View Full Version : And the family grows 85 200x

10-04-2009, 01:25 AM
Hello everyone while trying to get parts for my everlasting 350x builds i stumble on a craigslist add for 2 three wheelers for sale 1 90cc and 1 350cc 200$ 250$ so im thinking sweet 350x thats probly beat but i can use it for parts and im looking for a new head and refuse to pay the ebay prices. so i ended up waiting like a week befor i found time to go look at the add and basicly gave up hope that it would be there but i called that weekend anyways and as i expected it had sold instantly but she had lots of tools and welders and stuff for sale and my friend wanted to tale a look. so i figured maby there would be some discarded 350x parts in there, and when i got there there sertainly where: 2 200x engines top ends off and random 350x and 90cc and 200x stuff all over the garage i gathere some randome stuff and bought it and left my number incase she was going to throw the other stuff away and she made me an offer i couldnt refuse on all of it and so i had brought home a bunch of 200x stuff. and the next day i get a call from her that she had forgot there was a 200cc bike in the back shed for whatever reson and if i wanted to look and ofcoarse i did so while praying it was the x and not a utility "i have one already not that there bad" it wasnt, it was the x that whent to all these parts and some atc 90 floation tires for sale if anyone wants them idk if they hold air yet so ill post in the classifieds later" so here i am with 5 bikes now its one in the morning right now but had to show it off to you guys ."not the best pics but hey its late ill get more tomarrow when its light out " and its in real good shape for a rider "IMO" i think her husband had been fixing it up befor he passed away forgot to mention thats why this stuff was all for sale she told me the 350 was like mint and sold it for 250 "that hurts just thinking about it" it just hadnt been started in a year. but finaly heres the pics for now


10-04-2009, 01:30 AM
Oh yea im not sure if i have a cam in the parts or not would a 200e cam work in it or are the durations different im going to be looking for 200x part as well now but not to many at all "i hope or its getting parted out" i just need to get the engine together and i have 2 of them but taken appart even have the lower end gaskets in one of the parts bin. has an aftermarket exaust that says dinnis kirk on it is that a brand

10-05-2009, 02:31 AM
Well heres some more pics


10-05-2009, 02:57 AM
nice bike! i love my 85 awesome machine

10-05-2009, 03:05 AM
nice bike! i love my 85 awesome machine

Thanks I just need to put the engine together im tring to have it done by dec for my week out in the woods so i can have the 250 red and the 200x my 350x's are to far from being done so i picked this up. Do you or anyone else know if 200e top end stuff will work on the x like the cam and maby the cdi on the side just the pickup.

10-05-2009, 03:55 AM
holy tires batman! is that a 2 stroke silencer?

10-05-2009, 04:07 AM
Nice looking start on a 200x.

10-05-2009, 09:54 AM
i want to say the 200e cam will fit and work,but dont quote me.wait for a confirmation on that.it wont be as powerful as the x cam but i think it will work.nice 200x roller though,great find dude.im so jealous.

10-05-2009, 01:03 PM
holy tires batman! is that a 2 stroke silencer?

Thats what i was thinking but i have no idea.

10-05-2009, 01:17 PM
i want to say the 200e cam will fit and work,but dont quote me.wait for a confirmation on that.it wont be as powerful as the x cam but i think it will work.nice 200x roller though,great find dude.im so jealous.

Yea if the the durations are differnt ill look for 200x cam there might be one in all the parts i have just havnt noticed one and thanks. and thanks for the replys.

10-05-2009, 01:56 PM
all 200cc honda cams are interchangeable. (4strokers) I'm looking for a 200e bottom end. I have quite a bit 200x stuff if you wanna do some trading pm, or email me.

10-06-2009, 02:04 PM
Well fixing the problem for now by just buying a running engine and will build the one i have now as a spare or to replce the one i buy.