View Full Version : Please tell me how to remove needle bearings

08-02-2003, 09:09 PM
how on earth do u get the needle bearings out? I dont even understand how they would come out? There is nothing to hit against or anything like the carrier bearings. Does the center shaft come out or something?

08-02-2003, 11:37 PM
If you're talking about swingarm bearings, the optimum way to remove them is press them out with a press.

Sometimes you can drive them out but a better way that works well is to take a socket that will just fit inside the swingarm pivot. Place the swingarm pivot and socket in a vise and apply pressure to press the bearing out. use a bigger socket on the other side so that the bearing will have some place to go and you can completely press it out with the vise.

08-03-2003, 10:49 AM
yes, but to do that, you have to already have one out dont you? is there a collar that they rest against like carrier bearings? or can they just push straight through?

08-03-2003, 03:50 PM
no spacer inside,,, but it has a center collar that runs thru the bearings.
once that is out of there i wouldn't think it much matters how you get the old roller bearings out if putting in new (sawzall, hammer + chisel, hammer and a long drift)