View Full Version : tri-moto 125 problem, help

08-13-2009, 10:55 PM
I was taking the top end off my 125 engine because tommarow im putting the 175 top end on and saw one of the needles on the wristpin bearing was gone. I know the guy i got it from re-ringed it last summer. Whats the chances it fell out with the piston on the connecting rod? It ran good with no noises so im wondering if the guy dropped the wristpin bearing when he was re-ringing it and one fell out and he didnt notice. Is it possiable for the needles to come out with the engine together or does the connection rod not let that happen? Please give me some input. I really DONT want to split the cases on this old trike..... Thanks

08-13-2009, 11:24 PM
The connecting rod won't let that happen but just in case and for shits and giggles I would look down in the crank case and flip it up side down and see if anything falls out.

08-13-2009, 11:24 PM
The needle bearring cant really come out unless the wrist pin is removed from the piston/connecting rod. I have seen a needle bearring fall out and destroy a cranks con rod bearring from a guy that didnt see it fall out much like you are talking about. Look under the crank in the bottom of the cases with a flashlingt to see if its in there. A magnet would be your best bet IF it even went in there or on the floor? Its always a good idea to replace the wrist pin bearring whenever you have the top end apart. They are around $10. Good luck.

08-13-2009, 11:29 PM
yeah i stuff around the rod with rags so the circlip or anything for that matter cant fall into the bottom end. I think i am going to pull the engine out and tip it upside down and use a magnet and see if i can get anything. Im sure it didnt fall out on me......but checking doesnt cost anything so im going to atleast make sure lol.......thanks guys

08-13-2009, 11:56 PM
well i just went and looked at it and there is alot of tiny metal fragments in the bottom end so the bearing must of came off and went into there. So now it looks like i am for sure pulling the engine and am going to flush out the bottom end with pre-mix to get all the crap out. Luckly my con rod is tight and everything seems to be good. Do you think flushing it out will be good? thanks

08-13-2009, 11:59 PM
I would pull it apart and make sure that it did not tear up the crankshaft bearings and see what other damage it caused.

08-14-2009, 12:12 AM
yeah i prolly should but i have $60 into this trike and dont want to dump alot of money into it. I rode it for prolly 2 hours before i tore it down and it ran great. Since the shitty part is done now and the bearings turn smooth i think it would be smarter to just flush it. Heck flushing it would be 10 times better for it than the way it was before..........do you think that the metal framents could just be from the engine wearing of the last 25+ years?

08-14-2009, 12:20 AM
I would still pull it apart its real easy but anyways use diesel to flush it out acouple of times then dump some two stroke oil in there when your done.

08-14-2009, 12:23 AM
you know what, more i think about it your right. Im not going to use it really untill the winter anywase. The only real reason why im not is i havent split a vertical case engine before and i dont want to screw it all up......Ive split my horizontal cased banshee a million times but since its a horizontal the gears and stuff stay in place and knowing my luck everything will all fall out :lol:

08-14-2009, 12:31 AM
just tip it on the right side and take out the flywheel and stator plate, then remove all the screws from the left side casing and it will come apart with out dumping anything out, trailprotrailprotrailprotrailpro If I lived closer I would do it for you, its that easy.

08-14-2009, 12:34 AM
yeah that seems easy for sure lol. I already have a flywheel puller from my banshee and i looked and there the same one so that sames some time and money lol. Is it a pain the get everything lined up when putting it back together? Also does this engine use a gasket or a sealant like yamabond? thanks again man!

08-14-2009, 12:39 AM
No it's not hard to get everthing to line back up and they don't use a gasket, but I would use yamabond just so you know you have a good seal.

08-14-2009, 12:50 AM
also can i use the 175 base gasket on the 125 jug? Im selling the 125 tommarow and would like to get it bolted together before i sell it and have a brand new 175 top end gasket kit.......or would yamabond work? thanks

08-14-2009, 01:03 AM
Yes you can use the 125 cylinder base gasket on the 175 cylinder base but you still can get the gasket set from Dennis kirk for cheap. I forgot to add but if you want to pull the crankshaft all the way out you will have to remove the right side cover and pull out the clutch basket [make sure to keep the clutch disk in the same order as the came out] to get to the bolt that holds on the gear to the right side of the crankshaft to have it come all the way out, but I don't think you will have to do that unless you notice that the bearing is shot in the right side casing.

08-14-2009, 01:06 AM
ALEX, you read it wrong lol. Can i use my 175 base gasket on my 125 jug? Im keeping the 125 bottom end and putting the 175 top end on it and putting the 125 top end on the 175 bottom end. Well im selling the 125 tommarow and want to put my new 175 base gasket on the 125 jug......am i making any sence? lol

08-14-2009, 01:13 AM
Yes you can use the 175 base gasket on the 125 jug they are Inditical, the only diffences are the head gaskest for the 125 and 175 cylinder's.