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08-18-2009, 09:43 PM
i just put a high compression piston in my 200x. i got it all back together...fired it up....and it was revving high......then when i shut it off...it backfired.

thats not the problem....after it was off i smelt something burning and smoke started coming out of my carb. not knowin what was going on i quickly pulled off my gas tank and carb just in case something decided to ignite.

the smoke stopped but i decided to pull the plug to see if it was wet or what not to see if it was a gas issue...and smoke started pouring out of the spark plug hole. if you look in.....you can see the piston...and it looks like the piston was hitting my spark plug and its all black like the spark plug was igniting when the piston was hitting it....


this is my first piston/ valve job and i KNOW i did something wrong...i just dont know what :confused: :wondering

08-18-2009, 09:54 PM
What piston did you use ? The back fire is probably just the pulse generator timing a little off sence you have a high dome piston you might need to adjust it a bit . Also you migt need to go up a size with your main carb jet . I cant see the piston hitting the plug unless its the wrong plug or you forgot the base and head gaskets ???

08-18-2009, 10:06 PM
i bought some high compression piston off ebay...it was cheap and i needed a piston haha


i bought the valve kit off this guy too...

and the spark plug im using is the same ive been using its a champion powersport 8809...walmart special

and i know i put the gaskets on because me and my kid fought to get them on without losing the cam chain

im about to just list this bike on craigslist for next to nothing

08-18-2009, 10:19 PM
I recommend an NGK plug and play with the pulse timing a bit . I think you will find this to be your problem . The champion plugs just dont hold up in my opinion . The piston you bought is a pretty good one .

08-18-2009, 10:24 PM
i woudl also say the carb tuning is out. tune the side screw that moves the slide up and down out some. this will clsoe the slide and bring the idle down. the brass screw on the bottom back side is the misture screw, turn it in till it stops gently... then turn it out 1.5-2 turns out. that shoudl get you in the ball park. you probebly do need to get a larger main jet as mentioned as your going to need more fuel to support the extra performance.

08-18-2009, 10:28 PM
did you put the piston in the right way ? There should have been a larger relief for the larger intake valve?

08-18-2009, 10:33 PM
did you put the piston in the right way ? There should have been a larger relief for the larger intake valve?

yupp i made sure of that

im kinda worried that i did something wrong still...it doesnt seem to have a difference in the compression. :confused:

08-18-2009, 10:34 PM
I recommend an NGK plug and play with the pulse timing a bit . I think you will find this to be your problem . The champion plugs just dont hold up in my opinion . The piston you bought is a pretty good one .

i usually bought the ngk.....but it was just more convienent to run to walmart because by the time i got out of work the local mx shop was closed...i run ngk in my tri-z though

08-19-2009, 08:52 AM
Are you sure the plug is contacting the piston? Just because there are black marks it doesn't mean they are contacting. You would definately know if they are touching because your piston would have gouges, not just black marks, in it. Look at how far the strap and electrode protrude on the plug you are currently using compared to the proper NGK and see of the Walmart plug protrudes more. Sometimes it will look like the right plug by itself, but side by side you may see different.

The smoke you saw coming out of the intake was probably just some fuel igniting in the cylender before the piston reached top dead center. It more than likely kicked the engine backwards opening the intake valve in the process and allowing the smoke you saw to come out the intake. You may need a timing adjustment.

08-19-2009, 04:44 PM
its times like this that i wish i had the money to pay someone to fix it haha.....

08-19-2009, 08:50 PM
was the plug damaged ?

09-01-2009, 09:45 PM
UPDATE!!! it was just a timing issue...i was 180 out....everythin is fine now but it sounds like i need a new cam chain too Deepa

09-01-2009, 11:20 PM
Did you tension the chain with the engine idling? Also re-check you rocker adjustments after running it.

09-02-2009, 08:42 AM
Did you tension the chain with the engine idling? Also re-check you rocker adjustments after running it.

nope havent done any of that yet :-/ i only had it running for bout 2 minutes because my daughter was trying to take a nap and the wife was whining haha....i was just too excited about finally gettin it runnin

09-02-2009, 08:52 AM
nope havent done any of that yet :-/ i only had it running for bout 2 minutes because my daughter was trying to take a nap and the wife was whining haha....i was just too excited about finally gettin it runnin

hahahahaha sorry to laugh but im glad im not the only one in the world! LOL sooo good to hear theres other people that only get 15minute incraments to work on there ride before the wife bitches about kids sleeping or something else :beer