View Full Version : Hi Perfomance ATC frame update

08-04-2009, 07:18 PM
Over the last week or so I’ve learned a lot about my Hi Po frame. Vealmonkey was a great help. I don’t think there’s much he doesn’t know about trikes. I just got a set of ex400 hubs and they fit great on the 29 inch axle. They also fit great on a pair of racing wheels that I picked up several years ago and never used; same bolt pattern, what luck. I’ve had some rough times with that swingarm though. It’s been a real challenge getting the bearings off; they were rusted on. This old frame was made back in the 70’s, and it was rode hard and put away wet. It only took me about 5 hours to get the axle bearings loose. Lots of WD40, heat, sweat and coaxing with a leather hammer. I’m still working on the swingarm bearings as you can see in the picture. I soaked it overnight in rust remover; quite a difference it made. Now I’m going to soak it for a couple days in brake fluid and see if it loosens up any. Wish me luck on those, I think I’ll need it.

08-04-2009, 08:53 PM
Lookin good , Wish I could find a couple of those Hi preformance ATC decals to freshen up the look of mine .

08-05-2009, 07:08 PM
Well after soaking the swingarm bearings in brake fluid for 24 hours; and after missing the punch and hitting my hand a couple of times; they came right out. I even got my wife involved by holding the arm while I hit it. As you can see by the pics;They were rusted in pretty good. And it only took me about 6 hours, lots of sweat, and many cuts and bruises. I tried out a few tanks that I had laying around, a ’74 Kawasaki KH400, a ’72 Yamaha R5, and the only one that would work; an ’81 Yamaha XS650 Special tank. It fit like it was made for the frame. So the pieces are all coming together.

08-05-2009, 07:29 PM
Very nice. Now you can start getting serious. Media blast and powdercoat the frame and swinger. Have some new decals made up. Get that rd350 engine in there, but don't forget to cover up that frame while shoe-horning it in, it is a tight fit. Have you decided on a front end yet. You really need to be getting that together also. Once painted or powdercoated, it will start coming together fast. Great job, keep up the good work.

08-05-2009, 08:30 PM
I know of a guy who might custom make a triple tree for me using just the neck from the ATC250r tree. If he can do it I'll probably use a FZR600 front end with dual disc brakes that I have laying around. I was going to use it on an RD350 but I'm more involved with the trike now. The RD will have to wait.

08-10-2009, 06:24 PM
I just tried an '81-'82 ATC250R triple tree and it wouldn't fit. The stem was to big to fit through the bottom bearing cup, and it was also too short. A minor setback, but at least I know now what won't work.

Bryan Raffa
08-10-2009, 06:34 PM
Atc tim has a KLT springer front end in his rafters... hummm..

I love this big tank and big motor combos!!!