View Full Version : Stretched DEEPA's ATC70 frame 3"s.....

08-10-2009, 05:19 PM
I finally got in my metal stock this week and got some work done. It wasn't easy to find the size and wall thickness I wanted with a compatible piece of steel in terms of weldability.

This 3" stretch really makes the 70 much more comfortable for us big guys and the way I've done it, I added a good amount of strength.

I stretched it out 3"s and used a 12" tube, so ultimately you have 4.5"s forced in to either end. I think it's important that your tube reaches the stck gusset for the best strength.

I asked questions about tubing sizes before I did this and then came up with my own solutions. IMHO, 1.750 is far too small for a good tight fit. The inside ID of the stock 85 ATC70 frame is nearly 1.875 or 1 7/8ths inch and I found a way to deal with the obstruction of the inner weld on the stock 70 top tube. So, I got some tubing that with a bit of machining, I have to bang it in with a 2lb hammer which was just what I wanted :D. I mig weld all that up and then put another piece of tubing over the splice and mig weld that in place too.

Were still in the rough stages, I ran out of Argon but when it's done and powdercoated, my goal is to have a stock appearing and seamless super strong stretch :w00t:

I still have an upper frame support to fabricate and weld in place and I have to machine and move back the gas tank posts. But other than that and some smoothing, we'll be good :naughty:

These frames aren't allot that expensive to ship and again I'll throw it out there and offer this service to others if they want it done........





At some point, I want to make my own suspended frame. I also think I can fairly easily remove the existing top tube and weld in a complete length of 3MM wall tubing instead of the stock 2MM wall tubing to strengthen the stock design and eliminate any extensions, but believe me, this tubing is not gonna bend :lol:

Work in progress :TrikesOwn

08-10-2009, 05:21 PM
great looking welds DC, well done

08-10-2009, 05:50 PM
Looks Good and strong to me . Nice job!!!!

08-10-2009, 06:22 PM
Looks good, I wouldn't have any worries riding it, an im a fabricator welder......
I also quite fancy making my own suspended frame, but its pretty much just a day dream in my head at the mo... Keep up the good work :D

08-10-2009, 06:26 PM
great work!

Bryan Raffa
08-10-2009, 06:27 PM
Good to see de Deepa pa keepin you Employed!!! L@@K'S G@@D:cool:

08-10-2009, 06:34 PM
Looking good DC, but you know that already :lol:

08-10-2009, 08:13 PM
wow I hate seeing people malest these stock out of production machines to use as they were not intended ..... I mean where is the 160cc lifan?

08-10-2009, 08:28 PM
wow I hate seeing people malest these stock out of production machines to use as they were not intended ..... I mean where is the 160cc lifan?

there are thousands of 70 frames out there!!! i sure as hell don't see a problem,,,

so crasher are you going to relocate the seat and tank? or just let the 3" extention stick out in front of the tank? OR go the hard route and strech the tank to coneal the strech?

Bryan Raffa
08-10-2009, 08:32 PM
ya what Kase said^^^ what does it look like with the tank splitting the diffrance? To mutch gap between the tank and seat?

08-10-2009, 08:40 PM
Looks good DC. If you ever have a problem finding the correct size tubing for whatever, give me a shout. My neighbor is a steel guy and has literally several hundred thousand pounds of all different sizes. He stocks even the oddball stuff.

08-10-2009, 08:45 PM
^ Guys, that is up to Mike..... I have already designed a TOP gusset that clears the tank within it's stock location. If we move the mounts back, I can make an even longer gusset.

Now that I'm pondering this, I'd imagine one thing to do would be to extend the seat pan forwards? Plenty of us have a big arse anyhow :lol: Mom made the seat covers, I can add material to that pattern and foam is chicken, the only thing would be the pan. But there isn't much to that either........

IDK, I have to think about it but I won't be extending the gas tank :) I think once I put in my slick angled upper tube top support, you won't really notice the stretch - almost like a Nicholson frame.........

EDIT - THANKS JEFF!! I did find a great place with tons of DOM tubing (in 1/16 increments) and good shipping costs, I stocked up :D When I had to jam that tubing in there (after machining) instead of letting it flop around, I was PSYCHED!! It fits so well that to plumb the neck to a level rear axle, I had to use a hammer and whack it a few degrees while I tack welded. THATS the perfect fit I wanted :D

Bryan Raffa
08-10-2009, 08:47 PM
nicely planned.. like the seat route....

08-10-2009, 09:21 PM
When I stretched my frame I only went 2" and I split the difference by moving the tank back 1" in the front and because of the stretch I extended the bracket for the rear tank mount 1" forward to line up with the mount on the tank. The seat still touches the back of the tank. It worked out real well.
Here is a pic of it at TF. You can see the gap in the front but the back looks fairly normal. Another bonus of stretching these is that you won't have to worry about the engine rubbing a hole in the front fender any more.


Bryan Raffa
08-10-2009, 09:23 PM
thanks for postin that daddio.. would have never noticed......

08-11-2009, 02:45 AM
I widened a stock tank 1 1/2" for my Project X to increase fuel capacity and to match the width of the seat. Looks better than the factory skinny tank.

The Goat
08-12-2009, 08:59 AM
wow I hate seeing people malest these stock out of production machines to use as they were not intended ..... I mean where is the 160cc lifan?

I have three frames behind the shed...covered with a tarp. You act like the 70 is a hard frame to replicate anyways...I'm sure I've seen alluminium ones out there.

I was actually thinking about this other day DC, but wouldn't want to attempt it with my skill and the old lincoln chatterbox.

How much are we talking for you to tweak it?

08-14-2009, 04:33 PM
Any more progress on this Steve? I found a mini near me for a hundred bucks, it needs some love, but its all there. Maybe if we get enough of us we can start a 70 cult.

08-14-2009, 05:03 PM
wow I hate seeing people malest these stock out of production machines to use as they were not intended ..... I mean where is the 160cc lifan?

Wow I was joking .... DC is allways bitching about back yard hacks ruining perfectly good old stock parts then he cuts a frame for a bike that was intended for a child so a adult could be more comfortable on it ... Oh well if I am the only one who laughed at this it was still worth it. Freaks drag bike is one of the baddest wheelers I have ever had the privilege to get on .... for those who don't know it is a aftermarket 90 frame with a 250r air fooler in it ..... :acr

08-14-2009, 05:07 PM
I remember when freaks frame was listed on ebay. I know that's an E-ticket ride for sure. Showing my age again. I think there is already a 70 cult! LOL The only aluminum framed 70 I know of is down in OZ. All the rest are either DOM or chromoly and suspended! There are plans for more suspension frames in the works though.

08-14-2009, 10:30 PM
AutoXer - Ahhhhhh yes, at least now I know you pay attention :D

The ATC70 would be the exception to the rule :lol: Us "adults", just seem to have as much fun or more fun on them than our regular rides. Which opens up the "Allowed to modify" clause........ :beer

I did finish this today, but I'll post the pics tomorrow or Sunday......

08-15-2009, 12:43 PM
The 3" ATC70 stretch is done:




And one slip of a carbide burr did this:


Goat, I'll stretch them, gusset the top, move the tank mount, fill the old holes and provide all materials for 100$.

These aren't my best welds, I may have a regulator issue as I kept seeing the shield gas cut down and I just filled the bottle :(

08-15-2009, 02:20 PM
:eek: :eek: the thumb :eek: :eek: Reminds me of mine after i fell of my bicycle a couple of months ago :(
I'll be honest here, I think you've done a class A job of sleeving, joining, gusseting and welding the tube, but i will say the 'cleaning up' leaves a little to be desired. I'm thinking the grinder marks still look pretty rough and will probably show through most surface finishes (Paint system or Powder coat) Maybe just wants a 'dust up' with a zirconium flap wheel on a grinder or even a cutting disc used flat, thats how we finish hand rails at work..... But im sure your more that aware of how to finish it lovely...... :D :D

08-15-2009, 04:18 PM
he is leaving it for me to clean up 100% before powder...hes trying to save me a few bucks by leaving the mindless stuff for me to do

looks great. a 30 of bud ice is fair payment right?


08-15-2009, 06:12 PM
I would smash my thumb like that for a 30 of bud. Nice job man I like the stretch I wanna get mine done but the big bikes are in the front of the line right now:beer