View Full Version : how do i get the front shaft out to get the tire off my 250r!?!?!

08-14-2009, 05:13 PM
i need to put a tube in the tire of my 250r and i cant get the stupid shaft out. so if someone could help me and tell me how to do it or any tricks i would like that. thanks.

08-14-2009, 05:18 PM
try a hammer? Smart ass rremark:take the nut off the end of the bolt :lol: sorry had to say that one. Try heating it up with a torch first. theres alot of methods, im sure someone will chime in with a good one soon here.

i had a helluva time removing the swing arm bolt from my 83 250r, ended up using a 10 or 20 ton press to smash the bolt out after torching/hammering/asking nicely for it to come out. these kinds of parts can pretty much weld themselves in place after time with no grease

08-14-2009, 05:40 PM
i tried that a little bit. i sprayed it with pb blaster then heated with torch and pounded with hammer and NOTHING. lol i dont wanna mess up the threads either so i was taking it kind of easy.

08-14-2009, 06:13 PM
Have you tried loosening the shaft clamp? On the bottom side of the fork leg?

08-14-2009, 06:32 PM
no. lol. is it on the verry bottom of the fort tube. a bolt facing backwards?

08-14-2009, 06:41 PM
or is it the allen bolt on the very bottom going up into the fork?

08-14-2009, 10:25 PM
If its the front axle you are talking about, 1st....order new bearings and seals, those will probably be garbage. Take off the wheel with axle in it and bring it a machine shop or friend with a press and press it out. If you hit it with a hammer you can/will destroy the threads(ask me how I know), the next thing that happened was the bearings came out with the hubs. I had to heat the center tube real hot and hit the axle out, it further destroyed it, to make it only good for a long punch. I ended up getting another axle, I managed to save the center tube and I had to get new bearings. My next thing that went was the threads inside the forks, I think it was from trying to re-use the destroyed axle. It was an expensive lesson.

08-14-2009, 10:49 PM
Umm I have a 1984 250r and I also have a 1982 250r. The axle bolt (shaft) is easy to come out. I believe it is a 11/16 ratchet bit that fits the end. Get the biggest ratchet you got and use it to loosen the axle bolt (shaft). Make sure the bit is completely tight on the axle bolt. If it strips your dead. But if the bit is tight it won't strip so yeah i believe its 11/16. ::::::Important::::::: before you loosen the axle bolt loosen the pinching plate that has 4 nuts on it. Just loosen it no need to take off all the way. Loosen all 4 nuts though. When you loosen the axle bolt (shaft) it will slide right out. If you got an 85 or 86 model 250r I'm of no help. Not sure how they unbolt.

08-14-2009, 11:37 PM
AIR IMPACT WRENCH!!! Let it rattle... It will come...

08-16-2009, 11:48 AM
yeah, its 17mm. You want to use a 6 point socket. 84 and 85/86 axles are only a different length(84 being longer). The axles are very hard to get out when seized/rusted to the center collar and corroded to the fork. I had the great experience of both. I didn't have an air impact then, nor a regular one either. I had to do it with a breaker bar and a pipe over it.

08-16-2009, 12:50 PM
There's nothing wrong with using a good ol' fashioned breaker bar with a 3 meter snipe:P

08-16-2009, 02:19 PM
Sounds like he didn't know about the clamp bolts and what they do.....

Don't touch the allen bolt underneath, it holds the damping rod in place and you'll lose oil out of it. And, don't loosen the one single bolt on the side of the lower fork tube, thats for draining fork oil.

Just loosen the 4 pinch bolts on the clamp and you'll be good (83/84 to 86 are all the same) If it's still stuck, it could be the threads in the fork (which propane will swell quickly and help) But more than likely like DEATH touched on, the axle itself get's seized to the bearing spacer tube. IMHO, Honda should have made that tube .020 larger ID. It didn't need to be such a tight fit and causes issues if it doesn't get taken out ever so often and greased up :D