did handle it very well, but was never "on the pipe". Im curious as to how he would have handled it.

10-08-2009, 03:47 PM

looks like the mom does not care either...

10-08-2009, 04:10 PM
this was the first time the kid was even using a manual clutch, 250r to boot. sure we all did it...doesnt mean it was smart.

10-08-2009, 04:36 PM
Here's an idea - instead of talking about the guy behind his back - why not tell him how you feel in the comment box under his video? You've taken the time to write about him here, where the guy probably can't see it ... why not take a minute to tell HIM how bad of a person he is? You might actually get through to him!

I did. Look for kingvandal response.

Edit: Hmm, for some reason I cannot get any responses to show up there... Still says 0/0 and I have tryed 3 times.

10-08-2009, 06:24 PM
This is the kind of irresponsible parenting that got our trikes taken off the market. .

and hippies doing wheelies with no helmets on while almost getting bucked off showboating in front of their friends!

*** Edited by Dammit! Link to no helmet video removed! :lol: ***

LOL I kid, i kid :Bounce

it was a related vid in the sidebar just happened to be you! :beer

10-08-2009, 06:26 PM
and hippies doing wheelies with no helmets on while almost getting bucked off showboating in front of their friends!

*** Edited by Dammit! Link to no helmet video removed! :lol: ***

LOL I kid, i kid :Bounce

it was a related vid in the sidebar just happened to be you! :beer

wish I woulda came up with that .... oh wait. :lol:

10-08-2009, 06:27 PM
did you post that already........

let me look back here i admit i skipped ahead...Dammit


10-08-2009, 08:49 PM
I removed the no helmet link. Yeah it's me but it's technically against the rules so stop posting it! :lol:

Ah the late 80's and early 90's... :lol: :lol:

10-08-2009, 09:01 PM
Reminds me of my cousin who used to ride around like nothing on a 660 Raptor a few years back LOL

10-08-2009, 11:14 PM
......... If your child can not touch the ground flat footed when sitting on the seat, the machine is simply too big....

thats is a rule that is pretty common around me exspeacily with dirtbikes it just makes sense even if they have the experience you need to touch ground in an emergency

10-08-2009, 11:58 PM
dirt bike is another thing, kids that can ride a kx65 pv - kx85 pv can hop on a kx250 no problem. Some of the kids actually said it was easier to ride the 250 than the 85.

10-09-2009, 12:33 PM
dirt bike is another thing, kids that can ride a kx65 pv - kx85 pv can hop on a kx250 no problem. Some of the kids actually said it was easier to ride the 250 than the 85.
i totally agree! i had a rm80 when i was 8 and stepped up to a 250 at 12 and the 250 was more controlable. those 80s are dangerous cause the have no low end and a sh!tload of topend. its hard to to make the powerband more controlable on small cc 2 strokes.

10-09-2009, 01:03 PM
Age is but a number and not indicative of skill or intelligence. Certainly most 7yrs are not capable of handling this machine, but that doesn't mean there aren't some who are. From the 30sec clip I see no indication that the kid is anything but responsible on the machine! Good for him and hopefully he's been educated correctly and will be an overachiever at other aspects in life.

10-09-2009, 01:11 PM
^ very well said :beer:

10-09-2009, 01:12 PM
Age is but a number and not indicative of skill or intelligence. Certainly most 7yrs are not capable of handling this machine, but that doesn't mean there aren't some who are. From the 30sec clip I see no indication that the kid is anything but responsible on the machine! Good for him and hopefully he's been educated correctly and will be an overachiever at other aspects in life.

Except all 7 year olds do not have the strength to control the trike if something were to go wrong. Yes he was going slow right then but we all know that if he really got on it and say it started to flip he wouldn't be able to pull it back to 3 wheels. It's not all that bad cause his parents are watching and he's going slow but if something were to go wrong and that trike fell on him it could do some serious damage.

Russell 350X
10-09-2009, 01:12 PM
Any parent that would let their 7 year old ride a 250R obviously dosent give a chit about them. Thats way to much machine for a 7 year old. Nuff said.

10-09-2009, 02:13 PM
My 5, 6, and 8 years olds scare me enough on the LT80 with the limiter screwed down. Bad idea..

10-09-2009, 02:36 PM
Except all 7 year olds do not have the strength to control the trike if something were to go wrong. Yes he was going slow right then but we all know that if he really got on it and say it started to flip he wouldn't be able to pull it back to 3 wheels. It's not all that bad cause his parents are watching and he's going slow but if something were to go wrong and that trike fell on him it could do some serious damage.

I agree that something "could" happen. No man is big enough to control an 18 wheeler either should it start to flip ......
I was merely speaking to the evidence at hand, not speaking to the "what if's"
Do I think the kid should be allowed to haul off into the woods on the thing ....hell no, but thats not what i saw. I saw a controlled environment with supervision and a responsible driver. I applaud that!
Think about this.....
The kid sees his dad riding it everyday and is forbidden to ride it or touch it. One day no one is around and he manages to get it running ( I know but....what if) and does really get hurt on it. How many of you would say that the father should have at least taught the kid about it and most importantly to have a healthy respect for it's power. (Could be any machine from atc70 to 500R makes no diff). Knowledge and experience contribute to building the skill, abstinence serves no purpose except to pique curiosity which leads to poor decisions.
I would say that if you truly love your kids teach them don't forbid them!!

10-09-2009, 07:27 PM
well - good job 'fun police' - the guy wen't and took the video down.


10-09-2009, 09:07 PM
I'd rather he just stopped letting a 7 year old ride an adult sized racing bike.

Common sense. Geez.

10-09-2009, 09:11 PM
I've talked to him @ length - I hope he allows me to share his side.

10-09-2009, 09:28 PM
I don't give a rat's arse about his side. People can try to justify it all they want but in my eyes it's just dumb. Supervision or not. Accidents can (and do) happen in the blink of an eye. If something were to happen it would still be on the kid to be able to handle it. His Dad would not have been able to help him avoid anything. That dog that was in the video could run in front of him and the next thing you know there's a 260lb three wheeler with a burning hot exhaust pipe sitting on top of a child that should have been on a 70. Poor judgement in my opinion.

Endanger yourselves all you want. Kids don't know any better so it's our jobs as adults to keep them out of harms way. Obviously you and this guy disagree with me. Good for you. I suppose you'd let a 7 year old play with guns, drink a beer, drive your car? Where do you draw the line?

I GUARANTEE if someone posted a video of a kid that size CRASHING a 250r you'd be first in line to call the parents out for being morons.

10-09-2009, 09:35 PM
I don't try and raise other peoples children - I have two of my own. If the parent in question has had that kid on motorized bikes since before he could walk and feels HIS kid can handle the 250R then that is his and the mothers choice to make. Not ours.

That said, if you feel this way why do you leave the video of you doing wheelies with no helmet on up on youtube - some kid out there may see it and wanna emulate it.

10-09-2009, 09:50 PM
I'm not trying to raise his kid. I'm just saying he's being very foolish. If he wants to continue doing what he's doing I'm not in any position to stop him. If he's really naive enough to think a child that size can HANDLE a 250r... well I hope the kid has an alert guardian angel because he's going to need it. No 7 year old kid has the size, strength and experience to HANDLE a 250r. Ride it? Sure. HANDLE it, no way in hell.

And as I said before, adults acting stupid is one thing. I put a disclaimer right in the description that I do not condone riding without a helmet. I was 20 years old in the vid and had been riding three wheelers for 12 years at that time. The situations are in no way similar. Making the comparison is grasping at straws.

The parent is free to do whatever he wants. Just as I'm free to say it's dumb and you're free to rag on my sexy wheelie vid. :lol:

If I were to find out there's a governor on the throttle and the shifter was removed so he couldn't get out of 1st gear, it would be less concerning (but it's still too big). Bottom line is simply this though. I would not want to see ANYBODY's kid get hurt because of their parent's lack of judgement.

10-09-2009, 09:57 PM
Just as I'm free to say it's dumb and you're free to rag on my sexy wheelie vid. :lol:

:lol: :beer

10-10-2009, 11:15 AM
This is the kind of irresponsible parenting that got our trikes taken off the market. That machine is WAY too big and way to powerful for a small child. Sure, he can technically work the thing but, if anything at all unexpected happened, he would not have strength to control it. A machine that size coming down on a 7 year old would result in tremendous injuries. Really it's just a completely DUMB move on the part of the father and there's no way it can be justified. If your child can not touch the ground flat footed when sitting on the seat, the machine is simply too big.

Am I the only one that saw the witch hunt hatchet jobs 20/20 and 60 minutes produced in the 80's? Little kids on adult sized trikes were the number one weapon they used against us.

Nobody wants to hear it but this is probably the main reason why three wheelers were banned from production. Actually the blood sucking lawyers were the main reason but thats another topic. Kids riding bikes way to big and heavy for them. Since the bike wont fall over no matter how big the engine any kid big enough to reach the handlebars can ride. I too saw the TV coverage when it hapened and it really crushed some of my dreams as a teenager.


10-11-2009, 08:08 PM
I'd rather he just stopped letting a 7 year old ride an adult sized racing bike.

Common sense. Geez.

apparently you have never heard of LIL' Bobby "endo" Ecker

50 lbs wet and held numerous number 1 plates...........his parents were very proud:welcome: AND STILL ARE

10-11-2009, 08:48 PM
I love my kids,and I love my trike.

There is no way in a frozen over hell, that I would put a 7 year old on a 2 stroke big-bore trike.
I might put him a on a 200x,(providing he was a extra-ordinary prodigy, of appropriate size) but a 250r, air cooled, for that matter (which was a poor handling, powerband whipping machine to begin with...........) No way.

I tell ya, I have seen (1) Maybe 2 Kids(And the parents Know who I am talkin about) with my own 2 eyes, progress from a zinger at the age of 4, to a eton quad (with many races under his belt), to a 200x, then a air cooled 250R, then a water cooled 250r, that can actually handle the 250R machine, At the ripe old age of 13.
As a matter of fact, I am willing to bet, those kids would smoke most average riders twice their age.And I know for a fact, those parents wouldnt have put those kids on a 250R at the age of 7, 8, or even 10 years old.

But to put a 60lb kid on a 275 lb, 2 stroke machine, Is ignorant, and moronic to say the least..

I am sure there are the exceptions, But I would rather see the young kid man- handle a 200x, before he even touched a 250R.

10-11-2009, 10:49 PM
I am sure there are the exceptions, But I would rather see the young kid man- handle a 200x, before he even touched a 250R.

sorry mosh...I had to edit your quote

there was too much google whoring, troll baiting, buddie brown nosing smack talk for my lowly brain cell to comprehend.......

but I'm glad you agree with me.......there are exceptions

feel free to worship the google gods before replying to my original post:postwhore

It's funny how peeps can droll over a post thats 5 years old....The internet is DANK!!!!

10-12-2009, 12:22 AM
sorry mosh...I had to edit your quote

there was too much google whoring, troll baiting, buddie brown nosing smack talk for my lowly brain cell to comprehend.......

but I'm glad you agree with me.......there are exceptions

feel free to worship the google gods before replying to my original post:postwhore

It's funny how peeps can droll over a post thats 5 years old....The internet is DANK!!!!

You know, sometimes even I can't figure out what you're trying to say. :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm buying a ISDRA season pass this week by the way. Now I HAVE to hit the dunes this year. Gotta get my money's worth. :D