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Thread: 84. ascott 500

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    new mexico

    84. ascott 500

    Hello all. Well recently I found a rather large collection of trikes. I bought the 250rtires as you can see in my other post no.There are are no 350x,s unfortunately but there is a ascott 500 1984 I believe does anyone remember these they were built from xl 500 endures by ascot out of callifornia I believe.I've tried to get pictures but the guy is starting to loose his mind and thinks I am a government agent or something everytime I pull out my phone to take a pic he starts yelling anne ask me to leave.It is a delicate situation he has no family and is dying from cancer..I don't take advantage of him at all and offer a fair price but he is asking $5000 for the ascot and I don't know if its worth it any ideas? Thanks Damen

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Leander TX
    $5k for a Honda FT500 Ascott? Um, no. $500 maybe...


    Maybe I misunderstood and you're looking at a custom framed, true race bike with an XL/XR 500 engine. Possible, but I bet you're looking at a plain Jane 500 Ascott.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by zukdude View Post
    I've tried to get pictures but the guy is starting to loose his mind and thinks I am a government agent or something everytime I pull out my phone to take a pic he starts yelling anne ask me to leave.
    have you tried to tell him the pics are for the historical value and documentation? so even if he doesn't want to sell maybe putting it that way he might be a little more open to things.
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    Quote Originally Posted by swampthang View Post
    Got to love that search button. Faster then a liquid R.

  4. #4
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    The cleanest FT500 I've seen on the west coast has been just under 2000 and that's the Honda street bike. If I remember correctly there was an authentic circle track FT500 racer in the Phoenix area a couple of months ago and it was around 3500, I think.

    But if you saw the bike you'd know weather it was a racer or a street bike.

  5. #5
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    May 2011
    I don't think the op is talking about the failed streetbike ascott. but a custom trike made by ascot. I have never heard of them nor do I know chit about hondas but if you read his post ......

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by ben6626 View Post
    I don't think the op is talking about the failed streetbike ascott. but a custom trike made by ascot. I have never heard of them nor do I know chit about hondas but if you read his post ......
    So your point is what?

    Oh, I'm sorry I missed it.

    Quote Originally Posted by ben6626 View Post
    I have never heard of them nor do I know chit about hondas ......
    Below in not your average, run of the mill street bike and it does have an ascott FT500 motor in there.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	474366896_y3UCC-M.jpg 
Views:	199 
Size:	124.6 KB 
ID:	137259  
    Last edited by RapidRick; 12-11-2011 at 01:18 AM.

  7. #7
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    You are correct it is a trike built by ascot not the street bike. I have done some research and found they only built 23from of them.But im not sure I want to pay $5k

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    SE CA Dez in the sandbox
    Well that's really interesting now.

    A trike, huh.????

    A conventional trike or a sidehack?

    No wonder the guy is paranoid, I wonder what you've stumbled onto???

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by RapidRick View Post
    So your point is what?

    Oh, I'm sorry I missed it.
    Maybe you should read the original post a second time... "... built from a XL500 ..."

    With that being said... I know alot of guys on here know alot, but at the same time I'm pretty confident there isn't one of them that knows it all... (like it or not that's an all inclusive statement)
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  10. #10
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    84 ascot are V30 twin motor so they are VT500,the ft500 is 1982-83 model,with the similar motor based on the 1980-81-82 xl500

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  11. #11
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    Yep and the FT500 was an electric start.

    Oh, you memories collectively are obviously better than mine. I don't remember an "Ascot" company in southern California, but a race track in Gardena, California called "Ascot Park" a famous dirt track raceway where I watched several AMA GNC races before it closed in 1990.
    Last edited by RapidRick; 12-11-2011 at 01:50 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Cool it is a trike

    It is built using the xl 500500 frame engine and gas tank every thing else is from a 200x except the back fenders are fiberglass I remember drooling over one in phoenix az at camelback honda dealer. Sorry for the grammar my spell check is going crazy

  13. #13
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    It's exactly the motor I have in my 500X

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    1986 ATC250R
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    1981 ATC70
    1984 ATC70
    1985 ATC70
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    1986 ATC250SX FATCAT

  14. #14
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    SE CA Dez in the sandbox
    Thanks for the clarification Zukedude. Those are strong motors I've got several of them from XL XR FT bikes and have and do run them in trikes.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    new mexico
    Thank you I agree they are great motors I've had several.this bike is extremely rare I know but I don't think 5k rare plus im a rider not much of a collector the rear fenders are fiberglass is what scares me the most I will try my best to get pictures

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