View Full Version : Trikesylvania
- Tri-z Kick start mechanism (0 replies)
- clarke/ims tank for klt 110,160,185 (5 replies)
- Chewed starter gears symptoms? 250 sx/es (5 replies)
- What do you guys use for brake shoes?? (16 replies)
- brand new 350x (42 replies)
- Hard to start with key,but starts with 3 kick. (13 replies)
- Us90 help! (0 replies)
- So who has the best deal on MAIER FENDERS for a 350x (11 replies)
- Changing only the fork oil on 250es? (4 replies)
- Dumb question.... Honda 185s (7 replies)
- my two favorite US90s (5 replies)
- score 2 for the good guy!!! (8 replies)
- atc 185s inner coil help! (3 replies)
- 86 Tri-z and Suzuki alt50 projects (5 replies)
- One way clutch replacement for dummies. (7 replies)
- 3:10 to Yuma (5 replies)
- diff oil in 84 200ES big red? (1 replies)
- yt60 tri zinger fork upgrade, (3 replies)
- 1st gen R brake (0 replies)
- 250r trans lube (9 replies)
- '83 185S tube? (4 replies)
- 4x110 8" rims for 40$"pro wheels' will they fit? (6 replies)
- 350x Tach and Speedometer Video (11 replies)
- New lower price for footpegs in 3ww shop (21 replies)
- 4 trikes at the dunes. Wish I knew what they are (12 replies)
- Found a Ct pipe for my 86 R (6 replies)
- Picked up this 90 (34 replies)
- Neutral switch problem. (7 replies)
- Good Trade? (4 replies)
- what would you guys pay for this 85 r? (19 replies)
- Exhaust springs (3 replies)
- couple questions, (1 replies)
- 350x axle same as 300ex axle? (1 replies)
- carb identification (1 replies)
- Spark Plugs (9 replies)
- 84 200ES Top End Refresh.. (12 replies)
- line of brand trikes (10 replies)
- YTM 200 & 225 modifications upgrades - some things I've done to my 225 dx (18 replies)
- $$ 3 wheeler magazine? (6 replies)
- shifting problem (3 replies)
- 200X wont start/run with choke (11 replies)
- gas tank fitting.. (1 replies)
- Ugliest daily driver contest (0 replies)
- need a upper chain roller for tri z (13 replies)
- 84tecate carb jetting (1 replies)
- picking up an 85 tecate next weekend (3 replies)
- atc 90 with what i think is a aftermarket frame (1 replies)
- Bought another one for my Bday... (18 replies)
- ATC 250R : Exhaust Heat Wrap...Good Idea??? (3 replies)
- Added another ATC 70 to the mix. '85 all original These little guys get addicting... (5 replies)
- 90 Honda 1970??? has balloon tires, original? value? (9 replies)
- WTF, oconto county??!! (4 replies)
- need help finding a part (5 replies)
- Oil changes EVERYTHING! (16 replies)
- Engine revs up to wot by itself? (13 replies)
- 250r crank seals. something doesnt look right! (2 replies)
- P3 x 4! :) (6 replies)
- 86 250R Project (20 replies)
- Carb rebuild kits (3 replies)
- atc 250r pipe and silencer (9 replies)
- atc 250r head gasket (6 replies)
- Is this worth it? (4 replies)
- To Hone or Not to Hone, that is the question... (7 replies)
- 85 330R might come to life this week new pics (7 replies)
- 200x Flat Track Picture Thread..... (158 replies)
- New Movie with 3 wheeler Action! "Dust Up" (10 replies)
- ATC200ES Pickup Coil Grommet?? (0 replies)
- 90/110 fender id help needed (6 replies)
- need more garage space!!! (5 replies)
- 83 250r axle question... axle shot? (0 replies)
- honda 250sx vs. 250es swing arm angle (2 replies)
- Scrambler 250 video footage needed. (2 replies)
- Engine serial number (2 replies)
- this followed me home!!!! (32 replies)
- Tri-Z guru help/suggestions needed (20 replies)
- 86' 250r brake hub removal??? (8 replies)
- DUMBEST Question Ive asked Please look. (5 replies)
- 110 Valve Help (48 replies)
- 200x rear hub delema (7 replies)
- My 1984 200es build thread (15 replies)
- tires and dry rott ? (23 replies)
- more power from 86/87 125m (9 replies)
- Tecate friction plate question (4 replies)
- Videos on how to adjust valves/1984 Honda 200s.. (0 replies)
- Probably Another Stupid 200ES Question (1 replies)
- esr310 powervalve or not? (45 replies)
- my new custom 90 + 110 (15 replies)
- Technical carb question (7 replies)
- KLT Help (11 replies)
- Canadian Egg farmers commercial! (12 replies)
- Sanded and painted my muffler black (pictures) (10 replies)
- NOV. Dirtwheels page 26... (17 replies)
- 86' 250r swinging arm bolt?? (8 replies)
- Quick question... (2 replies)
- 1985 YTZ250N and 1985 ATC 200X (1 replies)
- I just want to give a sincere shout out to Mr Clean (3 replies)
- 1983 185s front forks (1 replies)
- cr 500 linkage swingarm (5 replies)
- heres a great story for ya!! (1 replies)
- atc 250r reed spacer or no? (11 replies)
- My really big red 250 (18 replies)
- found a new front fender (1 replies)
- 350X Broke Frame (3 replies)
- Mr. BOZO's newly acquired Trike!!! (4 replies)
- Look what my brother crammed into MY garage!! (6 replies)
- high temp clear on a polished z engine? (15 replies)
- wrench report phase 2 mods (5 replies)
- My 175r Is doing Well (19 replies)
- Honda 110 exhaust options? (6 replies)
- 350x clutch ? (5 replies)
- 200x wheels and tyres (13 replies)
- Look what I found today. (1 replies)
- 1983 YTM 200K Wont start when engines warm?? (12 replies)
- I need a piston lesson (NEW ? VALVES!)11/14/12 (38 replies)
- galfer custom brake lines? (3 replies)
- Replacement/subsititute cylinder studs for US90? (4 replies)
- 86 250R - Privateer - Updated 2/2014 (43 replies)
- Sprockets and chain (5 replies)
- anyone use one of these on a ATC (3 replies)
- 85 200X Sprocket Hub Play (5 replies)
- 1985 HONDA ATC 350x Carb rebuild kits questions!!! read it, thanks. (6 replies)
- 3WW shop swingarm pivot bushes? (1 replies)
- Ohtsu Pro Vectors still available? (20 replies)
- Atc 70 build (1 replies)
- just picked this up from a buddy of mine finally (26 replies)
- in need of a good 85 250es tank. (0 replies)
- Atc125m air fuel screw (3 replies)
- couple of tri z questions (13 replies)
- Banshee 3wheeler (11 replies)
- 84 300r jetting (3 replies)
- "Quad-Z" Fix or partout... (5 replies)
- Nicholson Motor Choice (9 replies)
- 200x with missile 250r swingarm (16 replies)
- FCR carb what thumb throttle works (1 replies)
- 86' 250r frame gussets / strengthening (0 replies)
- My slow projects thread (24 replies)
- Honda line rack or not?? (6 replies)
- 250R Jumping Head Bolt (0 replies)
- Just gotta share this Newbie,, man he's good... (13 replies)
- Who says you have to have a big 4x4 to get some work done?? (6 replies)
- my new playtoy (4 replies)
- Starting my 86' 250r resto - color scheme??? (11 replies)
- v&m racing (0 replies)
- 200x top end no oil ....... (18 replies)
- Honda ATC250R Vintage Motocross Project, PART 2! (35 replies)
- 86 Tecate 3 questions, please help. Calfab how to ID? Learning about my Barn find!!! (7 replies)
- 200es speedometer. Whats it worth? Pics! (6 replies)
- Maier 350X fender,decal in place of rear garnish? (4 replies)
- Another "what's it worth?" post (12 replies)
- what Front tire pressure do you runs? (1 replies)
- riding lake Diefenbaker shore line (2 replies)
- Tri-Z and In-line Radiator Coolers: Do they work? (16 replies)
- Trikes on the tracks (3 replies)
- 85 Tecate, some more problems! (8 replies)
- New KLT! (0 replies)
- KLT 250 prairie (3 replies)
- Difference between Honda 200 brake cams? (3 replies)
- w clip...200m (2 replies)
- will a 90 motor be a straight swap to 110 frame? (7 replies)
- Alumnium 7 inch wheels for atc 70. (9 replies)
- Cattle-dog (1 replies)
- Project Childhood Fun Almost finished just need Decals! (123 replies)
- 200x Refresh - CALFAB Installed (6 replies)
- Tri-z Durablue Swingarm - Restored! (6 replies)
- RMSTATOR.COM anyone? (6 replies)
- Is my lighting coil bad on my 200s? (2 replies)
- 1986 ATC 200x Idle Issues Help! (10 replies)
- free hp for a tri Z? (36 replies)
- Honda 350X Vintage Motocross Build and Restoration (38 replies)
- atc 250r porting (5 replies)
- 1985 atc 250r 36mm carb or 38mm? (5 replies)
- atc 250r timing advance (4 replies)
- Odd Scrambler problem, failed oil injection? (14 replies)
- Steering Head Noise (3 replies)
- 350x carb :wondering (8 replies)
- ATC70 Air Cleaner to carb rubbers any interest?? (14 replies)
- does anyone know where i can find a 500r honda wing logo? (6 replies)
- Sandblasting and Powder coating (10 replies)
- My Friends 83 185s what's it worth? PIC (4 replies)
- 185s project. looking for facts. (3 replies)
- modded stock expansion chamber (5 replies)
- a 125, 110 swap question (1 replies)
- Sad day. (3 replies)
- Got A New 110! (23 replies)
- Looking for ideas on 350X big bore jetting (14 replies)
- 250r 4 wheeler conversion (10 replies)
- got an sx in boxes for 90$ delivered (2 replies)
- Homemade 3 wheeler work table (9 replies)
- Is it possible to adjust the float height on a 250es/sx/trx? (8 replies)
- 79 ATC 110, can't get it running right. (3 replies)
- gunna start making my own plastics (24 replies)
- 85 125m driving me nuts... (8 replies)
- atc 50? (2 replies)
- best engine choice for an auto x (44 replies)
- Hub Swap (11 replies)
- Excessive steam coming from crankcase vent (3 replies)
- looky what i found in the dumpster at work today! (11 replies)
- Atc 200 e exhaust help , please (4 replies)
- Mechanical Seal Install 250R (8 replies)
- yt 125 with a rack (5 replies)
- brought one home for the good guys today (17 replies)
- anyone with a TIG ? (3 replies)
- pics of my new tri z (6 replies)
- 200X mods anticipation!!! (6 replies)
- 2-stroke pipe rubber mount re attachment?? (2 replies)
- Is Gasket sealant necessary? (4 replies)
- Question about Honda ATC wheel bolt pattern? (3 replies)
- Carb Experts!!!!!! (26 replies)
- stator question (2 replies)
- hondaline fairing (18 replies)
- What is this? (9 replies)
- 310r pwk 39mm and air box delete (2 replies)
- Ok.... Who scored the 87 x tank? (0 replies)
- First year 90cc? PICS (4 replies)
- 70 tank swap question (4 replies)
- 250r stators (0 replies)
- tri z big bore (15 replies)
- 85 Honda 200X Question (4 replies)
- 87 250sx axle no worky in 85 250sx?! (10 replies)
- Suggestions on where to buy beadlock rims please (1 replies)
- 300r Project Pics (10 replies)
- Where to ride in Arizona (phoenix area) (3 replies)
- 85 tri z jetting questions (7 replies)
- tri z brake upgrade? (9 replies)
- Using a dry filter on a two stroke??????? (9 replies)
- tiger,can am rotax help needed! (13 replies)
- Putting 200x case back together transmission question.... (6 replies)
- New pony in the stable. 200X (20 replies)
- Recommend racing rims for me - 250R flat track (10 replies)
- tri-z shifter options. banshee or blaster fit? (5 replies)
- 86 "X" help (9 replies)
- Who is the guy who does the polishing?? (12 replies)
- Just picked up beater 225dx,need some advice (35 replies)
- 350x oil filter?? (5 replies)
- 350x trailprotrailpro and after Pictures (6 replies)
- Arizona, titles and bonds (9 replies)
- "Yamahauler" Starter Cord Length? (3 replies)
- 86 atc125 value? (7 replies)
- 1978 atc70 (17 replies)
- honda 200x kicker Question (1 replies)
- old wiseco catalog?? (0 replies)
- Ezmoneys new 500 Tecate (49 replies)
- Aftermarket tri-z headlight guard (9 replies)
- Another 110 followed me home (2 replies)
- my 85 250R update (6 replies)
- 125M motor replacement (3 replies)
- 83-84 250r super scoops (3 replies)
- What does this Clark tank fit? (16 replies)
- What in the world is this 3 wheeler? (13 replies)
- Why would an automotive plug wire not work on an ATV coil? (14 replies)
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