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Thread: YT125 rescue

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Gold Hill, OR

    YT125 rescue

    I was holding off on getting this but I am one of those guys that cant stand to see a trike rot away. After watching the old Yamaha commercial I figured it was worth it

    The story is the previous owner spray bombed it black so it would go better un-noticed to law enforcement in helicopters as he tended to his crops. You know how we do it over here in Oregon. Maybe he was inspired by the farmers in the commercial! Anyways, it apparently ran 5+ years ago when parked. It appears to be very complete and so far the tires aired up and the parking brake works It also has the original air cleaner. I cant wait to strip all this paint and get it running. I need help on the VIN, I tried the decoder with no luck 4U3-005852. And any advice you guys got would be sweet too! Oh yeah, almost forgot the best? part, got it for the low price of free. If I keep this one I am going to have a strange trike collection

    Joker 90
    1970 Honda US90- aquarius blue
    1981 Yamaha YT125
    1986 Yamaha Big Wheel 80
    1986 Kawasaki Tecate KXT500
    1987 Kawasaki KXT250B2
    2005 Yamaha YFZ450

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just below the bridge, Michigan
    You'll have a blast with it. I got a YT175 and they are awesome. A little different at first with all the weight to the back but they are so light, peppy and fun. I picked up a genuine service manual for the YT175 on tradebit.com. MonroeMike has a the condensed service data for the YT125. They are great trikes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Monroe MI

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Des Moines, IA
    Funny you should say that about the VIN. Everyone says that the Yamahas should have a 17 digit or similar VIN just like the Hondas, but on my YTM225DX, the only number on the front tube is 29U-001748. I'd love it if someone could explain that.

    I was thinking how hideous it looked, but then I realized it was mostly the paint, and the fact that it was free...I would have snagged it too! Good luck. Keep us posted on how the project goes.
    Quote Originally Posted by fabiodriven View Post
    God knows they're not looking to make any effort to do anything, never mind move their foot to shift. If there was something that dispensed Cheetos every time they shifted that might be a different story. Welcome to America, where the biggest is best and even fat people who are too lazy to shift can climb a mountain.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Gold Hill, OR
    Thanks guys! I appreciate it. Worked on it a little this morning and to my surprise someone had emptied the tank before they put it away!! What luck. So after a quick carb clean, it fired right up! I hope my neighbors aren't too mad about the smoke cloud that went their way Now onto making it look like new again. Looks like all I need is the grab bar/tail light and an air cleaner. (the original turned to dust) Man its going to take a long time to get the black paint off

    Joker 90
    1970 Honda US90- aquarius blue
    1981 Yamaha YT125
    1986 Yamaha Big Wheel 80
    1986 Kawasaki Tecate KXT500
    1987 Kawasaki KXT250B2
    2005 Yamaha YFZ450

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just below the bridge, Michigan
    I have read about soda blasting for smaller delicate parts. Maybe it would work to take paint of old plastics?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Wichita, Kansas
    Dunno if paint thinner would harm the plastics(Doubt it), but gasoline or carb cleaner can lift that paint extremly well.
    I just wanna go fast. If your not first, your last!!
    Reproducing the Tecate CDI. Contact me if you need one. I'm most accessible on FaceBook. You can find me on the 1984-1987 Kawasaki Tecate KXT250 Group.

  8. #8
    tri-shee is offline At The Back Of The Pack Arm chair racerAt the back of the pack
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    Nov 2002
    Great find on the yt-125 . I have 1980 yt-125 that i restored . You can use auto strip paint remover in a aersol can . You can get it at the auto parts store . Have fun with the clean up on the old tri-moto and Merry Christmas .

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    South Wales, U.K.
    LOL, SO IT MUST BE MY FAULT YOU GOT IT THEN!! i posted the vid of the yamaha advertisement!!

    Don't put thinners on the plastics it'll eat into it, i'd try a pressure washer first it'll probably blow half of that paint off!!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    just below the bridge, Michigan
    That's why I was thinking soda blasting on a lower PSI would work. Seems like most chemical paint strippers could mess up the plastic. On the video of soda blasting they used it to clean the inside of a carb. So it must be pretty gentle.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    just below the bridge, Michigan
    That video you posted also convinced me to re-jet the YT175 for winter rather than just putting it away. And man am I ever glad I took it out in the snow.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    South Wales, U.K.
    I'm inbetween trikes at the moment i've got a quad for sale so soon as it goes i'm getting another 3 wheeler!!!! can't wait!
    I keep watching trike vids and it's driving me nuts!! LOL!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    My son rode his 80' YT (which was pretty worn) for nearly 5 years. That little 2-stroke sounds cool and runs good. I know of one original 81' YT125 on the Blackfoot reservation an old rodeo buddy of mine has I think in o.k. shape we may still nab this year. They kinda beat ya to death, but I always wanted to hook up to a deck mower and small trailor for yard work. Cool little trikes, and free is a great deal, good salvage!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 027.jpg   030.jpg  
    83' 200x (son's). 85' 200 auto-x & 85' 125m (daughters). 84' Tecate(?). 85' KXT Tecate (mine!, mine!, mine!.)+ some others but don't feel like typing them in.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Gold Hill, OR
    Whoever was putting oil in this thing must have been doing it from on top of a ladder, what a mess. I loaded it up and took it to my works shop where I had the use of a serious pressure washer. The paint was way tougher then I thought it would be. I had the pressure washer on the hottest setting and it would almost rather melt the plastic away than take the paint off. I thought I would share the progress.

    Its clean but it could really use some new plastic, and of course I still need to rebuild my seat. The spark plug cap broke so I had to buy a new NGK cap- so now I have $3.95 into it

    Joker 90
    1970 Honda US90- aquarius blue
    1981 Yamaha YT125
    1986 Yamaha Big Wheel 80
    1986 Kawasaki Tecate KXT500
    1987 Kawasaki KXT250B2
    2005 Yamaha YFZ450

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    just below the bridge, Michigan
    That thing is a steal. Did just the pressure washer take all the paint off the plastics? Doesn't look too bad at all in the pictures. I have seen posts where people wet sand them to get scratches out and it makes them look really close to new.

    From the looks of it they could have been using the submersion method to fill the oil tank, just dunk the entire machine and wait for the bubbles to stop.

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