Edit- there is no warning. I was a complete idiot and falsely accused Service Honda of selling the wrong parts.
I just bought some OEM fork boots for $65 from Service Honda and I got Daystar's packaged up with OEM part numbers on them. I didn't know that this was not an OEM boot because they were the exact same boot that I already had on my 1986 ATC250R - and I had no reason to believe that they were not original due to the general condition of the boots with all the other components of the three wheeler.
Thanks to 3WW I now find out I did not get what I ordered, so I called them and asked. The guy said that Honda sometimes replaces OEM stuff with aftermarket and they have seen this happen with a few other items. I expressed my concern about the accuracy of restorations when the OEM parts you are ordering aren't even OEM? He didn't have much to say other than sorry.
Personally, I like the Daystar boots just fine. But I don't like (a) possibly paying too much for an aftermarket boot that I didn't have to go to a parts counter for and (b) not getting what I ordered. I don't know if this is a problem with Service Honda, or Honda Corp, or if I'm just being taken advantage of, but I wanted to make you folks aware of my experience.