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Thread: Tpc 450r

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Tpc 450r

    Last edited by ChrisCrash; 10-08-2008 at 08:01 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Looks good. Looks like it ran better than the others you were running against. Are you going to start making a small run of frames? Nice project.
    '85 Cagiva 200
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  3. #3
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    Any questions will have to be answered by Bill. He is at another message board. Can I say the Name? I do know the rider with the red helmet is Chuck, one of our other riders

    Thank You,

  4. #4
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    Being on the line and racing against this machine, I can give my thoughts about it (these are just my opinions, so please - no flames). Upon the first gate drop, it took a MASSIVE holeshot (that is the picture you see above coming out of turn one in front of everyone). Keep in mind though - Holeshots are alot more rider than machine. Regardless - there were two other 450cc 4 stroke trikes in this race. Being as though Smith Road raceway is a really old school race track, I am not sold that this new machine has any handling advantages over a standard 250R on that track. Not saying that on a more hard core track with bigger jumps - I am sure it would really outshine any "dated" ATC250R but in that specific race - the only BIG advantage would be the power and torque curve. Alot can be said about any trike that can run with a 250R on a track and not even change gears!

    It is a great bike for sure. I hope to see more and more of the builds like these in the future. It was a great day to see this bike, Jason Hall's CRF450 based trike, and Derrick Adam's tri-z based 450 all on the same gate.

    good times boys, good times!

    See you all at Summit Indoor. 3 months away
    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Wow very nice! Looks like it rips too Where did the forks come from?
    YTM-200, Wheeling machine!!!

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  6. #6
    Ryan. is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    wow, that is simply the most amazing trike i have yet to see...
    1997 Yamaha YZ250

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    Quote Originally Posted by SWIGIN View Post
    a wise old racer told me years ago you just hold it wide open till you see god.......then shift

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by atctim View Post
    Being on the line and racing against this machine, I can give my thoughts about it (these are just my opinions, so please - no flames). Upon the first gate drop, it took a MASSIVE holeshot (that is the picture you see above coming out of turn one in front of everyone). Keep in mind though - Holeshots are alot more rider than machine. Regardless - there were two other 450cc 4 stroke trikes in this race. Being as though Smith Road raceway is a really old school race track, I am not sold that this new machine has any handling advantages over a standard 250R on that track. Not saying that on a more hard core track with bigger jumps - I am sure it would really outshine any "dated" ATC250R but in that specific race - the only BIG advantage would be the power and torque curve. Alot can be said about any trike that can run with a 250R on a track and not even change gears!

    It is a great bike for sure. I hope to see more and more of the builds like these in the future. It was a great day to see this bike, Jason Hall's CRF450 based trike, and Derrick Adam's tri-z based 450 all on the same gate.

    good times boys, good times!

    See you all at Summit Indoor. 3 months away
    So how did the 450s place in that race? You said the 450 had a power advantage. What more powerful 2-strokes were in that race?
    And as far as handing goes you gotta remember the TRX250R has the same rear suspension as the ATC250R. And still today 250R handling seems to be what other quads are always compared to. What I'm saying is 250Rs handle damn good, but you gotta think the front inverts gotta help on "newer ATCs", I'd say rear suspension is debatable if you update the 250R shock but I'd says the linkage is up to par with anything today or at least close.
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  8. #8
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    well my thoughts on this and Bill knows is that I like it... I will be talking to him next year about my thoughts.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blown 331
    So how did the 450s place in that race?
    Not sure about overall - but heat 1 Jason Hall's 450 came in first

    Quote Originally Posted by Blown 331
    You said the 450 had a power advantage. What more powerful 2-strokes were in that race?
    Kintore's got a power valved 250R with MX port work - and Lou had his CR500 Powered ATC in the race. Keep in mind - on a track like this - a smooth torque curve is what you want - and that is exactly what these new 4 strokes offer.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blown 331
    And as far as handing goes you gotta remember the TRX250R has the same rear suspension as the ATC250R. And still today 250R handling seems to be what other quads are always compared to.
    All 3 of the new 4 strokes are running very expensive rear shocks - like Elkas and the like - not sure on specifics - but high dollar stuff - way better than stock. All 3 I believe are running TRX450 swingers I think. Compared to TRX and 86 ATC250R set ups - they seem kind of "dated"

    Quote Originally Posted by Blown 331
    What I'm saying is 250Rs handle damn good, but you gotta think the front inverts gotta help on "newer ATCs", I'd say rear suspension is debatable if you update the 250R shock but I'd says the linkage is up to par with anything today or at least close.
    I agree - and I am not talking smack on any 250R - heck - that is what I am running - but they are far from what these guys have. When you come off a 60' table top or some big arse doubles - I bottom out my rear shock all the time - these guys may have a tougher time bottoming theirs out. Know what I mean, Jellybean?
    Last edited by atctim; 10-07-2008 at 02:30 PM.
    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  10. #10
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    Overall was Jason Hall in first on his Aluminum framed ATC450r, myself in second on my ATC500r, CORRECTION: Bill took 3rd overall on the TPC450r.

    Please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    I would like to add that everyone raced their guts out that day and there was a few pile ups and some mechanical failure for several people. I would expect the overall to be very different with different circumstances. I know myself placed 6th first moto and then the planets, stars and moons aligned perfectly and lady luck let me take first in moto 2.

    Everyone had an excellent race.
    Last edited by Louis Mielke; 10-08-2008 at 10:08 PM.
    And that's the rest of the story. ~ Paul Harvey

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    "What happened? What does it look like happened?!?!"

  11. #11
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    I had the pleasure of riding the TPC 450 a few weeks back, I think I am still smiling from it. I just went for a few laps around a small practice track but it was a blast. I rode it with the stock swinger and shock and although the shock valveing felt fine to me the short (stock) swinger was a bit harry. Yes the rear of a 250R could be upgraded to match the 450R, but the front is no match. The inverts on the 450R work terrific, I think that is the best upgrade over all. The power of the 450 is great (of course) but personally I don’t need that much (but it’s nice!), it’s the front end that impressed me the most.
    1984 Yamaha YT 60 Tri Zinger(current project)
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  12. #12
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    DAMMIT!!!!!!!!! I hate living in MASS, you guys get all the fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!


    Sorry, I'm just jealous as hell.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dirtcrasher View Post
    DAMMIT!!!!!!!!! I hate living in MASS, you guys get all the fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!
    Pick a holiday next summer (Memorial, July 4, or Labor Day) and hit Smith Road. I guarantee you won't regret it.

  14. #14
    AJZ_200X's Avatar
    AJZ_200X is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Sick machine man Nice fab. work - you definitely got my vote for the nicest trike!

  15. #15
    fabiodriven's Avatar
    fabiodriven is offline Aspiring romance novel cover model, and the Official 3WW slayer of thieves and swindlers. Catch me if you can
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    Quote Originally Posted by keister View Post
    Pick a holiday next summer (Memorial, July 4, or Labor Day) and hit Smith Road. I guarantee you won't regret it.
    I might run that with ya, DC.
    85 Tri-Zinger 60
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