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Thread: honest mistake about buying new Honda 250R fork boots

  1. #1
    Micahdogg's Avatar
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    honest mistake about buying new Honda 250R fork boots

    Edit- there is no warning. I was a complete idiot and falsely accused Service Honda of selling the wrong parts.


    I just bought some OEM fork boots for $65 from Service Honda and I got Daystar's packaged up with OEM part numbers on them. I didn't know that this was not an OEM boot because they were the exact same boot that I already had on my 1986 ATC250R - and I had no reason to believe that they were not original due to the general condition of the boots with all the other components of the three wheeler.

    Thanks to 3WW I now find out I did not get what I ordered, so I called them and asked. The guy said that Honda sometimes replaces OEM stuff with aftermarket and they have seen this happen with a few other items. I expressed my concern about the accuracy of restorations when the OEM parts you are ordering aren't even OEM? He didn't have much to say other than sorry.

    Personally, I like the Daystar boots just fine. But I don't like (a) possibly paying too much for an aftermarket boot that I didn't have to go to a parts counter for and (b) not getting what I ordered. I don't know if this is a problem with Service Honda, or Honda Corp, or if I'm just being taken advantage of, but I wanted to make you folks aware of my experience.

    Last edited by Louis Mielke; 01-09-2012 at 07:00 PM.
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  2. #2
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    honda nor anyother mfg. replaces an oem part # with an aftermarket part. I have heard some good about service honda but just as much bad

  3. #3
    Matrix's Avatar
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    I guess you got your money back right? Or at least the difference?

  4. #4
    Micahdogg's Avatar
    Micahdogg is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    I'll contact them on Monday about a refund of the difference. The best I can tell, I got "58" series 15-2304 from the Tucker Rocky Offroad cataloge on their site. Those boots are $15.95 each vs. the $31 each I paid for OEM.
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  5. #5
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    SHADY!! good thing you caught it, and hopefully get them for half what you paid! good luck on the refund! did you already install them?

  6. #6
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    Honda wouldn' replace OEM with aftermarket. they'd either say its not available anymore, or give you the interchangeable one (I.e. you ask for a 200x boot and they give you an OEM fitting one from a dirtbike.)
    '86 200x Always ready to ride

  7. #7
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    Honda would never rebadge aftermarket parts with there name on it , in fact i beleive service honda could get in big trouble with there honda franchise by doing so . very shady stuff

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micahdogg View Post
    I just bought some OEM fork boots for $65 from Service Honda and I got Daystar's packaged up with OEM part numbers on them. I didn't know that this was not an OEM boot because they were the exact same boot that I already had on my 1986 ATC250R - and I had no reason to believe that they were not original due to the general condition of the boots with all the other components of the three wheeler.

    Thanks to 3WW I now find out I did not get what I ordered, so I called them and asked. The guy said that Honda sometimes replaces OEM stuff with aftermarket and they have seen this happen with a few other items. I expressed my concern about the accuracy of restorations when the OEM parts you are ordering aren't even OEM? He didn't have much to say other than sorry.

    Personally, I like the Daystar boots just fine. But I don't like (a) possibly paying too much for an aftermarket boot that I didn't have to go to a parts counter for and (b) not getting what I ordered. I don't know if this is a problem with Service Honda, or Honda Corp, or if I'm just being taken advantage of, but I wanted to make you folks aware of my experience.

    NOT Honda!! Trust me.. VERY<VERY Shady business. They knew EXACTLY what you ordered,,and they know EXACTLY WHAT ,they shipped you ! Very dirty.
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    I am turning my PM's Off,my Email is billsracing@hotmail.com,put 3WW in the subject. Thanx!

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  9. #9
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    WOW, thats amazing. Thats not the Service Honda I know. Could have been a choice by the shipper, who knows; But what they explained to you was an outright lie.

    I guess there discontinued now too..........
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  10. #10
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    Update - I just talked to "Pooh" at Service Honda and explained what I ordered and what I got. He said the same thing as far as them not being responsible for picking the parts, but rather they get what shows up. I'm not entirely sure how the process works. But in the end, he was concluding that someone may have ordered those boots, and returned the package with Daystars. Then next time someone ordered OEM boots, these showed up because no one ever caught it.

    I don't know who was at fault or if they are feeding me another line of sh*t. But he asked if I could take a picture of the OEM bags I got, the fork boots that I got and then another picture of a true OEM fork boot and email it all to him. And he would try to find out what happened and make it right.

    In the meantime, does anyone have a good picture of an OEM 86 ATC250R fork boot?
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  11. #11
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    Sounds like a line. But,what Pooh's saying,,,with their amount of business would be possible. And VERY easily traceable on Their computer...Which leads to the very obvious question. Was the package OPEN or sealed when YOU received it : )
    Please help those who cannot help themselves.

    ALWAYS buying Museum quality machines,3 and 4 wheels. And any and ALL ,NOS parts,EVERY brand.

    I am turning my PM's Off,my Email is billsracing@hotmail.com,put 3WW in the subject. Thanx!

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  12. #12
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  13. #13
    Micahdogg's Avatar
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    Ok, no more crack for me. I went to take pictures and.............

    The old boots are daystars for sure. I don't know how I got so confused. So I guess this story ends with me being an idiot and now off to call Service Honda for an apology. It probably would have helped if I knew what OEM looked like from the beginning - and not now at the end.
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    2001 Indian Scout
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  14. #14
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    Wow, you need to do something with that head of yours

    Don't jump the gun so quick next time, Pooh might remember you!

    Daystars look way different and like crap IMHO.........
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  15. #15
    gus's Avatar
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    When you were talking to the guy on The phone you should of said f@k can I get some vasalean lol. Just trying to make some laughs lol. But no doupt that would suck not receiving an o.e.m part that you hopping to get and turns out they ripped you off and give you an aftermarket part? !!

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