What the difference, they are under different parts number in the catalog, and i ordered the one for the 200s instead of the 200, just wonder which gaskets are different?
What the difference, they are under different parts number in the catalog, and i ordered the one for the 200s instead of the 200, just wonder which gaskets are different?
-84 Honda ATC 200s("Rustored")
-85 Honda 250SX
-85 Honda 250ES
-2017 CRf1000L (all ADVed out?
I figured it out
-84 Honda ATC 200s("Rustored")
-85 Honda 250SX
-85 Honda 250ES
-2017 CRf1000L (all ADVed out?
78 atc 90/180cc Dickson Full Suspension
76 ATC90/180cc Nicholson
77 atc 90 Dickson Full Suspension
84 KLT 110/123cc Powroll Racer from 80s
87 atc 125m stock
84 atc 200x Curtis Sparks
84 atc 200x Powroll My race bike from 80's
83 atc70/108cc Powroll blue Xmas Special
81 atc185s HP-ATC full suspension
Performance Shop is Open PM me for Service
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Thanks buddy
I thought the S series didn`t start till 84? I have an 83 and i thought it was a reg 200.
I thought they made the 185s and 200 in 1983. My bike says 1983 on the sticker on the frame and its a std 200.