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Thread: Atc 4 Me

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    San Diego

    Atc 4 Me

    Hello everybody!

    My name is Mike Coe. Once upon a time I used to race ATC's for American Honda's factory ATC racing team. I was very fortunate to be able to race for a living for a number of years.

    It was an incredable time racing ATC's in the early through mid 80's.

    I consider myself very lucky to have been part of the BIG RED TEAM of that era. I raced for Honda for 5 years until they dismantled the team at the end of 1985.

    Even though Honda did race in 1986, ATC racing was unfortunately dying a quick death. It was also a very difficult time for someone who was in the racing prime of his life (me) and didn't know what else to do BUT race!

    I now am the proud father of 3 children. The oldest of which is now 16. She is the one who actually turned me on to this site. I have many fond memories of my days racing ATC's and will happily share them with you.

    Any one that has any questions or needs some info about something please ask. I started out replying to a post by Dean Kirsten, former 3 Wheeling magazine guru. Dean was always a class act whatever he was doing. I wish I could say the same for myself.

    Anyway, hello again. I'll read ya soon I hope. Till then...................

    Last edited by CoeShow; 11-04-2010 at 10:18 PM.

  2. #2
    250rAL is offline Just Too Addicted Arm chair racerJust too addicted
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Mike, do you have any ATV's/ATC's now? How about any cool momentos of your racing days?
    '85 ATC250R
    .030 Over Wiseco
    FMF Pipe/Answer silencer
    36PJ Keihin
    Boyesen reeds
    Magura hydraulic clutch
    Roost Boost
    MSR bars
    OMF swingarm skid
    ITP Beadlocks

    Three Wheelin' Since '84

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Pa.'s Highest City
    This is so awesome! I would like to know how you got started in ATC racing and what was your first impressions of the 81 'ATC 250R? Was that the first trike you raced or did you start off racing in other classes?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Mud hill. close to water !
    Do you still have your trike ?

    welcome to the boards !!
    Currently :

    82 ATC - 200, plain jane, almost mint. ( Sold, 03-17-2005)
    84 ATC - 200 ES, Jimmy-Rigged, don't ask.( Sold, 03-17-2005)
    85 ATC - 250 SX, Pride and Joy, Bottom-Less Money Pit.
    84 125 M - The Mini-SX not running yet. but won't be long.

    The more people i meet.. the more i like my DOG !

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Phoenix, AZ.
    Blog Entries
    Some old racing pics would be great. Do you have any you can post?

  6. #6
    Yardbird's Avatar
    Yardbird is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Clantee, CA SoCal
    Hello Mike,

    It's very nice to hear from someone who was involved with the early days of ATC racing. Are you still involved with the racing scene and do you still keep in contact with some of the other factory Honda riders? Just one more question. What was your favorite type of racing, Baja or on the track? When I saw who the originator of the thread was and before I had read it, I thought no way! Hopefully you still have a 250R parked in your garage. I still prefer to ride on 3 wheels myself and love to ride.....dare I say it......my '86 Tecate!
    1985 ATC350X (Original owner for 21 years and counting!)
    1986 ATC500R W.I.P.

  7. #7
    83200e's Avatar
    83200e is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
    Join Date
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    1st Dean,now Mike Coe.This site just keeps getting better and better.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Slatington PA
    Hey MC

    Glad to meet you and great to hear that a factory Honda 3W guy has joined 3WW!!! I have a few questions.

    OK, we know there are 87 Honda's but do you have any idea if there are some 350X's & 250R's in America? http://www.3wheelerworld.com/87ATCs.shtml

    You have any cool pictures you can post from back then? I know everyone would get a thrill out of that!

    Do you have any pull at Honda yet? If so, tell them to stop crushing our parts and get the molds back out for stock Honda plastic ........or did they crush them too?

    What performace mods did you or rather Honda do to your R? I'm sure alot will be interested in that too!

    Ever run over your foot?
    Last edited by Huffa; 09-15-2005 at 05:12 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Poplar, WI
    Hey Mike. Welcome to the boards here!! lol, as you've read by know, we all wanna SEE PICS. Shoot...all the questions I was going to ask have been asked. Oh well, welcome again...cant wait for the responses!

    1983 250R ~ 1984 125M ~ 1990 POWER WHEELS!! trike

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Fort Worth,Texas (watauga)
    welcome mike....and believe it or not, I`M A FAN!!!...i remember you from back in the day!I started riding ATC`s in `81 and used to read about you in dirt wheels mag....anyway,welcome to the boards and looking forward to hearing some of your stories and hopefully seeing some pics!

    trikes owned:
    1982 ATC 185S
    1983 ATC 185S
    (2) 1984 ATC 185S
    1984 ATC 200M
    (2) 1984 ATC 200S
    (3) 1984 ATC 200X
    made one an auto-x,easy swap
    1985 ATC 250R (stolen!...the bastards!...it was mint!)

    own now:
    1985 ATC 250R (running)
    1986 ATC 250R(parts bike)
    1984 ATC 250r w/ 280cc kit in it(pretty rough-needs TLC)
    1984 ATC 200s (running)
    1982 ATC 185s (running)
    (2)1984 ATC 200s(parts)
    1984 ATC 70 (parts)
    1983 ATC 70(off ebay-running)
    1985 ATC 70 (running)
    198? ATC 70 (running)
    1984 ATC 200x (running)(have made it an auto-x until i rebuild the top end of the X motor)
    1985 ATC 200x roller(gonna make another auto-x)

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    welcome mke..glad to see you on the site. i cant wait to hear some good old 3 wheeler stories
    1985 Honda 350X - a lot of performance stuff, everything but a cam, hope to get one soon
    1984 Honda 200ES
    198? Yamaha YT60 Tri-Zinger
    TrikeFest '04 & '07 Survivor

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    San Diego
    Hello all!
    I'll try to answer all of the questions that I can. I am currently working with an old friend that has an 85 ATC250R that I want to fix up like my old short course racer from back then. I still have almost all of the momentos and trophies from my racing days.

    I got started racing ATC's around 1976. My brother Sam actually got the bug first, and got me into it. Tommy Gaian and I were neighbors and closer in age, but Tommy and my brother were actually closer as far as friendship.

    I first started racing in the 138cc class on a modified ATC 90. I was "blown away" like most everybody else when I first saw and rode the 1981 ATC250R. My brother still has his 81!

    I have been in contact and ridden recently with Donny Luce. I talk with Curtis Sparks every now and then and stop by when I'm in the Bakersfield area. I see Tommy Gaian occaisionally too. I saw Wax a few years ago and people tell me they see Wax around.

    I enjoyed ALL the different types of racing that I did on three wheelers. I felt the most rewarding overall was the short course racing like the Baja Cross series that was held at Saddle Back Park back then.

    After winning an AMA national held in Colorado Springs in 1985, I approached the Pikes Peak racing commitee about racing a 3 wheeler at Pikes Peak. They said no. They were in the middle of a 10 year ban of racing motorcycles on the hill.

    They did allow ATV's to race along with motorcycles starting again in 1993. My brother and I put together a Banshee with the help of many others (even Jimmy White helped) And we went up there and won the event. I had retired from racing in 1998 before the birth of my first child. I came out of retirement because I always had this "empty spot" . I just had to "Race to the clouds!"

    Well, we went there and won! We even beat the current ATV champ!

    This win was very special because of my direct involvement with my brother Sam. He really busted his butt for this event. People still tell me that our time is still a record for the 350cc class.

    I have quite an assortment of pictures, but no proper equipment to down load to this site. Maybe soon.

    Do I have any pull at Honda? No. But, my mechanic from my Honda days is now the Honda Racing Team Manager. Good for you Chuck!

    Our ATC's were modified of course, but to be honest, the performance of my 250R's from my final year with Honda (1985) wasn't quite as good as when I ran DG Performance equipped trikes. Honda hired Paul Turner to perform all of the engine mods "in house" and all team members had to run Paul Turner cylinders and pipes, NO Exceptions. A problem that soon developed was that Steve Carter (Marty Harts mechanic) and Paul Turner were good buddies.

    Almost immediately Paul, Steve, and Marty Hart were their own team, within the team, if you will. All of my former sponsors, including DG Performance, Bel-Ray, Sidi, Tsubaki, and others, I had to sever ties with, or not be able to ride for Honda. It was very difficult.

    The biggest problem for me was that the parts (cylinders and pipes) that Chuck received from Paul Turner were always slow. ALL of the testing was done with Marty first. They would test for days all kinds of new set up's and combo's. Once they were happy with what they had, they would run the fastest stuff, and then give the "left over" stuff to Chuck for us to test and race with.

    Needless to say, I never had anything worth a **** ALL season. I was still winning races, but more with talent than fast bikes thats for sure.

    EXCEPT ONCE!! San Jose National, 1985.

    I may write about the TOTAL fiasco that was San Jose National 1985 some day. What a total disgrace. If I would have had a gun then, I might be in prison now.

    Yes I have run over my feet. Not regularly mind you, but it happened.
    I hope this answers some of your questions.

    Keep em coming.

    Last edited by CoeShow; 11-04-2010 at 10:26 PM. Reason: typo's and punctuation

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Tionesta, PA

    Welcome to the site - I'm sure I can speak for everyone here when I say it is really cool to have an "old school super star" aboard the board. Just a few questions -

    Was the 350X every a major player in motocross - I know the majority was 250R's and other two strokes, but did anyone ever give the 350X a jolly run of it?

    Do you plan to restore or rebuild any trikes soon?

    Will you be interested in attending Trikefest '06?

    Thanks in advance for you replies.

    ATC Tim
    RIP - Yamahondaman!! You will never be forgotten!
    RIP - Sam Brehm!! Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    RIP - Sandpuppi101 - You will live on in my mind - I miss you friend!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Mud hill. close to water !
    I'm sure we have other members in the San Diego area... ANYONE with a scanner ?!!!!
    Currently :

    82 ATC - 200, plain jane, almost mint. ( Sold, 03-17-2005)
    84 ATC - 200 ES, Jimmy-Rigged, don't ask.( Sold, 03-17-2005)
    85 ATC - 250 SX, Pride and Joy, Bottom-Less Money Pit.
    84 125 M - The Mini-SX not running yet. but won't be long.

    The more people i meet.. the more i like my DOG !

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Slatington PA
    Quote Originally Posted by CoeShow
    Hello all!

    I have quite an assortment of pictures, but no scanner or proper equipment to down load to this site. Maybe soon.

    Some of the moderators on here will gladly downsize them and install on here.

    Just find out who and blast them a email with some pics.

    Anyone know who it is?

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