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Thread: Some yamaha 225DX questions

  1. #1
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    Some yamaha 225DX questions

    Hey as yall can see im new I have a 85 yamaha 225DX in sky blue. I bought it running for 500 bucks about 2 years ago. It broke down about a month after I got it and it sat till 2 weeks ago when I finaly fixed it. Problem was trash got in the carb and motor just a simple problem. I have no after market its all stock and I need to clean the plastics. All the plastics are there and in good shape just oxidized. The stickers are long gone and the seat cover writing has worn off along time ago. I have carlisle trail pros on it and they seem like great tires so far. I got a few pics. The one with the kid on it is my little bro after he jumped on when I ran outa gas in the neighbors yard. Sorry for pic size I dunno how to resize on here so any help on that would be great anything I do for resizing in other forums didnt work here. Also the headlight fell out from the screws commign loose without me knowing lost the lens and harness and all so im looking at like from what i figured from OEM close to 60-70 to replace all that. This sucks I dunno where to find it cheaper.

    But I was wondering how to go about straighting the handle bars as they are outa adjustment from a roll over when I first got it. Also what is the best oil to use in the rear diff cause I need to change mine. Also what kinda fuel filters do yall recommend the one I have is a decent one but it restricts flow to much and sometimes running wide open the fuel on the back side to the carb runs out in the line before it can get more through. Also about how much are brakes as mine are past worn I have to downshift to slow down .

    I know its alot of stupid questions but even though ive had the thing for 2 years now I just now decided I wana get the thing in proper shape and care about it. I thought they where stupid when I got it but now I like trikes. I was 16 then 18 now so age shows maturity i guess. I use it for trails and mud thats about it ive learned the hard way that these dont handle speed to well (225DX). I wana get a 200x and a 350x I know where one of each is for sale for 100 bucks one needs a rebuild and one needs tranny work and seats. But id like any info I can get. Thank you in advance to those who help me.
    Last edited by Drifterdude; 09-20-2007 at 11:29 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    As far as the bars go, still a pipe on the end and slowly pull up! Only had to do that once and it worked. Just dont go too far!
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  3. #3
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    well heres is some advice. GET RID OF THE TRAIL PROS....lol they suck horribly and are part of your handling problem. second. take ot to a car wash and use the high pressure to clean the plastics ...it works great. ebay for your headlight. and for a new seat cover pm Mrs Moshman she does AWESOME WORK. and oh yeah to 3ww!!!!

  4. #4
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    Hi Drifter, welcome to 3 Wheeler World!

    I guess you like the mud! Looks like you have a nice machine under there though. As far as questions, that is what we are here for, so fire away.

    For the headlight, look on eBay and post a wanted ad in the classified forum, I’m sure you can find one reasonable priced it just may take some looking.

    As far as the handle bars, as long as they are not kinked you can slip a bar over the end and pull like Kintore suggested. Heating up the bent part with a little torch will help as well.

    Differential oil is a good thing to change, those bearings like fresh oil, I use strait 80 weight gear oil.

    I usually order my fuel filters when I order other parts from www.denniskirk.com. You should be able to find a good filter at a motorcycle shop, sometimes lawnmower and hardware shops have them as well. Just make sure it is installed correctly, most have a direction of flow.

    Brakes are a good thing to have, you have mechanical disk in the rear and mechanical drum in the front. I would take them apart and clean/inspect them, grease the actuator shaft as well. Some times they are good just dirty and not adjusted correctly. If you do need new shoes and pads I would check eBay and denniskirk.
    1984 Yamaha YT 60 Tri Zinger(current project)
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  5. #5
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    I don't know if anyone else noticed, but your left fork tube is bent for sure. It dosn't look like the other one is bent, or bent as bad. Thats why your handlebars are off.
    As far as the headlight goes, like the others said ebay is the way to go. I thik I gave $20 shipped for a nice headlight, and shroud for my old 225dx.
    There is some really good info on polishing faded plastic in the forum if you use the search. There are also reproduction stickers for the blue 225's on ebay most all of the time.

  6. #6
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    I didnt notice the bend in the fork till you said something doughdog. I dunno how I should go about fixing that any ideas?

    Ill check ebay for the light I dont need it other than for a bit of dusk trail riding.

    The comment on the trail pros I diss agree about. I havnt gotten stuck in mud yet and they seem to get me over all the logs and hills and dirt piles I want over.

    The stickers would be good after a polish I was thinking of using mothers polish I read a thread on here somewhere about using it it seems to work realy well.

    And Ill try 80wt gear oil next time i go to the store ill pick some up shouldnt be much I hope what 1 maybe 2 quarts? Ill open my brakes up tonight also and try to see whats going on in there I hope they arnt worn they worked well when I got the thing. I dont abuse it its clean as we speak I wash it after each mud ride to keep it from rusting to much. Im getting ready to repain the frame and engine and all on it after a good sanding or sandblasting which ever I can get done.

    Any more tips. I only get on here during shcool right now my phone lines on my road are dead they cut them when digging the ditches so ill reply again tommarow. Thank you so far.

  7. #7
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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Yeah, I miss my 225. It was fun.

    You're probably going to have to replace the bent tube. I'm sure someone has an extra arround here. I'd post in the classifieds to see if anyone has an extra.

  9. #9
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    Well my lines are fixed 1 day is fast for my phone company.

    Ill try to bend the fork back if can with maybe a lead or stick it between to trees and force it first. If that dont work I may be in for a new purchase for the thing.

    I agree they are fun. Ive got mine stuck 1 time and that was in a pull off in a swamp against some honda 4x4 ended up both of us stuck got toyota to pull us out. I did learn though they are a pain to pull out they like to bog the front tire and try to roll. Next time ill pull it from behind.

    What are a good trail tire other than the ones I got. Im willing when the are worn to try something else. I still got ALOT of tread on these though.

    I think these things have alot of power for there size. It can haul me and my neighbors kid around up and down any hill like its nothing even drop into ditchs slow and climb right out the other side right after they dig them and thats about a 70% angle. We both weigh maybe 160 im 6 foot 2 they are like 5 foot so they are a little stubby.

    My only major concern is opening up the front drum. How hard of a job is it? And if i gota go the way of buying a new left fork about how much am I looking at?

    Sorry for so many ?s I may own the thing and drive it but im still new to these things so any help people are willing to offer or give is greatly apreciated.

    Also anyone got just some general tips and advice for me I love to hear it. Im going to try later when I get a better cam around me like a friends to get some vid and new pics of my riding area. I got a nice private riding area of about 5 acers with trails cut through it on my friends property. Im trying to get my neighbor accross the street to open his property up for me he has about 200 acers of trails for him and his kids on there 4x4s and I want in on it.

  10. #10
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    have a local machine shop straighten it...its pretty cheap
    and dont worry about wearing out the trail wolfs they last longer than most people are alive but a good tire...hmm pretty much anytire thats NOT a trailwolf....i like my super swampers

  11. #11
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    For the gear oil, get the small bottle, the rear only uses about 1/4 of a quart.

    You can try bending the fork tube yourself but I would call around and price out having a shop do it as well, you don’t want to chip or gouge the chrome where the fork seals slide or you will be eating seals. The forks on the 225dx are a little small so having the tube bend is not that uncommon. When you pull off the shock you will have to remove the front axle and tire so you can do your brake job then too.

    If you don't have a repair manual yet I would highly suggest buying on, the Clymer manual is my favorite and is well worth the $25 I usually see them for.

    I have had mixed results with the trail pros, I say if they work for where you ride then keep them. They are a tuff tire they is very puncture resistant and they last forever. The biggest problem I have is they clog up in wet snow but I am guessing that won’t be a problem for you. Most of the time they were ok in the mud for me but sometimes the real sticky stuff would clog them up as well.
    1984 Yamaha YT 60 Tri Zinger(current project)
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  12. #12
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    Ok well for the tires if they last long then Ill keep them for now untill I find something I need better for.

    On bending the forks if its to big a risk to chip something then ill just stick it into some trees and put my weight to work. If that dont work ill call a shop. I got limited funs for right now I gota get by job back. I had to quit to get started with school and they are waiting to fire the guy that was a temp replacement he has a couple projects to finish before he can be dumped.

    Ok I figured the rear would take more than that on oil so then ill just do as you say and get a little. I might as well check the universals on it while im working to. Itll be sometime after 5 saturday before I can start working it got away from me today i had other things to do and tommarow I gota football game and saturday im spending with my fiance till she goes into work at 4.

    I realy want those other 2 trikes the honda I found. If anyone else can come to alabama to get them they can have them they are my friends. They are welcome to sell to anyone who can get them.

    I also found out today my uncle just traded some old mower parts for a kawasaki he belives and some other one he dunno what it is he has to pick them up still. Im going to try to get pics of those just to get some if they are in decent shape.

    There are all kinds of trikes around here rare to fine one that works most are broke down are froze up. But its not hard to fix the broken ones im sure depending on the problems. But I live in andalusia, AL. If anyone lives around or close by let me know we can get together for some riding and I can prob find you some trikes. there used to be a working big red around here but it got crushed by a tree in storm but I dont care for hondas other than racers.

    Also on the rear brakes what do I look for other than them being jamed by dirt. I dunno who said that being to dirty can mess them up even if they are fine but I need some advice on that. I want to know as much as I can before I get dirty with this thing.

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