I was holding off on getting this but I am one of those guys that cant stand to see a trike rot away. After watching the old Yamaha commercial I figured it was worth it
The story is the previous owner spray bombed it black so it would go better un-noticed to law enforcement in helicopters as he tended to his crops. You know how we do it over here in Oregon.Maybe he was inspired by the farmers in the commercial! Anyways, it apparently ran 5+ years ago when parked. It appears to be very complete and so far the tires aired up and the parking brake works
It also has the original air cleaner. I cant wait to strip all this paint and get it running. I need help on the VIN, I tried the decoder with no luck 4U3-005852. And any advice you guys got would be sweet too! Oh yeah, almost forgot the best? part, got it for the low price of free. If I keep this one I am going to have a strange trike collection